• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen Jan 12th, 2020


The story was rigged from the start...

More Blog Posts5

  • 266 weeks
    My stories

    Many of you have seen that i haven't been online for a few months... It's because I've had a lot of unsolved stuff that I've had going on in my life, my pc broke a few months ago and I've had a friend come over and we tried to fix it together... It didn't go that well.

    I can't write stories as much as i had in the past.

    I've also had more problems than just the pc being broke.

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    2 comments · 289 views
  • 281 weeks
    A story idea

    Whet if equestria (or some other country) was having a war, and a man gets transported into a body of a unicorn foal. She has unbelievable amount of mana but she lacks muscle.
    And she joins the army (cause why not)

    I got the idea from "Youjo senki"

    I know i am a weeb

    0 comments · 286 views
  • 289 weeks
    I have a story idea if anyone wants it.

    Have you watched doctor who? Well i assume you have. Now has anyone seen the episode where a meteor crash lands on earth and when a little boy comes across it he gets infected fith something. Then a gas mask grows out of his skin and he starts talking to everyone asking where his mom is.

    So what if that meteor didn't hit earth but it hit equestria instead?
    I think this is a good idea.

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    3 comments · 329 views
  • 293 weeks

    Why oh why can't i find any stories where a human goes to equis and turns out to be a villain?
    Like jesus christ on a stick there is literally 0 stories about that.

    If you find one can you put the story in the comments?

    3 comments · 350 views
  • 306 weeks
    Porn fics

    I don't know why but always when i go to "new stories" or " popular now" there is alway at least 5 stories that are only about porn. why?

    5 comments · 353 views

Villians · 7:52pm Dec 11th, 2018

Why oh why can't i find any stories where a human goes to equis and turns out to be a villain?
Like jesus christ on a stick there is literally 0 stories about that.

If you find one can you put the story in the comments?

Report Kanna · 350 views · #humans
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