• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 3,061 Views, 88 Comments

The Great and the Generous - Cheer

Trixie and her imaginary friend are chased out of the forest they have been living in. Can Trixie bring herself to trust another pony again? How would others deal with her hallucinations?

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Chapter 7: Searching

Rarity shot up in her bed, quickly throwing her sleeping mask to the side as she awoke. Usually she might be a little disoriented by such a quick and unexpected awakening but due to the continued noises of things being thrown about she was more alert than usual.

“No…No…No! Where is she!” Trixie shouted from the middle of Rarity’s room, surrounded by a mess that would have impressed Pinkie in the speed it was created. ’She couldn’t have gone far. She-she has to be somewhere!’ She thought, her panic causing her to not realize that Rarity was looking at her, staring at the one making such a mess

Clothes thrown all about the floor, drawers pulled out from dressers and the contents from on top of the dresser were likewise thrown all about. Rarity’s mouth was agape as she tried to form words. To say something, anything to stop the localized disaster within her room. In the end all she was able to form was the word “Stop!”

Trixie, for once, did so without issue. She stopped and looked up towards Rarity with what seemed like a look of confusion as though she had forgotten Rarity would be in the room. However, this look only lasted a few moments before she had a thought. ”Maybe she could help me find Pixie!”

With that thought, Trixie rushed towards the bed “You! You can help me find her!” She shouted, causing Rarity to cringe at the volume

Rarity shook her head slightly as she rubbed her ear. ”Why do ponies always have to shout when you’re tired?” She wondered to herself before she digested what Trixie had actually asked. “Excuse me? Her? Who are you looking for?” She asked

Trixie in response huffed as though she expected Rarity to know exactly what was going on. “Where is Pixie?! Do you know?! If not then you best help me find her!” She demanded, continuing to shout despite how close they were with merely four feet of bed separating Rarity’s sitting up form and Trixie’s standing one.

“Okay. For one. please for the love of Celestia stop shouting.” Rarity said, doing her utmost to not hypocritically shout that very sentence
Trixie nodded quickly, willing to agree to anything just to ensure that Rarity would listen to her and help. Pixie was gone. She needed Pixie. She couldn’t lose her. “Fine. Trixie will stop shouting, now-“

“Two. [i/]Calmly explain what is going on” Rarity said, interrupting Trixie, much to the mare’s irritation “At least take one deep breath before you explain” Rarity said as she moved the covers and slid out of bed. She doubted she’d be able to stay in bed with whatever it was making Trixie panic about and she’d rather Trixie not touch her personally made sheets in trying to yank her out of bed.
Trixie pouted and rolled her eyes before doing just as Rarity had asked. It honestly did help but Trixie wasn’t about to admit it at the moment or near future. “Pixie is missing and-“ She began before blinking. Rarity didn’t know about Pixie at all. She’d never seen Pixie. How could she even help? This thought caused Trixie to stand in place, slightly awkwardly
“Alright. So something is missing. Wonderful. That wasn’t so hard. Now what is “Pixie” And where was it last?” She asked as she carefully re-made her bed. Rarity had never really thought about just how relaxing it was to simply make her bed. It was something else to focus on. Something to calm her down.

“Er…Pixie- N-never mind!” She shouted, waving a hoof “Trixie will find her on her own!” She shouted once more before she began stomping out of Rarity’s room with a deep blush on her face.

“I-“ Rarity began before her door slammed on her. She sighed and lit her horn as she began organizing the room. Fixing anything Trixie had messed with. This was too much. ”What was I thinking? I’m a fashionista, not a physician. Let alone a psychiatrist.” she thought with yet another sigh. She didn’t want to just say that she couldn’t do it but at the same time she had no clue what to expect from a mare like Trixie. She had a history. Not the best one but at the same time not the worst. Before the Ursa incident, she had reportedly had a wonderful reputation as a well-liked showmare and why she used to have such a positive reputation was made quite clear by the beginning of her show. While not the most impressive spells, she had worked them in a creative way and made an entertaining show. A free one at that.
That was a part that had always given Rarity a double take whenever she thought back to it. Trixie was a braggart, yes. She had a large ego, yes. She was loud, yes. But the fact is…her show was free. She wasn’t greedy, she didn’t seem to have aspirations that ponies needed to pay to see her. She was giving her show to any who wanted to see. She was…generous. It was a singular thing to be generous in and it wasn’t completely separate from her selfish nature but still. She wasn’t a horrible pony by any stretch. Well…aside from her last visit to town. That was a little more than horrible.

Rarity was relieved to not hear any crashes or thuds as she took a seat back on the once again covered bed. She really needed to think about these things. For one. Trixie was still injured and the most Rarity could do if it got worse would be to bring her to a hospital. Two. Trixie seemed to have…some sort of mental issues. That was more than a little worrisome. If Trixie got her magic back and mind degraded…Rarity had to honestly worry when she thought about that. Trixie could very well get some mad thought in her mind from the dark magic effecting her. Rarity didn’t know if she could do anything in that situation.

A part of her mind entertained the idea of handing Trixie off to Twilight, or better yet a mental institution. Ponyville may be a small town but they did have one.

“I just don’t know what to do…” Rarity mumbled to herself with a sigh before lifting herself up. The least she could do was to talk to Twilight about her thoughts. Hopefully an outside view on it would help. But then again, Twilight had been the very one to recommend Rarity take Trixie into her home. But then again, there was no way for Twilight to know about Trixie’s mental situation. If only she could get some simple answer before all of this even began. Things would be so much easier.

Rarity sighed yet again as she pushed herself up from the bed. She had decided. She would go see Twilight and ask her what her thoughts are on Rarity’s own thoughts.

Downstairs, Trixie was grumbling as she continued to look around, though now it was much more half-heartedly. What could she do after all? She needed to find Pixie but no one could help her. No one knew who or what Pixie was and she knew that if she tried to explain it to anyone, they’d call her insane and put her away and Trixie would not be thrown away like some common madmare. Not that she was any sort of madmare anyway.

What should she do? Where should she start looking? She wasn’t sure. A part of her though had begun to think of a few ideas. They weren’t very…fun ideas but they were at least something. Now all she needed was to get Rarity out of the house so she could start looking properly.

“Trixie?” Came a call from the top of the stairs “I’m going out for a little bit so I trust that you’ll not make too much of a mess while looking for Pixie” Trixie couldn’t help it as her ears flattened against her head slightly as she heard that. She felt like such a fool for asking the mare for help. But wait. She said she was going out, yes? That’d be perfect.

Speaking in the most confident voice she could manage, Trixie answered “Of course! Your home shall be exactly as it is in this very moment!”

Rarity came to the bottom of the stairs with a raised brow before answering “Well…Alright then. It shouldn’t be much longer than an hour. If you get hungry, go ahead and have something from the fridge. But please leave something for me” Trixie wasn’t sure if Rarity was making a joke or not but she still felt offended and raised her nose to the air as Rarity let out a small giggle. A giggle! She was laughing at Trixie!

But before Trixie could speak about how she was not some sort of glutton, Rarity had already left.

Rarity took a deep breath as she walked to Twilight’s home. The air was clean and crisp. It filled her mind with a relaxing feeling just as it filled her lungs. It was as though all of the weight on her mind was taken away for a little bit.

There were ponies out and about town, whom Rarity waved to with a soft smile and even a small skip in her step until she started calming herself down and continued to her usual ladylike walk.

It didn’t take long for Rarity to make her way to Twilight’s home. The large shining castle that it was. It had always seemed so imposing and so …well, royal. But at the same time when Rarity thought about who it was that owned the castle she couldn’t help but see the castle as that same homey library that Twilight used to live in. That warm little tree. And suddenly, That castle didn’t seem nearly as imposing.

Rarity simply walked into the castle, knowing that she and her friends were always welcome “Twilight? Twilight darling, can I speak to you?” Rarity called out, knowing all too well that these halls echo through the whole building

“Rarity?” Came Twilight’s voice from somewhere deep in the castle “I’ll be-“ There was a purple flash and in the next moment Twilight was standing in front of her with a smile “There” She finished with a giggle

Rarity gasped as Twilight teleported in the middle of her sentence. She knew she should be either used to it by now or annoyed with her friend but she just couldn’t. Twilight just had one of those looks. Too adorable to be mad at.

Twilight giggled yet again before giving Rarity an apologetic smile “Sorry about that. I’ll try to warn you next time”

“Oh, don’t worry about it dear. I was merely startled. Nothing that Rainbow and Pinkie don’t do on a weekly basis already” She answered with a wave of her hoof

Twilight giggled and gave a nod before waving her hoof behind her “I’m still sorry. Anyway, I’m sure you came here for a reason so come on in and we can talk about it in my room if you’d like.”

“Your room? Not the map room?” Rarity asked as she started walking in the direction that Twilight indicated.

“Well…The map room is certainly beautiful and great for meetings but for just a one on one I’d rather have a nice and soft pillow to sit on instead of a crystal chair” Twilight explained with a smirk

“You bring up a very good point darling. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Oh, please forgive this foolish mare” Rarity said with obvious over exaggeration.

Twilight simply rolled her eyes as she led Rarity to her own bedroom and let her in. Rarity could have sworn there was a blush on Twilight’s cheeks but let it slide. “Anyway, I’m just glad you were here. It’s a bit urgent. Or at least it feels like it” Rarity explained as she entered the room and watched as a lavender pillow was levitated over to her “Ah. Thank you darling” She said as she watched Twilight sit on a white one of her own.

“You’re welcome. But it sounds like we should get right to it if it feels that urgent to you” Twilight said with a soft nod before asking “It’s about Trixie, isn’t it?”

Rarity sighed as she nodded. “Yes it is. I’m afraid that…I don’t think I’m qualified to be looking after her.”

Twilight quirked her brow “What do you mean? I would think that you’d be just fine. It’s not like she could overpower you in her condition. Is it just her attitude?”

Rarity shook her head “No. Her attitude is honestly not all that bad. At least when she’s not shouting at me” She said with a roll of her eyes “But…it is partially having to do with the possibility of her overpowering me. The biggest issue though is…her mind.”

“Her…mind? Is there something wrong?” Twilight inquired

“I’m afraid that she’s…not quite all there. There’s been multiple times that I’ve heard her seemingly…talking to herself. No. Talking with herself. As though there’s a conversation I can’t hear half of” Rarity explained with a deep sigh.

Twilight’s eyes widened at Rarity’s words. “That IS a problem. Especially with the dark magic affecting so many parts of her body connected to the brain… Has she done anything that doesn’t make any sense? Something that you can’t explain?” Twilight asked as she levitated a quill, inkwell and paper over to herself in order to take notes

Rarity nodded once “Yes. This morning actually. She was turning my bedroom upside down as she looked for something called Pixie and no. I’m not sure who Pixie is. Though I suspect that she’s who Trixie is talking to”


“Oh, yes. When she noticed I was awake, She told me that I needed to help Trixie find “her”.” Rarity explained “And I’m quite sure I’ve heard her mention the name before. Well…Unless I’m imagining things. Then maybe I’m the one with the damaged mind”

Twilight frowned and shook her head “Now, now. There’s no reason to call her “Damaged”. We’re not even sure that she has something wrong with her” She said before Rarity gave her a deadpan expression “Alright, alright. So, it seems that something is in fact wrong with her. But still. Saying she’s damaged is a little rude” Twilight pointed out

Rarity sighed a breath of understanding “I know…I’m just…I feel overwhelmed by this and I keep thinking that it might be better to just pass her to a hospital that would know exactly what to do with her condition. But then I think about that nurse. How willing she was to just throw her out for what she’d done in the past. I may not have tried to take over a town in the past but I still would hate if somepony judged me by my past actions. I mean, if my customers judged my skill by my old designs I would almost certainly not have any customers and I think I just understood a part of what Trixie may be going through, haven’t I?”

“I think you have. I think you understand how unfair Trixie feels like it is to be judged so harshly on her past” Twilight said with a soft smile, glad to see Rarity understand Trixie a little better before her face turned more serious “But I do understand your worries. If Trixie does indeed have something wrong with her mind, letting her stay around professionals would probably be for the best.” Twilight looked up slightly with a hoof to her chin as she thought “Well, I think that it might be a good idea if I took a look at her. To check that the dark magic isn’t getting worse or spreading. If it hadn’t already I doubt it’ll suddenly spread now but I can’t be sure without checking”

“I see. That is indeed a good idea.” She said with a smile before standing “Well then, would you like to come to my home and check on her? Maybe stay for lunch if she’s in a good enough mood?” Rarity asked with a smile. Glad to at least have some sort of direction to go now. Something to do.

Twilight giggled with a small amount of red on her cheeks as she stood “Of course. That sounds wonderful Rarity.”

Rarity and Twilight walked side by side and made small talk as they did. Though Rarity did notice that at times, Twilight would continually get very close. But Rarity chalked that up to Twilight not being used to her growing alicorn body.

“Trixie? I’m home and I brought a guest!” Rarity called out as she shut the door behind her.

A moment passed and then another. There was no answer “Trixie?” Rarity called out again

“Maybe she’s asleep?” Twilight offered

“Good point. I’ll go check her room if you want to have a seat in the living room.” Rarity told her with a warm smile before she made her way towards Trixie’s room. She knocked softly but crisply “Trixie? Trixie could you wake up and come to the living room for a moment?” She asked. Just like earlier. No answer “Trixie?” She knocked again, harder this time.

When for a second time there was no answer, or third if she counted the when she called out upon entering her home, Rarity frowned and opened the door. “Trixie?” She asked as she opened the door, only to find the room empty.

Rarity raised her brow as she stepped back out of the room. She had a bad feeling about this.

Rarity took a few more minutes to check her own room and the rest of the rooms upstairs, only to come up with empty hooves. That bad feeling she had a few moments ago only got worse and with slightly quicker breaths she made her way back into the living room where Twilight was casually sitting on the couch where warm sunlight bathed the alicorn. Rarity hadn’t noticed before but under the light of the sun Rarity could see small spots of what looked almost like glitter in Twilight’s mane. Rarity knew Twilight wasn’t the kind to put glitter in her mane, so maybe it was just an alicorn thing.

Rarity pushed her thoughts for outfit designs that incorporated those into themselves to the side for now as she spoke “Twilight. I can’t find Trixie. Could you help me look for her? I doubt she’s outside but I’m starting to feel worried”

Twilight stood with an equally worried look on her face “That’s not good at all. Of course I’ll help you look” She said with a determined nod “With the two of us it should only take a couple of minutes to find her”

Rarity nodded in agreement and with that the two began their searching. Just as Twilight said it only took a few minutes for them to both meet back up in the living room. Without Trixie.

“Did you find anything?” Twilight asked, her wings fidgeting slightly

Rarity sighed and shook her head “No…There was a little food missing from the fridge but that was it. I’m afraid that she did leave the boutique. But why? I doubt she wants to deal with ponies who dislike her” Rarity complained

“I agree. But…you said that she was looking for someone, right? Could she have left to search for her?” Twilight offered

Rarity’s eyes widened slightly “That’s…a good possibility. But where else could she go? Maybe-“ Rarity gasped “Do you think she went back to the quarry where I found her? What if the diamond dogs find her again?!”

“We’ll find her Rarity.” Twilight said with a determined look as she set a hoof on her shoulder “Let’s go look for her. If we hurry I’m sure we can stop anything from hurting her.

Author's Note:

So....hey everyone. Betcha didn't expect this huh? Neither did I honestly. After reading a comment by MysteriousStranger I had a strange urge to finish up the chapter I had started in word. The funny thing is that I was only like 500 words into this one. yet I actually finished it up. I honestly feel really good about actually doing this.

I don't feel as good about the chapter itself. Like always there is no editing aside from spelling (Which I still could have missed something)

But yeah. The story is ...actually going back to hiatus. I didn't actually HAVE to force myself to write this. I just...wanted to. It was a really nice feeling honestly.

So...yeah. ^~^ I hope you all have a wonderful day/night

Comments ( 4 )

I honestly forgot about this story until I saw the update :twilightsheepish:. Shame it's still on hiatus but I'm willing to wait (as I am with all stories I fav or track) take as long as you need. Wonderful day to you as well btw.

I hear something....I can just barely make it out...


Why is it all the most interesting stories wind up getting cancelled?

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