• Member Since 31st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2023


the worst feeling is to be wronged, and then denied the right to be angry.

Comments ( 6 )
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Mountain man check your pm

Thanks for favoring Twilight's World.
And thanks for all the thoughtful posts.

Thanks for the fav.:twilightsmile:

1807616 Your blogs are amusing. Plus I gota show support for my fellow aspies.

Thanks for the follow.:twilightsmile:

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My Story Ideas V2 · 1:48am Jul 7th, 2014

I love to think. I spend a lot of my time thinking. Naturally that means I have come up with a lot of ideas, but, has Legion shows, I am rather poor at implementing this ideas. So while I try to find the motivation to continue working of Legion, I decided I would make this blog post to give these ideas some kind of life. Anyone is free to use these ideas however they please. The only thing I ask is that you inform me, so I may follow the story.

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