Awesome Stories!
Shadowy Love King Sombra, the tyrant of Crystal Empire is back, only to be imprisoned by princesses and put through reformation with Twilight Sparkle as his teacher. Can somepony with heart as black as night be reformed? Twilight believes so. 128,628 words · 713 · 34
Chalkpocalypse A chronicling of the lost land of Chalkandia and its luckless inhabitants. 1,080 words · 93 · 4
Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus. 116,679 words · 1,786 · 40
Twilight at the Disco Featured on 5/19/2013 Discord has become Princess Twilight's advisor, and they are driving each other crazy. However hate can morph into love, but they are still driving each other crazy. 56,738 words · 1,063 · 42
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1313103 Well, I don't ignore emails. Ever. Just because I didn't reply doesn't mean I ignored it. I only log on to check if any of my favorite stories have been updated.
1311896 Well the reason why I do this is because, when I send a email to a user. I wait till they responded, but when a while pass's I look at the user's last signed in and if the user reasontly signed in I didn't got a responce, I assume they just ignored my email.
1310942 I'm a busy person. Don't freak out.
I don't have time to log onto Fimfiction everyday and check new comments.
Besides, DeviantArt is better in my opinion and I'm a lot more social over there.