I am just a brony who gets most of his ideas from what he reads
I am general Kristonal Prime and my clone identification number is CG-7979-56 i am a clone general and the leader of the 599th sky corps. but you can call me general or sir.
Hey everyone! I'm new and I love MLP (Unlike 98% of my friends-) and I'll be creating stories. I want feedback!
Love's always in season and love is love. The world is changing and everyone has a view.
Hey everyone, BK here! Just wanted to give a quick word of thank you for your interest x3 If you want to help support me, check out this link! https://www.patreon.com/AidenFlack
i am a nice goblin who look for fun, bits, love, bits, sexy plots, bits, sex, bits, and cheesecake... can never have enought cheesecake
I am the Autistic Writer. I have Autism (Aspergers Syndrome), but that doesn't stop me from writing great stories.
Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie.
Being an Introvert allows me to care about humanity, and yet despise human beings, simultaneously.
I'm a long time science fiction and animation fan who stumbled into My Little Pony fandom and got caught -- I guess I'm a Brony Forever now.
Doing a lot of thinking as of late. My pm box is always open if you wanna talk ^_^
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
just a guy who likes crossing MLP over into things it really shouldn't
I love my little pony so much I want to write my own stories, just to be able express my thoughts and feeling freely just feels super great.
Welcome to the Carnival of Darkness! I'm more of a dark person, so I tend to write and read about more dark things, might throw some fluff here and there
G'Day horsefans, and welcome to my area of limited explanation.
My Name is Tad Fox, I'm a Fan of My Little Pony, They're Funny, Cool, and Very Lovable.
no writeing ability to this date however dosnt mean i wont try damnit
i love My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. My Favorite Character is Fluttershy and i like her bunny rabbit Angel and i am a boy in real life, just to let everyone know