Why have I not watched this show sooner? · 3:22am Feb 28th, 2017
A sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender that involves the new Avatar.
A sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender that involves the new Avatar.
...And to my utmost amusement, the villain of the week is a snooty online personality obsessed with Internet fame and a superpowered phone that can affect the outside world.
Gee, I didn't know that Vignette Valencia had gotten a job with the CW.
Holly Woods... Just a little TV show I came up with.
I had an interesting experience over the last week. I had recently renewed a discussion with another blogger regarding (in a roundabout way) Princess Luna, and an alternate potential ending to the series that another writer proposed in a story. The blogger asked me to propose how this alternate ending would have played out, and I did, to a less than enthusiastic reception.
Everyone! I got big news! Sometime in November you will see the Crusaders in the Wiggly Big Show!! Keep your eye opened for the grand show!! Wiggle on!!
I have been thinking about getting into Anime but I don't want to watch one that is sexaul or overly violent ( a little action is fine though) or graphic ( like blood and gore).
Any recommendations?
You guys better enjoy Pokémon XY and Star Wars the clone wars for now because in April they're going bye bye.
Note: Some of you may hate me immensely after reading this. You have been warned.
I am myself am a very strange individual, but then again, everyone is strange in comparison to at least one other person. I guess by that definition there is no normal in the world because even you are normal by every standard then you are the most normal person in the world which abnormal in and of itself.
As the title says, I started watching Death Note yesterday. I saw a couple of stories on here a while ago that said they were crossovers with DN, and it sparked my interest, so I put the show on my To-Watch list. I just finished episode 13 (when Light first meets Misa), and I have to admit, I'm hooked. Guess it's time for a Netflix binge to go along with my classwork and my writing. Oy vay.
Oh, and in case there's a difference, I'm watching the English Dub.
From "Confucianism and Chinese Art":
Confucius asked his students their ambitions. The first to answer said that he wanted to help weak countries get stronger. The second said he wanted his people to live a well-off life. The third said he wanted to be a master of ceremonies.
Hello and welcome to the Logan Disagrees With Ninety Percent of Fimfiction, Apparently Show! Because I really liked this episode, and remember I'm a big Celestia fan. Going into slightly more detail than usual for a blog mini-review, so I'll put it past a break. But my score is an unashamed ★★★★.
A bit of a mess, really, though often an enjoyable mess. One particular oddity regarding vocabulary and a few missed opportunities, but a fun song and some decent silliness. I don't ask for literary brilliance from the show, so this scraped a pass from me. ★★★ (just)
No, not Aragon's nearly identically titled story. This is the latest episode, which I resisted the urge to watch early. It's reasonably fun, too, if no classic. I liked the legend and the accompanying animation style, but Rainbow is stupid at a crucial time and the victory method seems unforeshadowed. Also, how did they not recognise Caballeron? Still, fairly entertaining, and Pinkie was good. ★★★
Generally watchable and fun, but a step down from last week. Ember was good, if even more tsundereish (or whatever. I don't speak anime) than usual. Thorax was moderately interesting, which is the best we've had from him yet. Spike was Spike. One very amusing running joke involving Twilight and Starlight. Not bad, but not amazing. I guess it shades into a ★★★.
If you want to avoid spoilers, don't read EQD's new article, since it tells us something very interesting -- something which some of the fanfic world may not be overly thrilled about. However, one non-spoilery thing it tells us is that Season 6 will be this spring. I'd been mentally preparing myself for another long hiatus, so this is excellent news all round -- except that it means less