• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2015
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Phoxjes Rome

I am a Mark of Babylon. Many ponies view me as the villain. The reasons why I understand. My coat, my face, my eyes, my name, and my intention to murder. However I hope to help anyway I can.

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For those of you who are reading this, you may or may not have read the story A Journey Beyond Sanity. If you have not, at least not as of yet, during chapter 123, Spike becomes separated from Twilight, Stardust and Starlight, into separate timelines, that are the previous generations of the My Little Pony franchise, and become reunited in chapter 124.

Initially, he was not well educated about these generations, and called me in to assist him with the details, character, ideas, etc for these two chapters. Even so, not much detail was given on the story Spike had to share, and was rather rushed. Therefore Stardust permitted me to write this one-shot about his discovery and recovery, to which I sent him once it was completed.

However, after informing that his story was entirely a 1st-person story, he insisted that I publish it myself as a one-shot. Thus, we have this.

Chapters (1)

In every turn of events and through all the outcomes, another one takes place elsewhere with a different result. A theory that you may or may not believe. However, it is true in our Babylon. This is what we believe to be an alternate version of "Equestria", a parallel reality that never received the opportunity to exist in the Equestria that we know. Most would refer to this as a different "generation". In those timelines, our Babylon goes to visit, and we record those events as follows. This is one of them: a civil war we unintentionally started.

Chapters (1)

During the Wedding Party chapter in Marks of Babylon, I was called away from Princess Twilight by Sir Xervint, as a request to partake in a game of his choosing. As it was his Stag Party, I found little reason to decline, and therefore proceeded to join.

Chapters (1)

In Babylon legacy, Five guardians are destined to be the sworn defenders of our Babylon King, and our God. However, we currently have only two on our side. We require all five, so that our legacy may be revived, and the kingdom we are proud to call our home may be restored.

After discovering that the three other guardians may be three young Colts from the distant past, myself, Caxpe and Auxron were sent to retrieve them, and show them their destinies.

However, once we saw the way that they live, we believe that persuading them to change their lives may be as easy done as it is said. As best as it could be shown in this, their actions before the Babylon found them during the show, and during this story have been justified with their previous lives.

Chapters (7)

Upon awakening, my most recent memory was another battle against Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Xandra prepared her time alteration spell and prepared to use on our opponents. However, due to a slight issue in the battle, I became the target of the magic, and so I was sent to an alternate timeline. This is my story of how I started out by trying to get back, yet ended up waiting for her on the isle.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle. A very gifted young alicorn, from the information that I have collected. However, I can no longer permit her to continue spreading harmony over the world, as she has brought disaster in doing so, even if it requires death: the same death that she and her friends have unintentionally caused in my Babylon. You may or may not understand my reasons for doing so in this tale, so proceed if you desire. Either way, I will understand. Many are hurt in this story I have to share, innocent or otherwise.

Chapters (12)