Dash lost her magic in flying, now she feels like she lost who she was. As she struggles with this, someone falls before her to help her understand a very important lesson about one self...
A young Applejack sets out to buck apples and ends up with a sickly Rainbow Dash on her back instead. Now carrying the weight of tentative friendship, this farmfilly’s morning has just gotten a lot more complicated.
Mistakes can occur even when you're too advanced for your studies... Twilight learns just that when a magical mishap results in both of her pegasi friends becoming foals.
It's New Year's Eve and Rainbow Dash finds out that Applejack has been in love with somepony. Now this wouldn't be a problem if Rainbow Dash didn't have a crush on Applejack.
Rainbow Dash sets out to defeat the legendary witch Twilight Sparkle and collect the five hundred million bit bounty on her head. The one thing she wasn't counting on was Twilight being less evil than she expected.
For a change of pace, the Cutie Mark Crusaders spend a day with their big sisters: just not the ones they were born with. This is Sweetie Belle's day...
Rainbow Dash lost control of her vampire power five hundred years ago, and she's never been the same mare since. Numerous ponies find themselves caught in the web of this vindictive killer's game.
Rainbow Dash becomes a master magic-eating vampire, forms her pack, and works on managing magic with her new role. Friends help out of course. It's actually kinda awesome, all things considered.