Through a series of mishaps, you find yourself splitting the bill with three flat-chested siren girls. Fresh out of high school and into college, your life was already going to be difficult. Now, you have to deal with three sirens as roommates.
Since I don't wanna rush the finale to Twilight's current arc and the start of the finale, I wanna take a week off to make sure I can make it the best it can be.
Originally I was gonna just redo the original Pinkamenas 1-7, but I decided to fully dive into Pinkie's psyche as she goes from a pony wanting to make everyone laugh into the murderous pink mare. I'm going for a more real descent into madness with this one so hopefully this ends up even better than my original Pinkamena series.
So, episodes 3 + 4 are finished and episode 6 is already done as well, and 7 is almost done. Since I'm getting ahead, I've changed the release day of new uploads to SATURDAY! If I get further ahead, I may end up doing two a week. But only if I can get enough done for a steady release and no more weekly/yearly hiatuses.
if something good comes and the ponies are anthrop or normal pony
If this gets posted on May 15th, I'm gonna flip out. Reason? I'll say when it is the 15th.
HoH Boy! ⚆ _ ⚆
Oh My! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)