This story is a sequel to Marking the Generations – Part One
Marking the Generations is a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp as they make a new friend in Misty and meet two ponies from a past generation.
Twilight Sparkle has always done her best for Equestria. As her reign finally ends, she realises her final decision to safeguard Equestria will have consequences. However, let it not be said that Twilight Sparkle ever left Equestria to its own devices.
Calling on Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. She transports them through time to assist the new generation to identify the Elements of Unity and defeat the evil she was unable to alone.
In part two of four, our heroes return to the Brighthouse with information they hope will heal both Starlight and Sparky. Then, there is trouble ahoof as Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing. Their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Will our heroes unravel the mystery of Misty's dreams in time to find them?
Also, what of Opaline now she's lost her Protégé? Are her plans to take over Equestria now on hold for good?
Then, why is Sunny having so many problems with her powers? Will she be able to resolve them or are they lost forever?
Whoa mama. The dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up are pretty well done. Yeah, that argument got pretty emotional, but appropriately so given the situation.
The stuff concerning Misty helping prepare the medicine and Starlight finding out about the books Zecora and Sunburst wrote were downright beautiful stuff.
The dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up were great and I am majorly looking forward to more of this.
The two new chapters are great.
I can't wait to see Starlight training Misty to use her magic; I'm willing to see how good she'll do.
Here's a song that will make you rise up. Enjoy!
REALLY good work on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated Sunny reflecting on what happened in that argument with Phyllis and the ensuing dream world chat with her father's spirit, followed by Starlight and Sunset having that argument concerning spell books, followed by Sunset probably meeting one of Zecora's descendants during a teleportation mess.
REALLY looking forward to more of this.
Wow. Also, Kendi is the descendants of Zecora, this is very cool. I wonder what will Sunset do when she get to Kendi's place I better and find out.
the series is getting better and better.
I can't wait to see where the series goes, so far I'm enjoying it.
I can't wait to see other chapters in this series, keep it up, it's wonderful.
Thank you, there are more chapters coming soon.
Glad you both like Kendi honestly wasn't sure how people would react to her. There is more to come from her
I'm even thinking about what the middle and end of the story will be like, but I want to see your version of the series, since well, I'm not that creative with stories.
Another really well done chapter. Definitely enjoyed the stuff concerning Izzy and Misty's magic lessons, including Izzy's comment about how the lessons will help her creativity even more. And, yeah, Misty learning shields and teleportation should definitely be a huge help not only against Opaline, but in later adventures too. And the stuff about Apple Bloom growing up to write a book on potions was another beautiful touch - especially using that medicine to help Sparky.
Definitely looking forward to more of this.
Cool! Misty is doing great with her magic if she keeps this up, she'll be good at it.
And I can't wait to see what Kendi is going to Sunset in his place, I'm so excited to see what it is.
Here's a song that you'll never give up. Enjoy!
I wonder what will happen in the next chapter
Superb work on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely loved the additional work going into Kendi's backstory (and the discussion of the assorted artifacts and mapping) and appreciated the build-up to the mystery of Argyle's disappearance. Sunset and Misty's chat was another beautiful touch, as was Starlight letting Sunny keep the book of memories for a little while longer because she knows Twilight had added to it after she received it.
REALLY looking forward to more of this.
Amazing! I'm glad Sunset apologize to Misty, I can't wait to see more!
Here's a song g that make you unstoppable. Enjoy!
I keep thinking what would happen if Starlight and Sunset saw and read Kendi's two books.
I hope they'll figure out more about the together tree and see Misty and Sunset working on their teleportation (gasp). Maybe Izzy should work on her teleport as well. Starlight should probably teach those three magic lessons like transfiguration and shield, and try to learn how to use their horns to zap. (Star eyes) That would be so awesome, they should open a school for unicorns in Bridlewood for all the unicorns to learn to use their horns and learning spells at the same time, that would be so great for them!
Here's a song that will make you radioactive. Enjoy!
Excellent job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Appreciated the effort going into placing the "spying mirror" in an area where they could better figure out when Opaline is up to something big in time to make proper preparations. And, yeah, Pipp's frustrations concerning the comments on her livestream were understandable. Sunny and Kendi's chat concerning Sunset and Starlight's journal was also pretty good stuff. Sunset and Starlight's recall of how the sun and moon used to move as well as their own pasts was another beautiful touch. And, on another note, I wouldn't be surprised if Rufus turned out to be one of Trixie's descendants (it's certainly possible that she found the right stallion at some point - especially given how her reputation probably improved after she helped save Equestria a couple of times AND became more or less settled in Ponyville). All in all, the chats are a good way to bond and keep cool while they are making their preparations for Opaline.
Most assuredly looking forward to more of this.
Hey there. Again, splendid job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked that chat with Sargent Skywalk concerning the new Equestrian Guard as they were heading for that Flanksy mural Phyllis mentioned. And, yeah, the stuff about Misty's nightmares and Glory and Peach Fizz going missing makes for appropriately nerve-wracking lead-off to future chapters.
I am most assuredly looking forward to more of this.
This is going very good. I can't wait for Starlight to teach Izzy, Misty, and Sunset on their transfiguration, shield, and horn-zapping. Along with what sorts of nightmares Misty is trying to remember and finding Peach Fizz and Glory, too. This is going to be big and nerve-wracking at the same time.
Here's a song that will make you say it's time. Enjoy!
Another well-done chapter with great dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely liked the teamwork going into helping out on the search as well as in saving Glory. Also appreciated Misty and Sunny trying to provide emotional support for Seashell. That stuff with the black mist and the stuff about Sunny's insides putting her in great pain every time she tries to use her powers are really appropriately scary as well. Well, Glory has been found and rescued, but there's still Peach Fizz left to find (hopefully safely). And, yeah, I have a hunch that the dark mist and the inside pain blocking Sunny's powers are probably connected.
At any rate, really looking forward to more of this.
Good job on this new chapter; I wonder what that blue mist is, along with finding Peach Fizz.
I can't wait to see Sunset, Izzy, and Misty training on their teleportation, transfiguration, shield, and horn zapping. I'm at the edge of my seat just to read it really bad.
Here's a song that will make you titanium. Enjoy!
This chapter surprised me a lot, I'm anxious to see the next chapter.
Another superb chapter with great exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated Hitch talking to Zipp about not grilling Seashell and Glory so aggressively when they've already told all they can remember and have just been through something really traumatic. Thus, they should focus on finding Peach Fizz another way. Misty's chat with Sunny about how the latter was able to help even without her powers was rather good too, as was Misty's magic lessons concerning teleportation.
REALLY looking forward to more of this.
Because for some reason I felt a slight romance between Sunny and Misty in this chapter? If there is something between these two in this series I will love it, as I felt a slightly romantic atmosphere between the two.
Was it just me, or did someone else sense a little romantic atmosphere between these two?
Misty is doing a great job on her teleportation; if she keeps this up, she'll be great at it. I'm sure she'll try to teleport to multiple locations; next, she'll try to do some transfiguration, shield, and learn to use her horn to zap things along with Sunset should do that too.
Here's a song that will make you a warriors or should I say a warrior. Enjoy!
Whoa mama. Excellent job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked the lead-off to this spin on "Family Tree". Making the connections involving Peach Fizz's disappearance makes a lot of sense and I also liked the discussion of such things as needing two magic experts and the Cakes. Indeed, it's not only possible, but rather probable, that ALL the G5 ponies have Earth Pony, Unicorn AND Pegasus in their blood and didn't even know it for a rather long time. Misty making the recall concerning the playground and trying to work through the clouds in her memories (though acknowledging that such things are going to take time) were appropriately emotional. Next, on to the Wishing Tree. And, when they all find out Alphabittle is Misty's actual father, I wonder how Starlight is going to react to how similar it looks to a toned-down version of her own father.
Anyway, really looking forward to more of this.
Izzy is doing a great job on her transfiguration spell maybe Sunset and Misty should try it as well. I think Misty might found a door in the roots. Probably Starlight should teach Sunset, Izzy and Misty how to use shield which I'll be able to see that. Along with finding Peach Fizz and Misty trying to remember, too.
Here's a song that will make you stronger. Enjoy!
I'm looking forward to finding out what will happen in the next chapter, everything is great so far.
Yikes. Yeah, Peach Fizz is about to gain an (admittedly smaller scale) version of what Misty went through for two decades (I ONLY say "smaller scale" because Peach Fizz is probably going to be rescued A LOT faster than Misty was). REALLY good dialogue though. And also respected how Peach Fizz made SOME effort to put up a fight, even if it WAS in vain.
Anyway, on to the next chapter.
Another well done chapter with great dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated the part where ALMOST all of Misty's memories returned and she figured out what happened to Peach Fizz. The chat between Phyllis, Skywalk and Sprout was also really good. ESPECIALLY with Sprout being A LOT more respectful than he was prior.
Definitely looking forward to more of this.
If you remember, Opaline spoke of giving Misty some 'medicine' in Part One. Guess what she's given Peach Fizz to make her loyal...
This chapter was great, I hope I can see more good chapters like this.
Finally done with Part 1 and 2! For now at least, that's another incomplete story to track (Don't worry, I keep track of all the storylines and plot twists I've read, this one being no exception)
With the golden writing patch I'm currently in you shouldn't have too long to wait
The first draft of all the chapters for this part are done and I'm working to proofread out all the errors and make improvements.
Planning for part three is also underway.
Oh no! Peach Fizz has been captured by Opaline and gave some kind of medicine to make her loyal to her.
(Bitting my nails) This is not good
This new chapter is going very well.
Misty has remembered everything and figured out what happened to Peach Fizz along with Phyllis talking to Skywalk and Sprout at the same time.
Since Izzy is doing pretty well on her transfiguration spell, if she keeps practicing more on her transfiguration she'll be good at it.
I'll be hoping to see Starlight training Sunset and Misty on their transfiguration, shield, and horn blasting. Maybe Izzy should train on her shield spell and horn blasting as well. (Star eyes) That would be so awesome, I can't wait to see that.
Here's a song that will make you rise. Enjoy!
Whoa, minotaur and yak joining in... that's... AWESOME!
Also... Misty is missing and Peach Fizz has been found even the Dazzlings have returned?! Okay, this is going to be nerve-wracking for me.
I hope Starlight will teach Sunny, Sunset, and Izzy about to use their shield and horn blasting, probably Sunny should work on teleportation, transfiguration, and horn blasting as well.
(Gasp) (Star eyes) That would be so great for her. I'll be seeing how great she'll do even with Susnet and Izzy, too.
Here's a song that will make you roar. Enjoy!
Sunset is pretty skilled already, she just needed the rust knocking off. I doubt she'd need much in the way of tutelage, more practice time which she can do on her own.
Sunny already knows how to use shields and beams from the fight with Opaline
She needs to refind her powers first before she can start learning anything more. In their situation, anything she can use in a fight would be the priority.
As for other teachings, you need to keep an eye out as more important things are starting to occur now which means time is at a premium!

Rest assured, if Miss Glimmer has chance she will be passing on some more lessons.
Another well-done job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Yeah. The upside to Peach Fizz showing up is that Misty doesn't have to do that scouting mission on Opaline's castle (even with that invisibility spell Starlight mentioned, it might have been too high risk at this point in time). The downside is that Peach Fizz is under Opaline's control and acting as a spy (albeit against her own will). Yeah, Pipp, Seashell and Glory being there helping Zipp might help Peach Fizz overcome at least some of that brainwashing potion.
Also liked work going into expanding upon the Night Market - not only including other species besides the Breezies (especially the yaks and minotaurs) but also with the references to the human world, the general reactions to Sunset's human form, the dialogue between the Dazzlings concerning their fear of Sunset's reaction to seeing them again and the concerns about Misty going missing. I just hope she isn't going to end up in serious trouble.
Anyway, really looking forward to more of this.
To be fair, the unicorns already did something by accident that would be quite useful against a FIRE Alicorn. Two words: Frosty Shivers. Sunny, Izzy, Misty (and let's be honest, Alphabittle would definitely be going full on Papa Wolf after finding out what Opaline had been doing to Misty for twenty years) could all learn to use that snow and ice magic on purpose (but controlled enough so that it's only targeting Opaline).
Well, okay. I'll keep an eye on that, and sure, if Starlight has a chance for more magic lessons, I'm sure she'll teach what other types of spells she'll teach them. Which that will be so great, but I better wait and see.
Please do, I always look forward to your comments after each chapter. Comickook's too. Please do rest assured that Starlight's lessons aren't over yet
Just an update on where writing is. Planning for Part Three has been done and I started the first drafts of those chapters today which are going well.
Meanwhile, the chapters for Part Two are being edited. You may find Part Two finishes by the end of this week.
I'm away from next Saturday for a week which will mean my golden writing patch will come to an end
Part Three may start to go up before then, or may not. Depends on how far I get. 
Also, there will be a Part Four to wrap everything up
(Gasp) You're making Part 3?!
And don't worry, I'll wait while you're away.
Wrong words need to be addressed throughout entire fic.
In this chapter a glaring one is that you used the wrong word first but then used the right word further along.
"Defiantly" when you meant "Definitely".
Be very careful as the wrong words can change the meaning and feel of the sentence they are in.