
Viewing 1 - 20 of 979 results

Updated Spike Bust for To be Human. · 5:12am Sep 28th, 2015

Edit: Longer hair because he hasn't had a haircut, ever!
Unless of course you count the buzzcut the wonderbolts gave him.


Still Alive! · 2:04am Nov 25th, 2023

Heyo! Been a while since I talked to any of you after going hiatus. I still have plans of finishing this work. It’s just that life has been complicated.

Between work and school, and wanting personal time to myself, it’s been wild. As soon as I finish school and find a decent paying job, then move out, I’ll start working on the story again.

If I find the time, I’ll try and pop a chapter out. I know you guys have been waiting to see what was going to happen next.

Report gman1311 · 185 views · #Human #HIE #unusual Human.

[Aberrant Harmony Fun]: More Humanization! · 5:02am Dec 28th, 2015

I enjoy these a little too much. Tee hee! :rainbowkiss:

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Report Bluegrass Brooke · 692 views · #humanized

New here! Writing my first story! · 3:01pm Oct 3rd, 2023

Feel free to give it a read and let me know what you think! Constructive criticism appreciated! :twilightsmile:

Report SamParks10 · 61 views · #Human

What do you think of those pretentious anti-human stories? · 12:24pm Nov 22nd, 2021

Yeah, you know the ones. I get to listen to a perfect Mary Sue bad-mouthing me for being born the wrong way, in a universe that is trying to constantly kill me and my race. Yet, I'm the bad guy? I listen to an immortal, 'perfect' pony, and blah blah blah. Instead of actually having sympathy for me for living in an unforgiving universe, they decide to be a smug smart ass and bad mouth me.

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Report Bendy · 334 views · #anti-human #human

Thinking about writing my first story · 5:10am Apr 3rd, 2020

Evening, everypony.

Recently I have been thinking about writing my first fanfic on here. I'm VERY nervous, however... As most of you have a better grasp as to how all of these lovely characters should be written. I am almost certain I wanna do a TwiDash fic, but I'm not sure what to write. I'll be doing most of my writing on my phone... Since my laptop kinda went kaput. But I was gonna make the ladies as humanized. Any ideas would be very welcome.


even bad guy like mlp songs · 12:33pm Mar 28th, 2019

i dont own this video but if you like her work show you love for her

Report dar88 · 295 views · #human

The Armory · 1:25am Aug 7th, 2016

Hello there Eric here many wonder what the USAA is and what are the units are well then here are the answers you seek.
(Will add hit points and damage soon)
The Marine - US Marines carry the m16a4 with Kevlar amour
The javelin - US Heavy infantry carry the javelin to combat tanks and light vehicles
The Stinger - US Heavy infantry carry the stinger to combat planes and helicopters

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Report Damocles · 745 views · #Human

Humans making ponies stronger? · 10:16pm Aug 13th, 2018

So, whats your view on my stories where humans inadvertently make a pony stronger?

Grow bigger, become an alicorn and stronger in general.

Report Bendy · 387 views · #Human

This site if full of mentally challenged misanthropes, what the actual fuck · 7:50pm Oct 14th, 2018

I thought bronies were supposed to "love and tolerate" and stuff but apparently I was wrong.

Report JustAPotato · 341 views · #Human

The WARROOM · 11:39pm Aug 6th, 2016

(this is act of aggression displaced so yhea)
Gen. Eric Segura
Hello ladies and Gentlemen you have been chosen to view classified information so no telling the NLR or the SE

[*sigh* I wish I could edit it here but oh well.]
We have landed west of los Pegasus and south of some mountains with only a command center , a barracks , Two field generators and a couple of marines.

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Report Damocles · 632 views · #Human

[Aberrant Harmony Fun]: Humanizing Scenes for the Heck of It · 5:27am Dec 23rd, 2015

Decided to re-write a TCARW scene in humanized form. Why? Because I'm bored and want practice writing people!

Enjoy. :scootangel:

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Report Bluegrass Brooke · 715 views · #humanized

Villians · 7:52pm Dec 11th, 2018

Why oh why can't i find any stories where a human goes to equis and turns out to be a villain?
Like jesus christ on a stick there is literally 0 stories about that.

If you find one can you put the story in the comments?

Report Kanna · 349 views · #humans

Most possible reason for why Megan Williams didn't appear in MLP FiM · 4:52am Sep 9th, 2021

What do you think is the main reason for why Megan Williams didn't appear in MLP FiM?

1. The writers already lost the window of opportunity to place her in by the time Lauren Faust, who didn't want any human characters in the series, left productions, because it was too late to do so by then even if they wanted to.

2. Due to the way each season was formatted, there really was no possible way of placing her in, because it would make little to no sense of doing so.

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Report TalB · 198 views · #Human

Just a thought · 5:05am Sep 9th, 2021

What if G4 really was a continuation of G1? Would the series end up with a different format? If it were related, how would Megan Williams feel coming back to see ponies that she didn't see before let alone knowing that much that world has changed? Would she even get along well with the newer ponies or will they just see no need for her to be there anymore? I would like to know what some of you would think if that was ever the case.

Report TalB · 180 views · #Human

Some notes on HiE (That may or may not be useful) · 2:58am Nov 20th, 2022

Human in Equestria, or HiE from now on, is one of the most popular genres on FiMFic. This blog post is meant to go over a few thoughts I have on the genre that could be seen as tips. So this is essential a blog for those of you who plan on writing HiE, or know someone who plans on doing so. A lot of these tips are only really useful prior to starting the story, but regardless this might be an interesting read.

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found this little gem in the ruff · 11:00pm Jun 23rd, 2019

i dont own this but show some love and support to the owner

Report dar88 · 290 views · #human

thinking of making a story · 1:42am Jun 24th, 2019

I've been thinking of making a fanfic story for a long time and am not going to lie am a very very big noob at it, so here's my theme it is human meet pony yes yes i know but that my fav type of fanfic story , the story will be humans displaced or will be brought to the mlp would by chance ,unknown force ,etc ( i think of something more ) so here my ideas so far for titles and story

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Report dar88 · 290 views · #human

Need Dash of Humanity Feedback: Possible rewrite of Trilogy? · 1:36am Sep 9th, 2021

I need feedback.

I've been doing a lot of re-reading and looking at older stories, especially ones left incomplete like Dash of Humanity 3, and I need some people to bounce ideas off of. It turns out, I've always hated Dash of Humanity 3 and it's sorta like my "Game of Thrones Season 8". And I've always wanted to fix it. But I have no idea how...

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What do you think of human turned pony stories? · 11:14pm Nov 24th, 2015

What do you think of human turned pony stories?

A human becomes a pony in a fan fiction by just being in Equestria or something.

Personally, I heavily dislike such stories. I just strongly dislike ponification of a human. I much prefer the human remain human in Equestria.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 979 results