• Member Since 29th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2020



Quick notice on what to expect regarding updates · 8:01pm Aug 13th, 2013

Hello, followers of How To Become More Than Friends! This message is for you! Yes, you! No, not you, the other guy, yeah, that one.

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Comments ( 13 )
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I'm glad you enjoyed my little foray into the little world of Spike and Dash, Olpert. I'm glad that you Faved Every Little Bit, and liked how they contemplated how their lives are similar... and, you know, their kiss!:moustache::rainbowkiss:

Well, I read it, loved it, and during reading it felt like I had read something of a similar style before...
Then I checked your other posted stories and saw that in those was Certain Advantages, which holds the place of "Funniest fic I've ever read" in my personal favourites, and saw that I hadn't actually started watching you when I read that. So, I corrected that mistake. :pinkiehappy:

Fundamentalists, mustard, and plungers aside, I'm glad that you enjoyed Children of a Lesser Dragon God Boy Whelp Thingy Guy! I appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for the Watch! I hope I can do my best to keep deserving it!:twilightsmile:

For what you say here: "This is gonna be a longer story, so what would you prefer: For me to post a chapter as soon as I get it done, or for me to complete the story first, then post chapters daily?" I personally feel like you should finish the story first:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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