Male. Young adult. Brony. Favorite pony, Luna. Favorite villian, Discord.
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This is my first, sorry if it stinks.
It's ok.. read chapter 1, plan on reading the rest
I think rainbow dashs chapter made me laugh more
Love the last two paragraphs
This entertains me.
These comments mean a lot. thanks
Skittles. :3 The Scout from 'Blur' is going to get hit for this, I just know it. :D
Unless I'm very much mistaken, 'chocolate' has an 'e' on the end.
Also, I despise the American way of spelling 'favour' but I guess it can't be helped
You do show a lot of promise, and the concept is actually pretty fun. I will keep on reading, but maybe it would help to give it a read before you post. That helps in finding errors you might not have seen while writing. Also, something that did bother me, I don't know if it's just me, but I think the phrase "What the buck" went out too many times. You don't have to change anything with that if you don't want to, but I'm just saying
discord is lerning the magic of friendship
i enjoy this fic, keep it comeing plz :)
I am scout and Rainbows make me cry.
This is GREAT!
i really am horrible at checking.
HAHA. XD Kinda did it to yourself, Cherilee. Or at least authorized it yourself.
Loving this story, bizarre as it is at times. :P
Oh, also, I possess the first. for this chapter, anyhow. :P
Can't wait for the next!
face-hoof K.O ... damn
i like discord in this fic, he make's me lol
( "Am I supposed to care?"
"As Celstia as my witness, give me the strength to not give these two a free trip
to the moon." He muttered under his breath. ). Lol to the moon
You all said i needed to get better, and i did.
You all also said it was weird, what did you expect with chaos incarate. Tea and crumpets?
P.S i'm adding Dinky.
1425462, I would send them to the moon after making it so they can't die for 3 days. Then wipe there minds of it and end it with sleeper therapy, making it so that they feel the pain, loneliness and despair when they cross back to bully.
Discord, you magnificent bastard
Love it!
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! Why you no make chapter 8? Btw that was......... AWESOME. This now has the Seal Of Approvall: 20% Cooler! Nice job!
Grandma's boy reference.
Ya monkey! Karate chop the elephant
1425602 now that's a really good idea
I know, i'm thinking of making it out of silver with red sild in the chest piece and having the part starting at her shoulders go dwon into a vine shape. And her crown will have two olive branches over her ears.
Silk i meant silk. not sild.
( "Dear Celestia, I recorded what you said earlier on the little
device. Now I get to hear you say it whenever I want!
She picked up the device. It was a small rectangle made out of
plastic; it had five buttons on the side.
She pushed the one with a small triangle on it.
"I trust you!" it yelled exactly the same as when she did it.
Only this time, she was the one deafened. ). Hahahahahahahahahahaha
i'm surprised none of you saaid anyhtingabout how Pinkie made furniture come to life.
He had popped a winger.
Edit: FIRST!
I loved that movie
"I'm gonna teach it tae kwon do"
Oh Discord, you're the lovable kind of chaotic mastermind
Lord have mercy, firebreathing from drinking rainbows, awesome.
and i just loved the whole diddy discord bit.
"hug me and i'm taking over the world"
i am so using that next time one of my friends tries to hug me.
1430907 Damn you, you beat me to it. Oh well, i guess that there's something else that I can quote...hopefully....
Also, isn't the "I'm never washing this cheek again" line from the episode where spike has his birthday and becomes taken over by greed?
I don't know, maybe it wasn't. I'm going kinda brain-dead right now.
Whatever, good chapter, good story actually. It feels good to laugh once again.
Fluttershy on Weed? ...Sure, why not?
I lol 'd so hard.... I'm so faving the series... please continue!!! And I gotta ask though why is it mature rated? Nothings happened so far....
Popped a winger. *snirk!*
1431497 "I'm never watching this cheek again" that's a common cartoon phrase when dealing with infatuation. usually when the infatuer gains a kiss on the cheek from the infatuee.
and to actually answer your question, yes spike did say that.
That and popping a winger is the equivalent to getting a hard on.
i'm working on the romance now.
That was awesome.
Soon Sexy fun time and CSI:Miami joke
And when i say soon for the Sexy fun time and CSI:Miami joke i mean like CHAPTER 12. Sorry if i didn't mention it before... have a Derpy!
i've said it before and i'll say it agian:i love discord in this, he's so funny
can you say about how many more chapters/pages there are going to be?
I do not know, but there will be 60s era spiderman, amrriage, a child, bucking in chapter twelve and a second story. Bed time for me though! stupid bed...
HA!! first comment!
mmmmm yeup! this is still good
Nice action scene, and great comedy afterwards. feels and laughs were had.
In the words of The Heavy; is good day to be Discord, no?
If this is the final chapter in your story then I am OK with that.
If ti is not, then I look forward to the next one.