• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago



Twilight is out for a night of fun after a day full of Princess duties in Ponyville. So she decides to go to a night club to wind down and have a good night. She spends it with the Lunar Princess. How will it turn out?


My little pony charters are owned by Hasbro
The cover art is not mine. Do not know who's it is
The only thing I own is the story I write for fun so you can read it :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Twilight was going to the Canterlot Train Station after a party on Hearthswarming Eve that Moondancer and her other friends invited her too. What will happen when she thinks she spots a Lunar Princess sitting at the fountain in the Central Area of Canterlot? Read to find out!


My little pony charters are owned by Hasbro
The cover art is not mine. Do not know who's it is
The only thing I own is the story I write for fun so you can read it :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Luna trusted Twilight to show her a world that loved her Night and how to be a part of this new world.

Twilight/Luna fluff

Art is not mine

Chapters (1)

In the world of Pokémon and Ponies two young fillies will meet at a large castle and become great friends but they will be torn apart by evil. One of them will help to save the world of Ponies and Pokémon from the evil group known as Team Plasma that is trying to take over the world by controlling the Heroines to do so. What will happen if she can not save the world she loves and what will happen when an old friend comes back that she forgot about. Well read the story to find out :twilightsmile:.


Ponies Playing the Pokémon Trainers and others

Hilda / Touko / White - Played by Princess Twilight Sparkle
Lord or Prince N - Played by Princess Luna
Hilda's Mother / Touko's Mother / White's Mother / Annabel - Played by Twilight Velvet
Cheren - Played by AppleJack
Bianca - Played by Pinkie Pie
Touya / Hilbert / Black - Played by Rainbow Dash
Professor Juniper ( Female ) - Played by Fluttershy
Female Runner - Played by Rarity
Ghetsis - Played by Nightmare Moon
Concordia - Played by Princess Celestia
Anthea - Played by Princess Cadence
Sage Zinzolin - Played by Starlight Glimmer
Sage Ryoku - Played by King Sombra
Sage Giallo - Played by Queen Chrysalis
Sage Rood - Played by Discord
Sage Bronius - Played by Lord Tirek
Sage Gorm - Played by The Tantabus

Ponies Playing the Pokémon

Purrloin / Liepard - Played by Shining Armor

Twilight's Pokémon

Pidove - Played by Scootaloo
Snivy / Servine - Played by Moondancer
Zorua - Played by Sweetiebell
Deerling - Shiny - Played by Applebloom
Axew - Played by Spike
Blitzle / Zebstrika - Played by Sunset Shimmer

Rainbow Dash's Pokémon

Oshawott - Played by Tank

Pinkie Pie's Pokémon

Tepig - Played by Cherry Jubilee
Munna - Played by Prince Rutherford

Applejack's Pokémon

Snivy - (No Name)

There will be a lot more Pokémon and will add who is playing them when they come in new chapters.


Ponyville - Gym - Gym Leader Big Mac
Las Pegasus - Gym - Gym Leader Daring Do
Baltmare - Gym - Gym Leader Nightingale
Crystal Cave
Celestial Tower
Sun Touch Bridge
Moor of the Moon


The Cover Art is not mine and I do not know who it belongs to but it is great a great picture.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Characters are owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Pokémon characters are owned by Nintendo and Game Freak.

I own nothing but this story I write.

Chapters (15)