• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen September 22nd


Not dead I think!


Every way she turned, seemed to just be fully black. Everything in her life kept falling south. From mediocre south, to bad south, to unbearable south, she had been falling for months.
Will there be anyway she can find a nice turn? Or will she keep stumbling into the hard, cold wall?

First publish of 2022!! Hurra!:yay:

Contains: Abuse (to an estent) Violence. Cursing (Buck, non-pony form) Alcohol addictions. Death (happens off screan) Depression (suggestive) And of course, Shipping, (left as reader's interpretation)

This is my first and, probably, only fic to contain the above themes, mentions and so on.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Oh Dash… what a spiral your life has become:fluttercry:.

Poor, poor Dashie....
Hopefully she won't have to go through this all alone, at least.

Wow, just wow. This is a great story, you can really feel exactly what Dashie is feeling. Don't worry Dashie we will stand with you.

P.S I think it's Sunset

One: thank you! Happy you feel that way, that's always a good sign:twilightsmile:
Two: SunDash is a fun ship to explore, I like where your head's at.:raritywink:

Oh, my… this was just heartbreaking. :raritycry:

I feel bad for Dashie in this fic. Poor girl… she’s been through a lot.

For your first story discussing sensitive topics/themes, this was really good! I cried so much while reading this; you’re a really good writer and especially know how to tug at other people’s heartstrings. This is definitely going on my favorites bookshelf.

Keep up the good work!

:heart: Blue

The only one who can truly understand Dashie’s feelings is her childhood best friend, who she considers to be like a sister. Fluttershy.:heart:

There should have been a narcotics tag too.

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