I’m over it, it’s final I have turned off my notification emails, and everything I’m fucking fed up. Goodbye I’m not ever coming back..
Greetings. Welcome to my humble page. If you like, please stay awhile. Listen to the aria of the past.
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
Greetings. Looking forward to working with all of you.
Late status change again, how y’all doing?
I am obsessed with Rainbow Dash, currently I am a huge fan of bondage/petplay. My favorite thing is to see Rainbow Dash in an orange prison jumpsuit or getting arrested. I love orange jumpsuits!
I have been part of the herd since I was a kid lol before gen4 I loved gen 1 me born in 1991 lol
I like human in Equestria storys, OC Alicorn characters and hate Foalcon
A German who likes history, and WW2 technology but not war. "Within the darkness there is light and hope"
I'm just a guy who loves reading great stories.
A brony that loves Heavy Metal, Africa, Rock, and Animals. Not to mention Ponies too. Fluttershy is best pony! \m/
Who am I to you? Who are you to me? Who are we to the world? What is the world to us? Life is a mysterious creature that you can only observe from afar, if you try to get to close it'll disappear.
"Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side."
I love Anime, Pokemon (pm me to exchange Friend codes), RPG and adventure games, and Season 5 episode 18 MIGHT have altered my opinion of Diamond Tiara....a little.
A Fallout and MLP junkie https://www.fimfiction.net/story/445019/fallout-equestria-lightning-strikes-twice
© MMXIX by Jesse Coffey Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Friendship don't always last, but the ones that do are the best!
The beginning, the rise, the downward fall, the recovery, the new rising and the end.
I'm just a normal guy I like video games, Sonic, Transformers, and stuff. I had some ideas floating around in my head and decided to write them down