• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015

Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.

The Sea of Series 3 stories
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This story is a sequel to Across the Sea of Time

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Science Fantasy]
The Sea Series: Book Two (Alpha)

NOTE: You do not need to read the previous book to fully enjoy Beneath the Sea of Sand.

The changelings of the Emerald Hive are known mostly as a highly reclusive bunch of people squatting under a hill in the Equestrian Badlands. Ponies living near their hive have reported strange happenings more often than not, weird lights in the sky at night, strange sounds, and the fact no pony who has visited has ever said more then a few words about their hive at all have made many ponies uneasy over the years.

After an attack on a Diamond Dog mine to seize a large amount of Arcaneite, the Emeralds Queen is revealed to be Phoenix, the AI of an alien starship changeling hive spent generations repairing. To many ponies amazement, Phoenix quickly made an offer of mutual assistance and advanced technology in exchange for food for her changelings.

Celestia decides to accept Queen Phoenix offer, but with one condition: Twilight, her friends, and their immediate families must first live within the Emerald's hive for a year to learn if their cultures are compatible, and what dangers her technology might present.

Beneath the Sea of Sand is a work of Science Fiction, specifically the Science Fantasy genera, which combines tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. You can expect to see magic and all things FiM (made a bit more Swords and Sorcery), and also crashed alien space craft, AIs, high technology, and themes meant to explore the human condition.

Beneath the Sea of Sand is inspired by FiM, my old D&D games, the works of Isaac Asimov, Clive Cussler, and Douglas Adams. While there is a running joke and plot point involving Star Trek, you do not need any knowledge of Trek to enjoy Beneath the Sea of Sand.

Proofread by the Amazing Timuri
Dedicated to NFire, Bringer of Good Fiction, Architect of Legacy.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Across the Sea of Time

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Science Fantasy]
The Sea Series: Book Two Beta

NOTE: You do not need to read the previous book to fully enjoy Upon the Sea of Sky.

After dying while saving the Emerald Hive, being reincarnated as a batpony, and elected the leader of a "to be formed" pirate crew, Kaily, now Captain Stolen Ruby has to find out what exactly the DMs meant by 'magical Reaper Invasion', and try to stop it. At her disposal is a single three masted galleon, a former pirate captain, powerful but irresponsible wizard twins, a pyromanic dragoness, an arcane engineer, and a hazy idea of what doom she is meant to stop.

Upon the Sea of Sky is a work of Science Fiction, specifically the Science Fantasy genera, which combines tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. You can expect to see magic and all things FiM (made a bit more Swords and Sorcery), and also crashed alien space craft, AIs, high technology, and themes meant to explore the human condition.

Upon the Sea of Sky is inspired by FiM, my old D&D games, the works of Isaac Asimov, Clive Cussler, and Douglas Adams. While there is a running joke and plot point involving Star Trek, you do not need any knowledge of Trek to enjoy Upon the Sea of Sky.

Proofread by the Amazing Timuri
Dedicated to NFire, Bringer of Good Fiction, Architect of Legacy.

Chapters (7)

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Science Fantasy]
The Sea Series: Book One

Three humans, their RV, and their luggage are hurled many centuries into Earth's future, where Ponykind and magic rules the world. For most humans, being stranded in the distant future in a world where their species no longer exists would be a curse, but these three are the adventurous sort. Stranded as strangers in a strange land there is only one thing to do, explore!

Howeaver, a chance encounter with a changeling scout sweeps them into the sea of adventure as an ancient human built Artificial Intelligence begs them to help her create a stable civilization for the changelings who live within her hull.

Equestria: a new frontier. These are the voyages of the Winnebago Sagan. Its indefinite mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before, and build some alien bug girls a nice home.

Across the Sea of Time is a work of Science Fiction, specifically the Science Fantasy genra, which combines tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. You can expect to see magic and all things FiM (made a bit more Swords and Sorcery), and also crashed alien space craft, AIs, high technology, and themes meant to explore the human condition.

Across the Sea of Time is inspired by FiM, my old D&D games, the works of Isaac Asimov, Clive Cussler, and Douglass Addams. While there is a running joke and plot point involving Star Trek, you do not need any knowledge of Trek to enjoy Across the Sea of Time.

Proofread by the Amazing Timuri
Dedicated to NFire, Bringer of Good Fiction, Architect of Legacy.

Chapters (26)