
Viewing 1 - 20 of 397 results

Youtube Channel! · 8:39pm Jul 18th, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, I said the other day about making a youtube channel. Well... I did! And I would love to ask you people if you could subscribe to my channel right away, and soon, there will be videos of me listing amazing facts from various subjects! My first video will certainly be Disney facts! So, if you please, subscribe to my channel. It's gonna give you the smarts! FACT.

Report MyLittleGeneration · 295 views · #FACT

A fun fact about me · 6:28pm Feb 23rd, 2020

First: I don't like cake.

Second: Never in my entire life have I held hands with a girl.

I'll let that sit for a bit.

Report Ribe_FireRain · 197 views · #Fact.

Trixie Facts #3 · 1:05am Aug 6th, 2016

- Starlight tried to take Trixie's Cutie Mark. Instead she just got a second one.
- Trixie can perform all of Twilight's numbered spells. #63 is how she created Quibble Pants.
- Trixie released Nightmare Moon because Celestia's sun celebration upstaged her show.
- The Tree of Harmony chest originally contained Trixie's spare cape. She picked the locks and took it back to keep Twilight from having it.

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Report DrakeyC · 540 views · #Trixie Facts

Trixie Facts #4 · 12:41pm Aug 12th, 2016

Everything you ever needed to know about Trixie and didn't know you needed to know it.

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Report DrakeyC · 587 views · #Trixie Facts

Trixie Facts #5 · 3:43pm Jan 24th, 2017

- Trixie built the Camp Everfree dock by herself. She also built every other structure there.
- Trixie was once wrapped in a changeling cocoon. She opened it and walked out.
- Princess Luna once accused Trixie of copying her cutie mark. Trixie responded by sending her on a "vacation" to the moon.
- The difference between God and Trixie? One of them is infallible, and the other lacks a cape.
- Trixie has done everyone in both worlds. Including herself. Twice.

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Report DrakeyC · 483 views · #trixie facts

Random Facts #11 · 8:00pm Feb 13th, 2017

RadioShack has existed for over 100 years, and survived multiple bankruptcies.

Glass is actually an extremely viscous liquid, but does indeed flow.

Oil is NOT made of the liquified remains of dinosaurs. In reality, its actually decayed plant and microorganism matter. Actual flesh from dinosaurs would rot away too quickly to become oil.

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Random Facts #71 · 9:34pm Apr 19th, 2017

"Rare Earth Metals" are actually quite abundant. They're rare because typically, they're hard to smelt from ores, and the aforementioned ores don't occur anywhere in high densities.

Aluminum was once worth more than gold and silver during the middle ages.

Gold is highly resistant to tarnish because it rarely, if ever, bonds with any other element.

Copper is one of the best thermal conductors known to humanity.

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Random Facts #100 · 9:40pm May 24th, 2017

Apple's first attempt at creating a laptop was ultimately a flop. Their second try, however...

The Pentium 4 was known for its notorious overheating issues, and so Intel actually backtracked their technology with the advent of the Core lineup-- based on the Pentium 3, rather than 4.

Bluetooth operates over a serial interface, and is thus often easy to use as a simple wireless communication standard.

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Random Facts #14 · 2:15pm Feb 16th, 2017

Hot dog buns were invented by a sausage cart owner who realized that bread had an excellent use for holding hot sausage. Search it up if you'd like.

Autocorrect and phone keyboards are just as horrible as always. I had to go back through this blog and manually fix several words myself.

Humans are one of the only organisms that drink milk from other mammals daily.


Random Facts #99 · 3:39am May 23rd, 2017

Single core CPUs actually seem to run Android just fine.

In many computers now, it's no longer the CPU that limits performance, but rather the Hard Drive, the RAM, or the GPU.

Dual layer DVDs literally have two layers, with the second data layer embedded just underneath the main data layer.

USB was originally a low-speed, low-bandwidth bus.

Thunderbolt is a connection standard developed by Intel and Apple to support an external PCI-E connection.


Random Facts #95 · 10:56pm May 18th, 2017

Windows 95 brought about the beginnings of the Start Menu, Taskbar, and several other elements of the GUI that still exist in modern versions of Windows. (Windows 8 and 8.1 excluded.)

The codename used for Windows 95's beta was Chicago.

At one point in the early development of Windows 95, the Start Menu was actually three different menus, split into three buttons that were eventually merged to form the Start Menu.

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Random Facts #8 · 4:19pm Feb 9th, 2017

All modern x86 bases PCs can trace their roots down to the original IBM PC 5150.

IKEA is the worlds largest corporate consumer of wood, and are supplied by multiple tree farms.

iOS was originally called "iPhone OS" before being shortened.

Google Chrome was originally based on Apple's Safari browser codebase.


Random Facts #102 · 9:11pm May 26th, 2017

~~~Meh, I'm bored and I don't want to do much after finals edition~~~

Socks are stinky. Especially if you wear the same pair for two weeks before washing.

Having anything sticky on the touchscreen of a phone or tablet is extremely irritating to most people.

Lasers are damaging to the eye. They're even more damaging if you have a cat nearby upon shining a laser in your eye.

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Random Facts #51 · 6:22pm Mar 29th, 2017

HTC was the manufacturer of the first android phone.

The 3.5mm headline jack has remained virtually unchanged for decades.

Old computers once stored data on audio cassettes.

Back in the 70s, a 5 megabyte hard drive was massive, and cost thousands.

Quantum computers require supercooling in order to run at all.


Random Facts #43 · 1:20pm Mar 20th, 2017

Pine needles have a special coating of wax to keep them from losing water, and their shape prevents snow from breaking off branches. (In most cases.)

Lithium-ion batteries must have special charging circuits, as directly applying unregulated voltage to the terminals would likely result in explosion or leakage.

Ikea uses a large percentage of the world's sustainable wood supply.


Random Facts #36 · 4:49am Mar 13th, 2017

LCD screens are actually see-through. They just have a backing to mount the backlight on, making them opaque.

Neil Armstrong brought a piece of the Wright Brothers' airplane with him to the moon.

Some tablets and smartphones (and IOT devices) have a "USB OTG" certified usb-port. It stands for usb-On The Go, and works both in device mode and usb host mode, allowing for peripherals to be used in the same port as the charger, with the help of a port splitter, of course.

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Random Facts #70 · 1:19am Apr 19th, 2017

The epiglottis is a tissue that directs the path of food in one's throat away from the windpipe.

Amylayse is an enzyme made in the pancreas to break down carbohydrates.

Our stomachs contain hydrochloric acid. Heartburn is caused by that acid rising up your esophagus.

The liver also creates bile salts, which aid in the process of digestion.

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Random Facts #108 · 3:13am Jun 5th, 2017

It's possible to install Android on an iPhone.

Similarly, It's possible to install Windows on (x86-based) Macs, or even an Apple ][, using an x86 coprocessor card.

As part of the growing trend of building "Hackintoshes", its become increasingly easy to install MacOS on PC hardware.

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Fact of the Week #6 · 7:46pm Apr 9th, 2018

The first Porsche vehicle was actually made using VW Bug parts!


Random Facts #27 · 7:59pm Mar 2nd, 2017

Bananas, and pretty much anything containing potassium, are all mildly radioactive.

The reason why Pepto-Bismol is called that is because one of its ingredients is the element Bismuth.

Aluminum was once valued higher than gold and silver before mining and refining techniques were improved.

Vinegar + copper + alumimum = battery.

The original iPod had a hard drive instead of flash memory.

Microphones often contain small particles of carbon for better sound.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 397 results