• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,588 Views, 61 Comments

Twilight Sparkle The Pokémon Heroine of White - TwilightXLuna

In the world of Pokémon and Ponies two young fillies will meet at a large castle and become great friends but they will be torn apart by evil. One of them will help to save the world of Ponies and Pokémon from the evil group.

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Chapter 1 - An eventful Day (Edited on the 24/12/2015)

It was a dark, wintery morning on a lovely Sunday around Canterlot. A little pony, a unicorn (Alicorn but you could not see her wings because she kept them hidden so other ponies saw her as a unicorn) ( There where only a few alicorns alive and most of them liked to keep hidden because most other ponies would not accept them for having all three races in them) of the age of five, ran around the snowed grounds on all four hooves. Her long light blue scarf flying behind her, and her blue earmuffs blocking any chilly winds that may keep her from being warm. Her Dark indigo main with, pink and purple high lights tied in a high ponytail, her bangs covering her forehead, and her vibrant purple eyes brightening the cloudy skies. She wore a white coat with long sleeves that covered her front hooves and a mini black shorts with warm thick leggings and long black boots that coved her back hooves.

Her name was Twilight Sparkle.

There was a lot of little fillies who played outside, but she wasn't like one of those who took those little dolls, and combed their mains, and dressed them up, No way! She would say, she might of been a filly, however, she didn't get too interested in dolls and much of that stuff. She was more interested in Pokémon. Now there was something she liked! But her mom wouldn't let her have one until she was old enough to take responsibility for one. She protested at first, but had the idea of behaving well enough so her mom would let her get one. She huffed, puffing her cheeks. She looked around, seeing many fillies and colts playing with Pokemon. She felt isolated from them, she always wanted to befriend a Pokémon.

She continued to look around the place. Not so many fillies and colts were outside because of the cold weather, but the ones who were played in the snow. She looked around the place, rubbing her hooves together to keep warm. She walked over to the fountain, and looked closer at the water flowing down like a beautiful waterfall. She smiled, at the view, taking another look around. She hummed to herself, she heard a noise from somewhere. Her head turned left to right, and she glanced behind her back, and saw nothing that could of made that noise. Another cry was heard, this time, it came from the trees. Twilight rushed over to where she heard the baby like cries and found a Pidove on the floor. It was sprawled on the floor, an expression of melancholy. Twilight bent down to it's level as it started to chirp unhappily.

"What's wrong little girl?" Twilight mumbled softly. She pet the little baby bird on the head, as it whined. "You broke your wing?"

It nodded it's head in response, the little bird moved it's right wing, as if motioning with his wings which one was broken.

"Your left?" She asked, it nodded once again, whining again.

"Ouch." Twilight said. "I'll help you then!" She picked up the little bird carefully, as if not to hurt it as much, and carried it over to the Pokemon Center. She entered and noticed not many ponies were there. She found it on that little amounts of ponies came to the Pokémon Center in Canterlot. She shrugged to herself and ran over to the counter, where a nurse waited on the other side.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Center, I'm Nurse Red Heart, what can I help you with?" She asked in a polite manner, a smile dangling on her face.

"I found this Pidove just under a tree. Her left wing is broken, can you help her?" Twilight asked, placing down the Pidove right on the counter. It chirped.

"Alright, let's get her to the medical room right away." She said. Twilight was about to hand over the little Pidove over to the nurse, however, it chirped loudly and buried it's face in Twilight's scarf. She didn't seem to want to go with Nurse Red Heart.

She looked up at Twilight with sad eyes. Twilight smiled down at her. "You want to heal quick. Don't you?" She asked.

The Pidove chirped nodding her head, and jumped over to Nurse Red Heart. Twilight waited, sitting down on a chair. Many ponies were with their Pokémon, and feeding them Pokémon Food, or berries. She stood up when the light from the Medical room was shut off, and out from the doors, came Nurse Red Heart, and a Chansey pushing a hospital cart. On it was Pidove, with bandages around her left wing, and a happy look on her face. "It was a complete success. She will heal in no time at all. Be sure to care for her, and change the bandages after weekly or if it gets too dirty. Be sure to provide food and Shelter for her, and she'll be flying soon enough!"

"Thank you so much Nurse Red Heart!" Twilight exclaimed, grabbing a hold of Pidove carefully in her magic. She wrapped the little Pidove in her long scarf and smiled down at her. She smiled warmly, rubbing her head against the back of Twilight's neck. "You're so cute! Let's go little Pidove!" She quickly walked outside of the Pokemon Center, and was met with a cold chilly breeze hitting her face. "Woo! It's cold!" She walked around Canterlot, she walked around to see if she would find her mum anywhere.

"I wonder where mum could be." Twilight thought out loud while holding a chirping Pidove in her arms. She walked, looking around the little crowd of ponies. There weren't much, there were fillies and colts too but she only wanted to find her mum at the moment. However, she fell back on her butt when she had suddenly bumped into somepony. She looked up to see who it was, and saw a tall black Alicorn, with a flowing indigo main , and a device thing over her right eye, and a green eye on her left. She wore weird clothing, Twilight thought, but she decided to keep her mouth shut. The Alicorn looked back, and below seeing the little filly on the floor, she slightly glared. Twilight swallowed, she didn't know what to say.

"Twilight!" A voice, only Twilight recognized as her mother. Her mum helped her up, realizing she had bumped into the Alicorn saying nothing. "I'm sorry, my daughter wasn't watching where she was going. I hope it's alright." She swiped away the excess snow off her butt, and her coat.

"I assure you, it's nothing to worry about." She said, staring down at the little Filly with mean eyes. Suddenly, two stallions in weird suits came by her side.

"My Lady, we must go now. The schedule for the plan is at six." The grunt called. She looked back and nodded, looking back at the little filly and then walking away with the two grunts.

"You saved me mum." Twilight said.

"I sure did, you would've stayed there on the floor for who knows how long. Oh? What's that you have there Twilight?" Her mother asked.

"It's a Pokémon, Mom." Twilight whispered, afraid she would say to return it to the wild or something. Her mother looked down at the Pidove as it hid more in her scarf away from her mum so as not to get caught. Her mum raised her eyebrows at Twilight, pleading for an explanations.

"I found her in the forests! She was hurt! I couldn't leave her there!" Twilight exclaimed. "I took her to the Pokémon Center, and got her healed up, and I have to care for her, and I have to make sure she"

"Alright, slow down!" Her mum laughed. She looked down at the little Pokémon who stared up at Twilight's mum for a long time. "Looks like she's grown fond of you! But looks like she's just a baby. Poor thing. Alright Twilight! It's up to you to take care of her!"

"Really!" Twilight exclaimed, unbelieving of her mother. She was going to let her take care of her? "YAY! Thank you mum! I'm going to feed her, sing her a lullaby" She went over to hug her mother while not hurting the little Pidove riding on her back.

"That reminds me. Twilight, I heard they're having a singing contest over at a Musical Theatre in Fillydelphia! You want to attend?" Her mum asked excitedly. Twilight bit her lip, and made a face of distress.

"In front of all those ponies?" She asked.

"Of course in front of ponies!" She said. "Otherwise who would you perform it for?"

"Pokémon?" Twilight shrugged, and even showing a little grin.

"Oh, Twilight." She said laughing a little bit.

"OK, but I'm only in it to win it!" Twilight said.

"That's my little filly! I heard it was at six today!" She said.

"At six! Today!" Twilight exclaimed. She looked to her back where her Pidove was, then back at her mom.

"I just thought to let you know." She said. Twilight nodded.

Author's Note:

Thanks to everypony That liked and faved my story
This is my second story and I hope to have another chapter out soon
thank you all.

Changing Night the Pidove's name and gender to female and the name to Scootaloo

TwilightXLuna Out