• Member Since 9th Apr, 2015
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A failed idea from long ago... · 12:05am Jul 5th, 2017

With my original FiMfic finally completed (after almost two years of work), I guess I can reflect on some stuff that could have been.

The thing that sticks out in my mind is the story I wrote that never got put on this site. This was before I ever started working on this (in fact I think Friendship Games, which was what originally inspired me to write Magical Meltdown, hadn't even aired at the time so this would have been my first story).

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Report PonyUpYourBits · 445 views ·
Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12


you're unblocked, we'll talk over PM, you need to learn the truth

2447545 Always.

A pleasure.

Mr. Mykan.


EDIT: It's kind of hard for me to respond to your messages when you have me blocked, fam, and I really don't think this user wants people arguing on their page, so...


"People dislike your stories because you vocally hate the show, because you rehash the same ideas over and over again while demonstrating zero progress or commitment to developing competency, and because you patronize and silence your critics"

That's not an excuse

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