• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Tiki Enthusiast, Bat fan, writer

More Blog Posts100

  • 9 weeks
    The end of the line

    It's been almost a year since my last story update, and if I'm going to be honest I think I'm running out of steam for writing. I've always enjoyed writing these stories, but at the same time I feel like it's been hard to get feedback on some of them and I feel that it's impacted my motivation significantly. I've never written strictly for comments and other people's approval. But with any

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  • 110 weeks
    New chapter update tomorrow

    It's been almost nine months but Night Terrors should be seeing an update tomorrow morning. This is a story that I feel has been underperforming a lot throughout its run, and there's a good chance it'll be my last long story for the foreseeable future. That said, it's still one that's very special to me, and I hope people will stick around to the end of it. I've wound up altering the outline I

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  • 139 weeks
    April chapter updates — an update about updates

    I’ve been running into a road block while working on some of my current projects lately and thought I’d write out a little status update for where I’m at story update wise for this month. This is going to be a mixed bag in terms of update timelines, but I always like to share where I’m at with my work anyways, even if it’s the kind of content that maybe one or two people actually enjoy reading

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  • 143 weeks
    Odyssey Chapter I is out

    Because of how I'm working on this particular rewrite, the reworked chapters will not appear as "new" chapters and the story won't appear as "updated". So what that means is that I'm going to have to work harder with every update to get the story out there. This chapter shouldn't be unfamiliar to longtime readers, however, it will have some very subtle yet significant lore changes towards

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  • 144 weeks
    Relaunching "Odyssey"

    You might have noticed, I rebranded and did some tweaking to "Odyssey". The first "prologue" chapter is up, though I guess it's not technically a true prologue, but rather more of a lore-filled intro. I don't want to get people's hopes up yet, so I'm not going to commit to a full structured release schedule yet, but expect infrequent updates that are made up of the original chapters but

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Project Spectacle and my future writing · 7:52am Jul 2nd, 2019

When I first started writing back in December I never imagined that I'd be penning anything more than a simple one shot or two here and there, and yet I'm here with 3 published stories, weekly updates for one of them, and two other projects in active development. Each of my stories has served as an important learning experience to me and in the case of Departures it really shows a lot when you compare the early chapters to some of the latter ones (Chapter 3 is especially hard to re read for me just because it is so disorganized and all over the place). It's been very clear to me that the story is well overdue for some major TLC, and that's where Project Spectacle comes in.

Project Spectacle is what I'm calling the upcoming wave of rewrites and changes to better reflect the direction and tone I want this story to be. As such, everything up to chapter 6 will likely be seeing some pretty significant rewrites and revisions to fix pacing issues and other personal issues I have with them. Chapters 7-12 will likely be seeing less significant revisions to line up with early changes and rectify some other issues. Chapters 13 onward will likely not change much given that they focus more on the group working towards their dream now that they've established their base.

This has been a long time coming and in some cases has occupied my nights as I work away on better ways to convey the concepts I had for the story from the beginning. These changes will likely not be rolled out for a while, but I'm hoping to have them finished by the end of Summer at the latest. As rough as my early stuff is I'm still proud of how far I feel I've come as a writer, and I'm really looking forward to sharing my future projects!

So about those future projects:

Pandemic: Desert Getaway, the collaborative project with Lawra, will likely be broken into at least a few chapters and should be ready to publish shortly after Departures Wraps, likely mid to late July if all goes well. There's two more planned chapters for Departures plus an epilogue and Desert Getaway picks up right where it leaves off.

I have at least one other Pandemic story in mind for right now, a sequel to Departures and Desert Getaway that will serve as a sort of stepping off point for my characters but still leaves it open for future projects.

Stardust's Oddyssey: In a departure from almost every other project I've planned, this has no clear outline. Instead I went into it by developing the world and it's little intricacies first, and then coming up with events and a little history that I could then use as a tool to base the story's narrative around. I know the beginning, middle, and end, but the rest is left to be fleshed out. I find that this works a better system for me because it leaves me room to play around with the characters a little more and develop them a little more naturally. I'm hoping to continue updating this at least once monthly, but with some potentially big life changes coming up this could wind up changing.

I have at least one second person short story planned as a tie in for Stardust's Odyssey, but that's likely a long way's away.

(The pony pyramid of Pandemic AU side characters!)

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