• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 6,309 Views, 56 Comments

Thunder Soars - Serina

Thunderlane doesnt know how to admit his feelings that he denies are even there.

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Comments ( 26 )

Homo Pony Action!!

Finally a good story with two males...my body is tingling :rainbowlaugh:

Totally agree!!!!!! :rainbowwild:

and thank you? tingling is a good sensation i hope! :duck:


Very much so. There aren't enough authors who can do Male on Male clop or are willing to do so.
THANK YOU :rainbowlaugh:

Great story! I loved reading it. Thumbs up!:heart:

oops looks like i missed that one! my bad!!! :twilightblush:

1792136 1792729 THANK YOU!

Heya :)
I saw this pop up in my notifications and figured I'd give it a read, since I had some time on my hooves. I think you did a pretty good job overall - thumbs up!
I do feel the story could use some polishing passes in the dialog, some of the descriptions and progression, but nothing to be discouraged about. If you want, I can send you more specific stuff in a PM. Definitely keep writing! I'd be happy to see you put up more.

I believe you just molested the emoticons box... OH WELL :derpytongue2:
I wov ponies faces :pinkiehappy::rainbowwild:

I really hope you're planning on a sequal for this,fucking loved it:heart::heart::heart::heart:

1814989 1810277 1810344 1811403
Hmmmm... Yesh i will do that, but I'm working on 3 other fics right now so probably after christmas :rainbowwild:

So for now darlings enjoy what comes out :duck:

1816551 Oh i will *Takes of pants*

Can you tell me what the pairings are in the fics?

Love the clop with a plot well what I consider a plot and also love the song it really fits and yes continue this paring plz:raritystarry:

Please, please carry on with this pairing. I love it.

Oddly enough, I actually liked this. Interesting paring :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

It was very sweet and I liked it. Well done.

what did i just read....i loved it i mean im not gay but you got to draw the line on just SxM and take a walk down MXm lane.

1844740 1850400
I will just gotta get a few other stories done and I'll start on it :rainbowwild:

1862141 1871437
Awww thanks you guys!!!! :raritystarry:

Hahahaha thanks :rainbowlaugh:

I love this story!!! i just wish you would extend it please :fluttershysad:

I will but I'm working on other stories right now on top of school so it's taking me ages. :facehoof:

Well it's called clop and it's a romance fanfciton between 2 stallions who are in the show called my little pony. Need I explain more? :duck:


when you say things like that it just screams closet homosexual, Just saying

School, other stories, and life. :unsuresweetie:

This is great. We need more SoarLane.

Geez, I cannot believe I tried to make that joke. I guess acting too serious with a joke on the internet isn't allowed anymore. Anyway, yes, I enjoyed it. :rainbowlaugh:

Edit - I also don't know why I didn't favorite this before.

lol, not bad, an interesting shipping, I don't think I've seen Soarin and Thunderlane shipped together before. One or two oversights in language use...you said everyone a few times instead of everypony but not bad.

Ermm...one question....is this Anthro? because you make many references that sound as though they're bipedal not quadrupedal? For example Soarin backs off with 'both' his hooves raised...so how does he remain standing? At the beginning of the clop Thunderlane leans back exposing himself...again how does he remain standing if they're not Anthro?

Anyway...keep writing :raritystarry:

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