5 Year Anniversary on FIM · 10:28pm Mar 17th, 2018
Almost missed my 5 year anniversary here on Fim, but can you blame me when I have to go through another stem cell since my last one failed?
Almost missed my 5 year anniversary here on Fim, but can you blame me when I have to go through another stem cell since my last one failed?
So since December 20th I was in the hospital for the stem cell transplant. First 5 days were very strong chemo to destroy everything. Day 6 was a rest day. Then day 7 was the transplant and what not. They then switch to a system called Day + whatever.
Day + 1-2 went okay. Then 3-5 happened. Nothing but sleeping and other stuff while everything went to absolute 0.
Turns out I need a Stem Cell Transplant next month with a different type of Chemo.
A lot of sciencey mumbo jumbo that would make Twilight go crazy. I'll need to be in the hospital for most, if not all of December, including through Christmas and New Years
Well, I hit the supposed big event of hitting 21 years old today.
Lived to see it with everything going on. Sadly I cant get a drink with all the chemo and drugs.
Still, a birthday is a birthday
Since late July, I've been in the hospital and just got out a few weeks ago.
Turns out I have cancer. Something called non hodgkin's lymphoma.
I had a growth the size of a softball just outside my stomach and a few smaller growths.
Huh, I am really liking the season so far. Which is surprising really.
I guess the new writers are doing something good.
So Rick and Morty just aired its season 3 premiere.
Not an april fools joke.
Fuck yes, the episode was amazing and it already reminds me of the old seasons. The sounds, and the ending title screen.
Anyone with Skype wanna chat or anything? Just let me know.
Also have a Discord, but hardly use it.
Or whatever else you believe in and yes this is late.