
Viewing 341 - 360 of 450 results

Brand new start! · 12:19pm Jan 12th, 2018

Hi everybody!

After a stupidly long hiatus I am finally back in business. I have cleared out all of the old blog posts and have began to write the next updates for my old stories.

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FE: Day to Day · 1:24pm Apr 28th, 2017

So, in an effort to continue writing this little fun project of mine, I started going through my character sheets (using this system of rules), and making a new character to add into the story.

Then I started going through creating this guy, and then fleshing out the others while I was at it. So, now they're very different than what I had intended when I first wrote this.

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New Year, New Chapters · 6:03pm Jan 2nd, 2018

Word Count: 7,156

Stage: First draft
Word Count: 4,075

Stage: First draft
Word Count: 2,604

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Report nyxOs · 308 views · #update #chapter #1 #2 #6 #7 #rewrite #excerpt

Doing Rewrites/FINAL EDITS I SHOULDA DONE of A Thief's Tale · 1:38am Nov 28th, 2019

So I've been rewriting A Thief's Tale as I've been posting it to RR and it's been taking longer nad longer to get through the chapters. I'm not upset bty this in the slightest. Every corner, every paragraph, damn near every situation can be touched up. For example, Life in Technicolor: Max is no longer all that upset with Rainbow. He's mostly scared. His meeting with Celestia is less suave and charming. Much more 'goofy-fuck' with a penchant for being endearing. So far I've msotly jsut

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Would you read a rewrite of "Ein Sof Zealotry"? · 8:16am Mar 25th, 2019

Hey everyone. It's been... Goodness, I don't know how long it's been since I even been on here. Well, I suppose I should just get to the point, as I have some explaining to do.

So some people might have noticed that the story "Ein Sof Zealotry" was unlisted and recently republished. I honestly don't have much of an excuse for this, but the story had been on hiatus for far too long, I and the original author just couldn't work on it anymore. Why am I putting it up again? Well, two reasons.

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Project Spectacle and my future writing · 7:52am Jul 2nd, 2019

When I first started writing back in December I never imagined that I'd be penning anything more than a simple one shot or two here and there, and yet I'm here with 3 published stories, weekly updates for one of them, and two other projects in active development. Each of my stories has served as an important learning experience to me and in the case of Departures it really shows a lot when you compare the early chapters to some of the latter ones (Chapter 3 is especially hard to re read for me

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Three Questions redux · 5:40pm Sep 25th, 2015

Three Questions has now been re-approved by the mods with its new edits. Huzzah! Now I can get back to working on my still ongoing stories.

Enjoy the new content!


A request to look over a minor rewrite for the last chapter of : Dear Diary: Sunset Shimmer's Best Friend. · 1:20pm Jul 19th, 2015

Off an on I've been improving Dear Diary: Sunset Shimmer's Best Friend for the purposes of getting it on EQD. It's close and I need to submit it to the pre-reader HOPEFULLY 1 last time. Everything else is good but I had to make some changes to the last chapter. Mostly minor edits but I also neede to play up Sunset's reactions in the 3rd person section and add something more memorable and impactful for the

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"Equestria: Civil War" updates! · 10:51pm Oct 2nd, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Chapter 5 of "Equestria: Civil War" is now up, as are the rewrites to chapters 2, 3, and 4. Thunderbolt has taken much of the rage originally given to Celestia, and the Princess is now calmer and more unbiased. Hope you enjoy!

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:


The Steadfast Sky : FINALLY Available in the US & EU! · 7:33pm Nov 22nd, 2017

My book, The Steadfast Sky, has FINALLY made it into print! That only took, what 15 months? Buh-JEEBUS.

The Steadfast Sky was originally a EQD 6-star My Little Pony fanfic. But It’s been rewritten from the ground up into a whole new, original story.

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Two Years Later—Natura Semper Liberi · 7:56pm Jul 24th, 2018

A quick overview of this blog: A little sentimental talk, rewrites and a possible sequel to Natura Semper Liberi. Most interesting stuff is at the end!

(Timberwolf by hinoraito)

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I changed it! · 10:50pm May 23rd, 2017

So I got the first chapter finished. I rewrote and I'd like to know what you all think. Please thank Makazi for giving me the idea for the rewritten version. if you want I can post the original so you can remember it.

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Revision · 5:56am Mar 20th, 2017

I spent the last hour or so rewriting the first chapter of Foal Fable And it is much better. I hope it floats better with readers and won't kill your eyes. XD


Changes and updates · 3:57pm Jul 16th, 2018

Just putting out an update on the rewrite which is taking up all of my focus. Chapter four is where things start to change more drastically. Some events are going to be shuffled around and I have to introduce the first planned arc though hopefully more subtly than i have in the past. As for myself still suffering from rather horrible anxiety pretty much all the time. So that is fun and is making writing much much slower. I am still ploding along though. I am also sorry that the other two

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Next Chapter · 11:28pm Nov 22nd, 2021

The next chapter of UME may come several days later than usual. The ultimate fight against Cankentriops reveals to be a difficult one to write. Fights involving at least one huge team of fighters against a very powerful opponent generally are (so you can imagine how the Star Allies Arc from A Sweetie Dreamland had been hell to write toward the end). To not help, I took some time finding a theme that I judged good for the fight, and then I fell sick and I couldn't focus enough more than a

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Comic Rewrites · 11:03pm Jan 26th, 2022

Hi everyone. So I was going to save this blog for after I finished Rise of Griffonstone, but writer's block is being an inconvenience. So to not hold this off forever, I figured it is best to have the voting now. It'll last longer than usual so more people will have a chance to vote for the story they want, but also to give me more time to finish my new planned stories. I'm still trying to work on Dip and Dodge.

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A quick update · 2:36am Nov 8th, 2020

A big criticism I had received with the story was that the intro was hard to get through and turned people away, so I’ve since gone back and rewrote the very start of it and hopefully in a way that adds more of an emotional connection to the main character while also making the direction the story is going in a little more clear. I might poke at the second and third chapters eventually too, but the prologue was the part in need of the most work, so I hope you all enjoy it!


Chapter 1, now in HD! · 6:27am May 7th, 2023

Chapter one rewrite is finally done, after more time and work than I ever intended to put into it XD Big thanks to The Wandering Zebra for giving me some tips and letting me bounce thoughts and ideas off of him. It’s amazing how effective talking to someone can be in processing and organizing your thoughts. Even something as minor as that can be a MASSIVE help, though, in The Wandering Zebra’s case, they also preread the story

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A Possible Change · 8:47pm April 17th

Hello all,

Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for enjoying my writing so far. I appreciate you being so kind to my first attempts at ponyfic. Your kind words and helpful critique motivate me. That being said, I've been toying with the idea of rebooting my fic. I have wondered how my story would be received if I did things a bit differently. (Such as changing mc race, living situation, etc.)

This idea was born from indecisiveness and also a desire to challenge myself. :twilightsheepish:

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The Black Knight redux · 7:36pm Sep 20th, 2015

Viewing 341 - 360 of 450 results