• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 13,455 Views, 61 Comments

Scrumpy Apple Slumber Party - butterscotchsundae

Pinkie-Twilight-Applejack shipping story.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"This was a great idea of yours, Twilight," said Applejack as she slipped her saddlebags off. "With Big Macintosh away an' Apple Bloom sleeping over at Scootaloo's house with Sweetie Belle, Ah was gettin' awful lonesome out there at the Sweet Apple Acres. Tha' homestead can be mighty cold and empty with none of tha' Apple family around..."

"No problem, Applejack," replied Twilight with a smile. "With Spike away at Summer Camp, I've been all alone here as well..." She was nose-deep in a book about party games; this was, after all, only her second attempt at holding a sleepover and she was still a little uncertain about what games they could play. Besides, the friend dynamic this time was totally different - Rarity was in Fillydelphia at a Fashion Show and couldn't come, and Fluttershy had been cajoled by Rainbow Dash into helping stop the rainstorms in Stalliongrad that were threatening to make the rivers flood, so Pinkie Pie had leapt at the chance – literally. When Twilight had invited her she had leapt 10 feet in the air and hung there, a look of joy lighting her cheerful face. Just how that cotton-candy maned pony could move that way, Twilight had no idea. She hadn't been able to find a book about Pinkie's special kind of earth pony magic in her own library. Maybe in Canterlot, in Princess Celestia's library, she'd be able to find a....

Twilight shook her head. No more reading for the moment – friendship called! She shut the book and trotted happily over to Applejack. The earth pony had already taken some snacks out of her saddlebags and was laying them down on the blanket that Twilight had spread on the floor.

"We'll probably need some more pillows...." Twilight said, hopping up onto the sofa. But Applejack jumped in front of her.

"Now just wait a cotton-pickin' minute, sugarcube. We ain't gonna get all wrapped up in a pillow fight straight away, are we? We got snacks ta eat, issues ta discuss, and other games ta play before all a' that crazy non-sense. Besides, Pinkie Pie isn't here yet..."

"Ohhhhhh YES I AM!!!!!!!" A pink face jumped up suddenly from behind the sofa. Twilight and Applejack both fell backwards onto the floor in a ball of flailing hooves at the fright.

"Pinkie!" they cried in unison. It was Pinkie. The pink pony had leapt onto the sofa and was bouncing up and down and twirling about, using the cushions as a trampoline.

"Yes Twilight?" She turned to her unicorn friend, then turned to Applejack in mid bounce. "Yes Applejack?"

"How long have you been here, Pinkie?" demanded Twilight. Her heart was beating so hard she was worried it would jump up her throat and leap out of her mouth.

"I just got here!" she explained, bouncing all the while. "You were reading that GINORMOUS book over there, and Applejack was taking out her snacks, and I just kinda SLIPPED in through the open door and... waitaminute! SNACKS!!!!!!" With a final bounce, she leapt from the sofa and trotted over to the pile of treats lying on the blanket. She licked her lips greedily, opened her mouth and was on the verge of swallowing the pile whole when she stopped, realising something.

"I brought some snacks TOO!!!" she laughed, and cantered back out the front door of the library. She came back with a basket on her back filled with all kinds of sweet pastries and cakes, and slipped it off onto the blanket. In a puff of smoke she was gone again, and brought another basket in even bigger than the first. She put this one down as well, pushing it next to the other snacks with her nose.

Applejack and Twilight looked on in amazement.

"Lookit all them snacks!" whistled Applejack. "Danishes!"

"Cakes!" added Twilight, her eyes scanning the immense hoard.



"And don't forget APPLES!!!!" Pinkie was trotting over to the blanket with the last of her baskets. This one was filled with apples – green, yellow and red –along with a large number of bottles of apple juice.

"Apples!" Applejack's smile was bright. "Pinkie, ya remembered..."

"What? Oh, of COURSE I remembered Applejack!" She started to talk to herself, her eyes flashing back and forth as she took each part of the conversation "Pinkie! I said to myself. "Don't forget that Applejack isn't as into sweets as much as you are!"

"But she loves sweets!" replied Pinkie. "She loves apple crumble, and apple tarts, and apple pies, and apple bumpkin... hahahah, what a funny word! Bumpkin! And apple..."

"That's right, Pinkie!" she told herself sternly. "You just HAVE to bring something with apple in it!"

Pinkie's face fell. "But we've sold out of all our apple goods. Even the apple croissants! Whatever will you do??? Applejack will be SOOOOOOO disappointed!"

A sudden smile exploded onto Pinkie's face and her eyes sparkled. "OF COURSE! I'll bring those apples that we didn't get around to using in our baking today!"

"Brilliant Pinkie Pie!" she congratulated herself. "You know, sometimes you're not such a ditzy-headed ball of pink ZANINESS... but don't forget that apple juice as well!" Pinkie turned suddenly serious. "Well, it WAS left on that sunny windowsill in the bakery for a few days, but I'm SURE it'll be fine. I mean, you drank five or six bottles yesterday and you said it tasted just as good as apple juice ALWAYS tastes. It was a bit fizzy, though, like soda-pop, and it made you burp!"

"Apple soda??!!!" Pinkie laughed, leaping around in delight. "Why, that's just Applejack's most favouritest drink EVER!"

Applejack eyed the pile of apples. Some where a little shrivelled and had seen better days. "Ah don't know, Pinkie Pie. Those apples sure look like they're well past their eat-by-date. In fact, they've probably turned inta scrumpy-apples by now."

Pinkie's eyes bugged out in excitement. "SCRUMPTIOUS apples?????!!! Yipppeeeee!!!" She leapt clear over Applejack and straight into the basket of apples. There was a whirlwind of pink and red and green and the sound of rampant chomping.

"Pinkie!" shouted Applejack. "Ah said scrumpy apples! That's the name we use when apples get left out in the sun too long." She turned to Twilight. "And if ya eat them, they make yer go...." Her pupils went large. "Loopy!"

Twilight looked back at the orgy of apple-devouring taking place nearby. "So... I guess they shouldn't do anything at all to Pinkie Pie..." She frowned with concern. "I hope...."

"We'll just hafta wait and see, Ah reckon," replied Applejack.

Pinkie Pie had eaten herself to a standstill now, and she lay splayed out and panting on one corner of the blanket. There were a small number of apples left and a large part of the other snacks had not survived the onslaught of Pinkie's appetite unscathed either. But Applejack and Twilight just laughed and lay down next to their exhausted friend – they'd brought extra snacks of course, since they both knew Pinkie's bottomless stomach all too well, so there was still more than enough snacks to go around – even if Pinkie got hungry again, as she always did.

The three ponies settled down in their sleeping bags and chatted together for a long time – about their plans for the coming Fall and the annual Racing of the Leaves, about what cutie mark they all thought Applebloom would get, and about whether they'd see either Trixie or Gilda again.

All the while Applejack and Twilight checked Pinkie out of the corner of their eyes to make sure she was alright. She didn't seem to have been adversely effected by the scrumpy apples – in fact, if anything, she seemed a little quieter and less bubbly than usual. She seemed happy to just listen as Twilight and Applejack gossiped about Spike's crush on Rarity – Twilight's mimicking of Spike's super-suave voice had the other two rolling on the floor in laughter – but when Applejack loosened her ponytail, swung it forward onto her face and started galloping around the room shouting "Lookit me! I'm Rainbow Dash! The fastest, the bravest, the greatest Pegasus of them all – and, of course, the most modest!" Pinkie burst out laughing. But it was even louder than the usual Pinkie explosive laugh – it shot up into the air with a series of giggles at first, and exploded with a huge wave of guffaws that sent the pink pony flying onto her back, kicking her legs in the air.

Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie's flailing hooves and turned to Twilight Sparkle. "She seems like the same ol' Pinkie Pie ta me, Twilight. Them apples musta been fine after all. Maybe Ah will try some of that apple juice."

She took a bottle from the remnants of the candy-hoard, popped the cork with her teeth and took a sip. Twilight scrunched up her face. "How does it taste, Applejack?" she asked.

Applejack took another drink from the bottle – a deeper one this time. "It tastes good!" she remarked in surprise. "Real good! Like ya said, Pinkie – it tastes just like apple soda!"

Pinkie stopped laughing, sat up with difficulty and slowly turned her face towards Applejack. Her eyes were droopy and she seemed to have trouble forming her words. "I didn't shay that!" she replied, shaking her head back and forth, her mane brushing Applejack's and Twilight's faces. "Noshirreee! Nope, nope, nope, nope, no... wait a minute," Her eyes creased in thought, "Yesh I did!" and then she started snorting again as the laughter threatened to burst out again.

"Oh Pinkie," smiled Twilight. "You and your silly voices... Bring me a bottle over, Applejack. All that candy I've been eating has made me thirsty!"

She popped the cork and gave it a cautious sniff. It smelled different, that was for sure. At the first sip, the juice tasted a bit sour, but sweet as well, and extra bubbly, just as her friends had described it. But a few sips more and Twilight found herself enjoying it even more than ordinary apple juice. She was soon finished the bottle, and went to get another one.

Pinkie had rolled onto her back again, and was rubbing it backwards and forwards on the blanket. "I've...got...an...ITCH! And....I...can't...quite...SCRITCH ...it!" she muttered.

Applejack's eyebrows arched as she watched Pinkie rolling about, and she lifted the bottle in her mouth up into the air, gulping down another wave of the juice, but midway she started to giggle, and the bottle fell out of her mouth and apple juice sprayed everywhere.

Twilight started to get annoyed, but then found herself giggling as well. She took another drink of the apple juice, and came over to where her friends were horsing around.

"This is th' best juish...juish...juice... Ah've ever tasted!" said Applejack. She wiped her still wet mouth.

"Hey!" cried Pinkie, "Your voish sounds silly too!"

Twilight shook her head. "Come on you two. It's still early – we've got a lot of games to play!"

Pinkie jumped up. "WAIT!! I've got the BEST GAME EVER!!!" She grabbed the empty bottle sitting next to Applejack and put it on the floor between the three of them.

"Oh yeah!" laughed Applejack. "The empty bottle game - Ah love that one!"

Pinkie frowned then smiled again. "No, you big shilly.... you big silly Apple-JACK-you!" She touched the bottle with her hoof and sent it spinning. "I'm talking about SPIN the BOTTLE!"

Twilight took another sip of her drink and looked at the rapidly spinning bottle. "That doesn't sound like a very fun game to me," she said doubtfully.

"You don't jusht spin the bottle, Twilight!" said Pinkie, the pupils of her eyes spinning while she watched the bottle, "Whoever the bottle ends up pointing towards has to play TRUTH...." She narrowed her eyes and grinned maniacally, "or DARE."

"Sounds like a whole bay-harn full o' fun ta me," said Applejack with a hiccup. "Wait, did Ah just say bay-harn?"

"Nope!" quipped Pinkie, still watching the bottle. It had started to slow down. "You said harn-bay."

"It's HAY-barn!" corrected Twilight, "And you didn't SAY harn-bay, you said barn-hay. Or bay-harn. I can't remember. " She shook her head. "And I don't even know what "hay-barn full of fun" means!" she cried.

"It means," explained Applejack slowly, " That it's a barrel of laughs. Ya know – a bay-harn-full-of- fun!"

"A hay-barn full of buns?" cried Pinkie. "Where??!! I'm starving!" But before either pony could correct her, she threw her forefeet in the air and shouted: "ME! ME! The bottle's pointing towards me!"

"It's clearly not, Pinkie," said Twilight, towards whom the bottle was actually pointing, "But why don't you just choose truth or dare anyway? I'm sure we'll all get a turn soon enough."

Pinkie laughed and clopped her hooves together – both pairs. "OK, OK! So I'll choose..... TRUTH!"

"You take this one, sug'," said Applejack, who had just got up to get another bottle of juice. "But jus' go easy on the little pink filly – she is the youngest, remember?"

"OK then...Hmmm....truth. Truth....." Twilight found it hard to think, but at last a question that she'd been wanting to ask Pinkie for a long time sprang to mind, "Wait! OK... so Pinkie - a couple of times now you've said that you think there's somepony watching us, like from somewhere out in space..."

Applejack snorted as she sat down again, "Aw c'mon. Not this load of road-apples again..."

Twilight glared at her. "It's my turn and my question, AJ...." She turned back to Pinkie, who was blinking her eyes and waiting in total seriousness for the question, "Who do you think is watching us, Pinkie?"

Pinkie sat back and rubbed her chin with a hoof. "Who do I think is watching US?" she repeated. Then she suddenly leaped forward and planted her face right next to Twilight's and gazed deep into her friend's eyes.

"SPACEPONIES," she replied.

Applejack spluttered. "Spaceponies! Well, Ah tell ya – ya ask a silly question, ya get a ree-diculous answer!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Spaceponies. There's no such thing as... well. Maybe there are ponies up there, in space, Pinkie. But I don't know why they'd be watching us..."

"All of our adventures, of course!" laughed Pinkie. "Who WOULDN'T want front-row seats to the BESTEST and FUNNIEST show ever! Power-Ponies: Wielders of the Elements of Harmony! Starring Pinkie Pie and her colourful pony friends! Watch as they defeat Old Black Snooty, GASP in terror as they come face to face with a RAVENOUS, FIRE-BREATHING...."

"Ah sure hope them Spaceponies," interrupted Applejack, "Or whoever they are, ain't watching us ALL the time, IF ya catch my drift!"

Twilight stifled a giggle. "OK, it's my turn to spin the bottle."

As luck would have it, it pointed towards Twilight again – which meant that she was going to choose....


Applejack pulled Pinkie next to her, and the two ponies whispered and giggled for a few moments before finally Applejack asked: "OK then, sugarcube. We've got a dilly of a question for ya!"

Twilight shook her head. "Oh brother. Let's hear it then..."

Applejack had to stop herself from laughing to blurt it out. "Do you have a... crush on anypony?"

Twilight blushed. She knew she might get asked this question, but she still wasn't ready for it.

"Uuuhhmm...." she replied.

"I know who it is!" smiled Pinkie, "It's that pony with the chestnut mane and the hourglass cutie mark, isn't it?"

"Who? Him?" Twilight sighed, "No, it's not him... I mean, he is cute and all, but..." She gulped. "The pony that I like..."

"Yes?" Applejack pushed closer, with Pinkie behind her, squeezing her neck over Applejack's shoulder.

"The pony that I like..." Twilight bit her lip.

"Yes? YES?"

At last Twilight burst out: "I just can't say it!" she cried. "I just CAN'T!"

Applejack and Pinkie looked at each other in disappointment. Twilight sighed.

"I'm sorry, girls. I'll have to choose "dare" instead!"

Pinkie turned to Applejack and remarked: "I was SURE she was going to say Rarity..." The earth pony was in the middle of drinking some more juice - it sprayed it out her mouth and she started to choke.

"Rarity?" she cried in disbelief. "But she's a filly!"

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, Applejack, you big silly! Fillies can have crushes on other fillies!" Her eyes suddenly grew wide and sparkled. "And Rarity is just sooooo GLAMORICIOUS and SUPER GRACEFUL!" she sighed. "Who could blame anypony for having a crush on HER?"

Twilight and Applejack both looked at Pinkie through narrowed eyes. Then Twilight smiled a secretive little smile and said, "You know, Pinkie Pie. If you were to have a crush on another filly, I always thought it would be Rainbow Dash."

Pinkie's mouth opened into an O shape. "RAIN-bow Dash?" she repeated, bobbing her head back and forth in thought. "Well, Rainbow Dash IS really AWESOMELY cool and SUPER talented. The way her mane jets behind her like a REAL rainbow when she flies..." Pinkie hopped onto the couch and went sailing over her two friends in imitation of Rainbow Dash flying. "She's all ZIIIIPP this way, and then ZAAAPP that way..! If I was a Pegasus pony, I could fly alongside her and be like "Hey Dash, let's fly through that cumu... cumala... cumili... huge cloud over there!" And she'd be all "Great idea, Pinkie!" Twilight and Applejack both laughed at Pinkie's gravelly version of Rainbow Dash's boyish voice. "And then we'd race each other, and do loop-de-loops and barrel-rolls and EVERYTHING, and she'd be laughing and shouting, saying "Faster, Pinkie! Faster!" And I'd be all "Oh Rainbow Dash!!!!" Pinkie suddenly slumped onto the floor like a deflated balloon, a dopily happy expression on her face. "Rainbow Dash is SOOOOOO cool!"

Applejack sighed, "Ya got that right, Pinkie Pie. That embarrassed lil smile Dash gets sometimes when you catch her doin' somethin' she su-pposed t' be..."

Twilight added "The way her nose crinkles up when she's angry..."

The three ponies sighed. Then Pinkie started to giggle.

"I'VE got AN AWESOME idea for a DARE!" she laughed.

Twilight smiled nervously. "Oh Pinkie... Go easy on me, OK?"

"OKIE DOKIE!" said Pinkie Pie, "This a super-EASY dare for you. I want you to....KISS APPLEJACK!"

Twilight frowned. "Excuse me?"

Applejack trotted closer to Twilight and sat down, "Why, that's no real dare at all, Pinkie." She brought her cheek to Twilight's face. "Here, sug'. Plant a big wet one on ol' Applejack's cheek!"

Pinkie shook her head. "No, no, no, no, NO!" she said, suddenly serious but with a mischievous sparkle lighting up her eyes. "It has to be a REAL kiss... not one you'd give to somepony in your family!"

Twilight's frown deepened. "What do you mean... a real kiss?"

"I mean... a real KISS, like this!" Pinkie leapt around so that her back was facing them and she started to hug and squeeze herself, moaning "Oh Pinkie! Oh, oh!!" She leapt back around. "See?! Like THAT!"

Applejack's eyebrows creased and her ears turned back. "A kiss... like that?"

"Oh come on, you SILLY FILLIES!" cried Pinkie Pie, "This game is no fun at all unless you do the dares! That's why they're called DARES – you have to be DARE-ING!"

"OK," muttered Twilight, "Let's get this over with, Applejack, or else we'll never hear the end of it from Pinkie..." She put her forefeet around Applejack's neck and brought her face close to the earth pony's. Applejack didn't shy away, but she did look a little uncomfortable.

"You have to close your EYES!" said Pinkie, who was watching everything closely. "Otherwise you can't RELAX!"

"Alright!" said Twilight, and the two of them closed their eyes. Not able to see anything, Twilight's senses were heightened. She could feel the softness of Applejack's hide against her forelegs and hooves, her friend's heart beating against her own chest, and she could smell Applejack's scent – apples of course, but also the grassiness of cut hay and a gentle muskiness that made Twilight's chest feel tight. The scent got stronger as Applejack moved her face closer to Twilight's, and finally their mouths were touching.

For a little while they didn't really understand what they had to do, and just smooshed their lips together. But Pinkie shouted "Not like THAT! You have to use your TONGUES, otherwise it's just playacting!!!!" Then Twilight felt Applejack's tongue touch wet and hot against her lips, and she opened them slightly to let it in. She touched it with her own tongue, and electricity flared up through her body. It was like she was being filled with some strange magical power, a power that was frightening and exciting and pleasurable all at the same time.

Their tongues explored each other's for a few heartbeats, but then Twilight pushed closer, and Applejack yielded her mouth to her. It was all so wet and warm – not gross at all like she'd feared. "Has Pinkie done this before?" Twilight thought to herself. "I wonder who with?"

Suddenly Applejack pulled away gasping. "Wow, sugar!" she said, "You musta done that before."

Twilight shook her head. "Never," she said. She was pleased that Applejack thought she was good at it, though.

Pinkie was clopping her hooves together. "BRAVO!" she shouted in glee, "That was AMAZING!" She fanned herself with a hoof. "Phew! I'm getting all HOT over here."

"It's probably all that hoopy apple juice," said Applejack. "Ah'm gettin' hot unda th' collar as well!"

Twilight nodded. "I think I need another drink," she said.

"Let me get it for you, Twilight!" said Pinkie, and she grabbed a bottle in her mouth and started to drink from it.

"But Pinkie, you're drinking it all..." protested Twilight, but straight away Pinkie jumped over to her, slipped her forefeet around her neck, and planted her lips against the unicorn pony's, hard. Twilight squirmed a bit, muttering "Mmmpphh....mmppphhh!!" but then gave up, and opened her mouth. Pinkie's tongue slipped in, and with it a wave of apple juice.

Twilight drank it down, and all about her was the heat of Pinkie's body, the cottonball softness of her pink mane that draped itself over their flush faces, and the smell of bubblegum and cottoncandy and popcorn.

At last Pinkie pulled away, leaving Twilight speechless.

Applejack was on the blanket. She'd been watching the whole kiss with glistening eyes. She took another drink of apple juice.

"Ya know Pinkie," she remarked, "Ah think this is tha best party game ya ever taught us!"

Pinkie skipped in happiness. "Oh, I just KNEW you girls would like this game!" she chuckled.

"Where did you learn it, Pinkie?" asked Twilight. She'd already finished the bottle and was fishing another out of the basket.

"I once saw Rainbow Dash doing it with Gilda," said Pinkie. Then she frowned thoughtfully. "But they always looked ANGRY when they were doing it for some reason."

"That's ol' Gilda for ya," said Applejack. "That griffon had a Grade-A attitude problem, if ya ask me."

The ponies continued to drink into the night, until they got so sleepy that they slipped into their sleeping-bags and lay next to each other, chatting and giggling. Applejack was the first to fall asleep, a final empty bottle of apple juice slipping from her lips as she began to snore. But Twilight and Pinkie Pie were still awake.

Pinkie crawled up next to Twilight like a caterpillar and nuzzled into the unicorn pony's neck. Twilight closed her eyes blissfully, and lost herself in a dreamy world of cotton-candy and bubblegum.

Sometime later she heard a whisper in her ear: "Psssttt! Pssstt! Hey, Twilight! Are you asleep ALREADY?"

Twilight murmured. "Mmmnnn.. no, not yet." She opened her eyes to see Pinkie Pie's gazing into hers.

Pinkie Pie whispered, "I think Applejack's far away in snoozy-land," and licked Twilight on the mouth. "Want me to show you what other AWESOME things I saw Rainbow Dash and Gilda doing?"

She'd slipped out of her own sleeping-bag and with some difficulty squirmed into Twilight's.

"Hey Pinkie... wait a minute... ow! That's my back-leg... hey!" But finally the pink pony was inside. She wrapped her forelegs around Twilight and smiled at her.

"WOW! Your bag's MUCH comfier than MINE is."

"That's because mine isn't filled with cake crumbs and potato chips," whispered Twilight.

But Pinkie didn't reply. She simply licked Twilight's neck playfully, once, twice, then with an enigmatic smile Pinkie slipped down into the sleeping bag. And soon Twilight felt her friend's mouth and tongue on her chest, then her stomach – then butterfly kisses and little nips all along her back legs. And then Pinkie's tongue – hot and wet, everywhere, and Twilight closed her eyes, biting her lips to keep herself from gasping and waking Applejack. She rolled her eyes and tossed her mane, trying to push Pinkie's head away with her hooves. But soon she stopped fighting and started helping direct the pink pony's mouth to where it felt best.

Twilight's heart beat faster and faster, and she bit her lip harder and harder – but the pain from her teeth was strangely transmuted into pleasure.

"Is this.. Pinkie Pie's magic?" she thought. But then the flicking of Pinkie's tongue increased, and Twilight felt an immense pressure welling up in her. She felt like she was going to explode. And at last she did. A bright blossom of excruciating pleasure that burst in the centre of her head, and flowed down her body in waves of melting fire. She was falling, falling into nothingness.

Soon Twilight was asleep, and Pinkie watched her as she smiled and muttered, smiling a bright and secret smile of her own.

"Oh Twilight Sparkle," Pinkie sighed, "I don't know which little pony you have a crush on, but whoever it is – I'm SUPER jealous of them." And then she closed her eyes and fell asleep too.

The next morning Applejack woke up. She tried to prise her eyes open, but they were stuck together – and when she finally did, her world was flooded with pain as daylight streamed into them. She smacked her lips, and they were dry and cracked like Granny Smith's.

"Now what in tarnation happened last night, Ah wonder!" She couldn't remember a thing. Slowly she looked around at the devastation of the crumpled blanket, the leftover snacks, cake crumbs and empty bottles. Twilight was still asleep, a goofy smile visible under the tangle of black and purple hair all over her face.

"Good morning sleepy-head!" chimed Pinkie Pie from the kitchen.

"Ah, uh... good mornin'" Applejack replied, staggering to her feet, her head pounding.

Pinkie poked her head out of the kitchen door and said, "Please don't wake Twilight – she's SUPER exhausted from last night!" She brought out a frying pan and flipped a couple of pancakes into the air, catching them effortlessly. "Now, are you a lemon and sugar pony, or a chocolate sauce pony!? HA, no WAIT!" She laughed, "You're an APPLE-sauce pony, aren't you!?"

At the word "apple" Applejack's gorge rose. She swallowed with a grimace and replied, "No apples for a while, Pinkie Pie..." No apples for a long, long while!

"Chocolate sauce it is then!" laughed Pinkie, returning to the kitchen and leaving Applejack to crawl back into her sleeping-bag, holding her head and moaning, as Twilight slept blissfully on.


Meanwhile, far to the East in the blue and cloudy skies over Stalliongrad, Fluttershy murmured and rolled over as she came out of a wonderful happy dream. She was lying on the white fluffiness of a cloud, and she smiled and snuggled closer into the warm softness. But something heavy and smelling strongly of sweat slipped on top of her, and a voice carried on hot breath said perkily: "Mornin', Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy's eyes snapped open, and she squealed "Eep!" and jumped away, shivering in fright against a puff of cloud. Rainbow Dash, her rainbow hair ruffled and a bright grin on her face came over and snuggled up to the shocked Pegasus pony.

"Aw c'mon Fluttershy – you weren't so shy last night! Let's do it again!"


Comments ( 58 )

I found this story really amusing. LOL at the drunken ponies.

butterscotch story i haven't read?

must read.

Butterscotch you are evil, but in the best posible way. That was fun. Do it again, do it again. Please.

#4 · Jan 17th, 2012 · · ·

I'm glad this story is on FiMFiction. :twilightsmile:

Everytime I read it makes me laugh and smile. :rainbowlaugh:

Pretty well written, hilarious one-shot!

Hah! This story slaps me on the knee! :rainbowlaugh:
And I love the Pinkie/Twilight going on in there.
Another great story. :twilightsmile:

A riveting read, you had me captivated all the way through.

I hope there is a sequel.

btw i found a grammar mistake in
"WOW! You're bag's MUCH comfier than MINE is."

I see WOW! You're =You are | U need Your:unsuresweetie:

Rarity, "Hmmm... I feel like I missed something important..."

Very funny fic :)
Also, Stalliongrad. STALLIONGRAD!

Awesome story! I like how you managed to have a drunken romance scene without it getting trashy or clopfic-ish. Good job. :twilightsmile:


Thanks! I missed that one. :pinkiegasp: It's been fixed. :twilightsheepish:

great fic nuff said

lol flutterdash and a twi x pinkie... interesting... i wonder who twi's crush was tho...

138669 Its not twi x pinkie! Its Twinkie :rainbowlaugh:

Mmmm.... Twinkie....

Mmmm.... Twinkie....

yes that was me....

Butterscotch, you crafty evil fanfic genius, you. :moustache:

Making me read Twinkie ships... grumble grumble...

poor rarity misses out on all the fun :raritydespair:

i hope to see more flutterdash!!


amazing! more words would arrive if I had the capacity. I'm all out of colorful vocabulary. Amazing story ^.^:twilightsmile:

That was pretty wicked. Pinkie talking got very, very irritating...but, I guess that was intentional, since it WAS Pinkie Pie...and they were technically drunk. Applejack and Twilight kissing was hilarious and adorable; I love that couple. Rainbow Dash and Gilda being mentioned doing truth or dare...and then being mentioned doing what Pinkie does to Twilight...who would be the aggressor in that case? I imagine Gilda; her dominating Dashie is a sexy thought. :rainbowderp:

Eh-hem, anyway...Pinkie and Twilight are SO adorable together. It's really hard to say who should be with Twilight, given that she fits very well with each of the other mane five ponies, but I really do love her with Pinkie. It's just so adorable every time they're in the same scene together! The ending with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy...very silly and incredibly cute, too. Dash being all male-like to the scared Fluttershy and acting like, "Aw, baby, don't be that way; you know you liked it"...was freaking hilarious. I don't really LIKE the pairing, but...it can be cute. :yay:

There were only minor errors, but I can't even remember them, so overall it was a very good story that I read from start to finish as soon as I clicked on it. Five stars for you, and I'm glad you didn't go into a all-out clop-fic and you kept it...PG-13, to say the least. Sometimes, more is less, and this worked out perfectly the way you executed it. A cute little one-shot. Nice work. :pinkiesmile:

A good read man, this was cute and it's a perfect mix between friendshipping and clop. Not too much but didn't leave the readers hanging. I also found the ending hilarious between RD and Fluttershy. No need to explain that one. :twilightsheepish:

In the end, great read and grats on featured story. :yay:

it feels odd reading a story like this. and i love every minute of it. great story, funny as hell ( in my view) and very romantic in a odd way. :twilightsmile:

"Twilight drank it down, and all about her was the heat of Pinkie's body, the cottonball softness of her pink mane that draped itself over their flush faces, and the smell of bubblegum and cottoncandy and popcorn."

This isn't a clopfic? :duck: LIKE HELL IT'S NOT! LMAO THIS IS AWESOME (I'm not clopping... But still, that's epic.

Butterscotch, why U make hot stories?
I liked this.

Woooo! That was an awesome fic. Keep it coming. :o

ok um :derpyderp2::derpyderp2: all I got too say is. Da buck? :derpyderp2:

I saw this on the upper "featured" thingamajig, or whatever it's called, and decided to check it out... and then I saw you were the author and went "okay! New stuff to read!" xD

Excellent story =D

Also; dat implied assertiveshy. xD

139397 That's his reading face. When he begins reading, he yells out "Yeah, Books! I love them so darn much!" He then puts on this face and reads until he is in a word-induced coma.

*bearly standing up with a bottle of vodka in my hand*
someponies *hic* just drunk more then they can *hic* handle hic*
*passes out*
(really though good story, made me lol at them being drunk even though i'm a drunk myself:rainbowlaugh: )

That was awesome. Hafta do that with ma friends. I hope that there'll be more women than men.

What the fuck did I just read? Wait... DID FLUTTERSHY AND RAINBOW DASH JUST... *scrunch's up like paper* *muffled* OH GOD! This is the most weirdest thing I read! FAV!!! 5 STARS! *back to normal* Someone kill me...

i have to admit if your into shipping then butterscotch is the god of fanfics :moustache:

although i dont really approve of shipping's because a majority of the cast is female sooo :derpytongue2: but hey thats just my opinion keep doing what your doing :pinkiehappy: even though i dont appreciate shipping that much your still an amazing writer butterscotch :rainbowkiss:

amzing stories all round and this is one of the funnier ones :eeyup: :rainbowlaugh:

Funny story :rainbowlaugh:
"Some where a little shrivelled and had seen better days." - were :twilightangry2:

lol funny ending is funny :rainbowlaugh:

awesome! but i still wanna know who twilight had a crush on :applejackunsure:

if twi says she likes luna I'm gonna shoot her...meh
*sees what pinkie's dare is* *sigh* shiza
man what is right with you! this is awesome
*sees last part* Yooooooooohhh!!!

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