• Member Since 30th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Hi it is me Silver Roses my old email got corrupted win my computer crasht. So I lost all of my wareck on my frets store.

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Comments ( 7 )
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Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories such as You’ll Never Walk Alone and A Sweet Tooth if you prefer something darker.

Thank you for reading friend!:rainbowwild:

Thanks for the fav to Era of Harmony! It means a lot!

Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion! :rainbowwild:

Thanks for the favs on A Second Chance and A Short Visit :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for having added Nicholas & The Crystal Star to your favorites. I hope you will have a happy hearth's warming! :ajsmug:

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