last pony on Earth 24 stories
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This story is a sequel to My Family and Other Equestrians

Having served as Celestia's legal advisor for some time now, Roger has been caught up in quite a few major incidents in, and outside, Equestria. From major trials, negotiating treaties, pursuing fugitives, and even journeying down into the depths of Tartarus itself. He now has quite a few stories to tell.

These are some of the more interesting ones.

Set during Season 5.

Updated every Friday.

Chapters (19)

May 23rd— a day that humans became ponies, but Danna was not so lucky. She came to this cruise hunting for a criminal mastermind, but before she could track him down, magical disaster struck.

Now Danna must learn to take advantage of her new magic before it's too late. But she won't be alone: she finds an unexpected ally in the very criminal she was chasing.

Can they leave their differences behind? Or will their shared past be too much to overcome?


Linked to RuinQueenOfOblivion's story in the same name.

Chapters (4)

Katie Sinclair was once just a normal 11 year old girl that lived with her mother in Georgia. However one day she woke up to find the world not the same way she had left it, instead she was now a Pegasus Filly and had no idea where she was or what happened to her mom.

Along with a Zebra filly named Alicia Davis, Katie sets out from her hometown to try and find out what happened to the world, and to her mother.

Set in Starscribe's Ponies After People universe.

Cover made by Shivannie.

Chapters (9)

This story is set in the Ponies after People universe, crossing over with Jay911's stories "The Coming Storm" and "After The Storm". Rapid Transit and his family head up to Ponytown after winter breaks its hold on the frozen north, hopefully to help raid warehouses to help Ponytown get through future times. What they find upon arriving is something no pony ever expected to find there.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Coming Storm

Sequel to The Coming Storm, side-story to The Last Pony on Earth and Founders of Alexandria, both by Starscribe. Swift Quill, Sudden Storm, Jeff Reynolds, Karin Simonsen, Rich Leroy, and George "Serge" Coutts are the first settlers of Ponytown, in the ruins of Pickering, Ontario, Canada. They've banded together and established a community, and this is the story of that community's growth and involvement with other groups as life begins to return to normal - or as normal as it can be after the Event.

Chapters (8)

Side story to Starscribe's fine work The Last Pony on Earth. The main character was on vacation when the Event happened and hands were replaced with hooves. An attempt to find food & shelter is made after the apocalypse.

Now with 100% more cover art! My good friend Lionheartcartoon, also known as half of the creative team on the PMV "Children of the Night", happily put this together for all to enjoy.

Chapters (20)

A little over three thousand years ago, everyone on earth was changed into ponies, griffins, and other mythical creatures, before being tossed into the timestream. A university student on his way home from a camping trip finds himself wrecked after the highway vanished from beneath his car. After a swift rescue from the local returnee rescue team, the young stallion and his new friend now struggle to adjust to life in the revived city of Las Vegas.

This is a side story taking place in the "Ponies After People" universe based on Starscribe's story "Last Pony on Earth".

Edited by my good friend, Celefin.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Eternal Lonely Day

On May 23, 2015, the world ended. It wasn't violent, it wasn't bloody, and it wasn't even very dramatic. The entire population of the planet vanished. But they didn't stay gone; almost at once refugees started trickling back. Unfortunately for them, they didn't come back with their humanity intact.

Instead of a single species, the earth is now populated with Ponies, griffons, dragons, minotaurs, and even stranger creatures. What will the remnants of humanity make with their world? Will they remember human achievements, or slip back into primitive ignorance? Learn from our mistakes, or repeat them over and over?

People haven't really changed, only their bodies have. The world now comes with new threats, supernatural as well as mundane. Demons lurk beneath the sea, while strange spirits whisper promises in dreams. Empires rise, dictators control, and ponies have nowhere to turn for help. Nowhere except themselves, and old-fashioned hard work.

This story is effectively an anthology of episodes, each of which will focus on a different time period and different perspective characters.

Latest in the Last Pony on Earth series. If you haven't read that story, start there. This one won't really make much sense otherwise.

Editing provided by Two Bit and Sparktail. Art by the fantastic Zutcha.

Chapters (25)

After May 23, humanity was a shell of its former self. Its entire population transformed, those who used to call themselves humans have to survive in an empty world.

Samuel Hunt was driving home before the Event, now he's a zebra in a place he wasn't before. Sam has to learn how to live in this new world now, and maybe even save it.

Set in the Ponies after People universe
Cover image by the amazing Raster Dreams
Chapter 3 edited by Two Bit

Chapters (3)

On May 23, 2015, I woke to find myself transformed into some kind of horned alien horse, and everyone else has vanished. I searched for survivors and I found one; however, she is much younger than I was prepared for. She needs a parent and the only one who can fulfill that role is me, just not in the role I had originally envisioned.

I already found one survivor, so maybe there are others out there. I just hope they’re not all children; I don’t get enough sleep as it is.

Part of the Ponies after People Universe

Update 10/08/15 New Cover art by PaintSplotch
Note: 12/15/16 Apparently Mandatory Motherhood was in the featured box at some point? I just found it in the featured community folder.

Update: 4/20/17 SevenSerenity has joined the team! Expect chapter art from her soon!
also I finally saw MM on the front page in the featured box today! Thank you all so much everypony!

Chapter 1 edited by Canaryinthecoalmine Pre-read by Westphalian_Musketeer, Starscribe, anonymous, Stablestahl, secondVendetta, Baileyjrob, Nitrous Rainbows, bluemoon1996, as well as two FimFic users I don't have user names for.

Chapter 2 edited by Canary and Musketeer.

Chapter 3 edited by Musketeer

Chapter 4 edited by Holyme, anonymous, and Musketeer.

Tags will be added as needed.

Chapters (17)