• Member Since 4th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2021

Siren Bliss

I love reading stories and books. My character is a guest in Calm Wind's stories. PlayBitz is my real-life husband. Yes, I am a real person. ;)

More Blog Posts10

  • 329 weeks
    New character sheet!

    By https://www.deviantart.com/selective-yellow

    Me and hubby will be hitting a pony con soon so time to get my character sheet updated.

    Here is Bliss with updated cutie mark and her stage Ponysona, Midnight Melody!

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    0 comments · 282 views
  • 430 weeks
    Happy Birthday to Me!

    I'm 30 now!

    In the eyes of my students, I am now old.
    My 20's are over.
    But life is good. :twilightsmile:

    24 comments · 410 views
  • 463 weeks

    Apparently everypony wanted more photos of me and Bitz's wedding, so HERE YA GO!!!!

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    24 comments · 551 views
  • 464 weeks
    No Longer a Bride....

    Now I'm a Wife!

    PlayBitz and I were married on the 16th of January and it was a beautiful wedding!

    Now comes all the paperwork with the name change! ;)

    Honestly, it was an amazing day and I have a husband to show for it!

    9 comments · 351 views
  • 484 weeks

    2 comments · 346 views

MOAR WEDDING PHOTOS!!! · 11:13am Jan 21st, 2016

Apparently everypony wanted more photos of me and Bitz's wedding, so HERE YA GO!!!!


Comments ( 24 )

Those flowers are gorgeous! What are they? **shamelessly taking notes for her own wedding planning** :twilightsheepish:

Blimey! I oughtta say that that's a great looking wedding down under, mayte!

Looks like a fun time :twilightsmile:

I love that dress!

Looks like you had a great time.

Oooh, nice pictures!
Also, PB is a giant. You're that tall next to him. Conclusion; you're both giants.
People: You're just short.

Mostly hydrangea with white roses, agapanthus and Singapore orchids (because they are my favourite)

I WAS wearing heels. Granted, they were kitten heels cause I hate heels. Would you believe I'm the short one in my family?

Americans should not attempt to speak Australian. Ever.
You are lucky I like you.


Dohohohohohoho :pinkiecrazy:

Us silly americans with our imperial measurement system, our toilets that spin the other way, and our american football with a 'ball' that's clearly shaped like an egg.

Mostly cause we have one of the most difficult accents in the world to imitate without sounding like your mocking us. It's the flat 'a' that most have trouble getting.

And our toilet spins the opposite direction and we have an egg shaped game too. It's called Rugby. Except our guys don't wear padding.


indeed, i will admit the Australian accent is hard to get right. I usually end up making it sound too cockney British or i fall short of putting the right amount of accent in.

I've only met one Australian in the past and i was so surprised to hear just how wrong i had it when hearing them for the first time.


Doing a dirty British accent that has no distinct regional claim is way easier than an Australian accent. You can fool someone with a bad British accent. Not so easy with an Australian.


Yes, Rugby.

But even though im american i've always found it funny that we call it FOOT... BALL...

when we mostly use our hands in the game and it's shaped like an egg.

I shall forever call it... HandEgg now...




Duly noted... I'm just having a HUGE issue finding flowers that are a nice blue without going fabric/fake...

My florist told me the trick is to have a lot of soft blues with a few really bright ones to set it off. Also, having a good frame. I used Dusty Miller

Congratulations Bliss :heart: Nothing say "Together forever, now lets go on an adventurer" than signing your wedding certificate with a Sonic Screwdrive and kissing in front of the Tardis door.:raritystarry::twilightsmile:

THANK YOU!!! **grabs suggestions and sends them off to her mom and aunt**

My colors are predominantly blue and gold, so I'm likely going to throw in yellow roses instead of white... but that's me... And my dress is gonna be blue so I have to worry about that... :twilightoops:

Beware of incoming PM!

If your dress is blue, you may want to do a different colour of flowers, otherwise it can be over done. Perhaps white flowers, with some blue accents and wrapped with gold ribbon?

Unbeliveable! I'm the shortest in my family too (and hate heels too :rainbowlaugh:). My older brother is as tall as PB. Yes. The height difference is uncanny. That's how it goes when half of your family consists of tall people and the other half consists of short people. :rainbowderp:

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