• Member Since 19th Jan, 2024
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Seem to have found my hoofs now!



This story is a sequel to Marking the Generations – Part Three

Marking the Generations is a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp as they make a new friend in Misty and meet two ponies from a past generation.

Twilight Sparkle has always done her best for Equestria. As her reign finally ends, she realises her final decision to safeguard Equestria will have consequences. However, let it not be said that Twilight Sparkle ever left Equestria to its own devices.
Calling on Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. She transports them through time to assist the new generation to identify the Elements of Unity and defeat the evil she was unable to alone.

In the final part of this four part series, Equestria is under attack! With Opaline stealing everypony's cutie marks, will her long awaited release from her castle prison comes to pass?
Can our heroes defeat her for good or will it take more than the combined efforts of six individual ponies to do so?
What of Peach Fizz? Will she finally be free of Opaline's control?
Will Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer return to their time knowing their new friends were triumphant?

All will be revealed within in this conclusion.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 136 )

Excellent work on the first chapter. REALLY appreciate the effort going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. The recaps of the previous parts were well done as well as Peach Fizz's father's attempts to talk to her and Sunset and Starlight's chat while Sunny and the others left to deal with the emergency (including Starlight filling Sunset in on what she missed). And, yes, Sunset got an idea about how she and Starlight can still help after all.

On to the next chapter.

Another really good job on this chapter. Definitely liked the stuff concerning the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. The stuff with the group discussing all the stuff happening at once and the point-out against splitting up before the non-brainwashed Dragons arrived to help out were all excellent. Unfortunately, Opaline already got back enough power to make her escape.

Anyway, very much looking forward to more of this.

It's time to band together; unicorns, pegasus, and earth ponies must stand up and fight!

Those two new chapters are great! I can't wait to see more.

This chapter 4 is amazing, I'm loving it:pinkiehappy:

I’m sad I couldn’t comment on the last two chapters :ajsleepy: But in my defense, you released them at 11:00PM and I could only muster enough energy to read them :pinkiecrazy:

“You sure we’re not like the princesses?” Sunset grunted.

“The princesses wouldn’t be preparing a final defence,” Starlight winked before she frowned. “Wait, actually maybe they would if they were able, like we are.”

“We’re exactly like the princesses then,” Sunset smirked. “We’re battered and bruised but still trying to help. Even though we’re basically waiting for others to save the day now.”

Do Celestia and Luna really help though? I don’t remember alot of times when they did.

“Yeah, we need to stick together,” Sunny agreed. “Once we’re there we use the elements.”

Elements Part 2 :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

Starlight studied the dome carefully. Just as cracks slowly started to appear, she lit her horn up and aimed upwards. She let a blast of magic rocket skywards and it impacted the inside of the dome. A ripple of green energy emanated outwards, and any cracks were immediately repaired. After the ripple impacted the ground the dome flashed, its strength restored.

Starlight is OP, imagine if she was an alicorn :twilightblush:

Sunny landed in the middle of her group of friends as they stood in a semicircle. Pipp and Zipp were on either side of her, their wings flared and determined looks on their faces. Next to them were Misty and Izzy. Whilst Izzy had a look of concentration, there was a look of apprehension on Misty’s face. However, Hitch stood alongside her supportively.

Elements time next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Anyways, AMAZING chapter! Just sad this part will end faster then other parts, I think. I know Opaline won’t be defeated next one, but it’s going to be quick I suppose.

Wasn't 11pm where I am, was middle of the afternoon :pinkiecrazy:

Starlight is OP, imagine if she was an alicorn :twilightblush:

Starlight is pretty powerful given she held her own against Twilight. She's not infallible though. :ajsmug:

Just sad this part will end faster then other parts, I think. I know Opaline won’t be defeated next one, but it’s going to be quick I suppose.

Who says this ends when Opaline is defeated? One reason for this separate part is to give more time for some post Opaline. Starlight and Sunset won't be disappearing straight afterwards.


Starlight is pretty powerful given she held her own against Twilight. She's not infallible though. :ajsmug:

Oh my gosh, I just realized something :pinkiegasp: Pre-Redemption Starlight HATED like HATED cutie marks, so what was her reaction when she got hers?

Who says this ends when Opaline is defeated? One reason for this separate part is to give more time for some post Opaline. Starlight and Sunset won't be disappearing straight afterwards.

So we’ll see some slice of life chapters? I honestly hope we see a part where Sunny tries to teach Sunset and Starlight how to cook :pinkiecrazy: I don’t know why, but I’m really interested in cooking now.


Not fully sure on slice of life yet. Let’s just say that Twilight would be most worried if Starlight and Sunset returned in their current battered states. Starlight particularly doesn't want to return with her leg as it is right now :facehoof:

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up. Definitely appreciate the work going into the dialogue, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Yeah, Sunset and Starlight's reflections made a great deal of sense and definitely liked the effort they went to in defending the Brighthouse from Opaline long enough for Sunny and the others to get there. Judging by the way things are going, I would say Opaline has just one or two more chapters left in her (maybe a few more if Opaline's smart enough to cut and run once the odds are badly enough against her). Following that, well, we'll see what's next.

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.


I honestly hope we see a part where Sunny tries to teach Sunset and Starlight how to cook :pinkiecrazy: I don’t know why, but I’m really interested in cooking now.

I've actually been looking at the later chapters for this and there's a flaw here. Nightmare Shimmer blasted Sunny and Sparky into the Brighthouse kitchen and demolished it in the previous part! :fluttershyouch:

Yeah, the Brighthouse is pretty bashed up at this point. :raritydespair:


I've actually been looking at the later chapters for this and there's a flaw here. Nightmare Shimmer blasted Sunny and Sparky into the Brighthouse kitchen and demolished it in the previous part! :fluttershyouch:

Oh, I forgot about what happened in the kitchen :ajsleepy: The Brighthouse has been through so much :raritycry:

Opaline scowled as she looked at Sunny and her friends, studying them. The necklaces around each of their necks were clear to see.

Friendship is Magic Opaline :pinkiehappy:

“So that is how you defeated my Nightmare,” Opaline snarled. “Those little trinkets won’t work on me.”

Said every villain. :rainbowlaugh:

“They might not be the Elements of Harmony, but they’re just as powerful,” Sunny replied. “You’re right, we’ve already used them to defeat Nightmare Shimmer and save Sunset. Our friendship and Unity will prevail Opaline. Whilst we’re together, there is still hope and we can do anything.”

Sunny is saying FACTS :moustache:

“I’m not cut out for fighting like this,” she gasped. “I’m not a fighter. I’m a pop princess and a social media icon.”

If Fluttershy can get the courage, you can also Pipp :raritywink: I mean, isn’t your element confidence?

She lifted one of her forehoofs, it glowed purple again before she slammed it into the floor. Purple buds suddenly grew from the vines that were entangling Sunny’s friends. They quickly bloomed into small purple flowers which then ejected clouds of spores.

Wait, Opaline can use earth pony magic? But Opaline was born an Alicorn so It makes sense :applejackconfused:

Her head was still spinning though, and she tottered unsteadily on her hoofs. Therefore, there was nothing she could do as Opaline slammed another glowing hoof into the ground. This caused the plants that were holding Sunny’s friends to pull them downwards. One by one, they disappeared into the ground completely.

Woah. I did not expect something that uh, violent. :raritydespair:

Opaline cackled as Sunny went limp in the grasp of the vine. “Too easy,” she laughed as she once again slammed the ground with a glowing hoof.

NO, SUNNY :pinkiegasp::raritycry: WIll Opaline actually steal the elements? I hope not.

Anyways, I am glad this didn’t release yesterday, I prefer to read chapters when they come out. I can’t wait for more! The drama is killing me :pinkiecrazy:


If Fluttershy can get the courage, you can also Pipp :raritywink: I mean, isn’t your element confidence?

There is a difference in having the confidence to stand in front of thousands of Ponies singing to standing in front of a powerful enemy. :derpyderp2:

You make a point, maybe I should’ve worded it differently :twilightblush:

Well, again, I have to say that you did a really good job on the dialogue, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. As much as I really hate Opaline, I have to grudgingly give her credit for fighting smarter instead of harder (i.e. dividing the group so they COULDN'T use the elements). And yeah, too bad Starlight and Sunset still aren't back to enough strength to help out in the fight. Of course, Opaline is probably going to end up falling prey to Bond Villain Stupidity (i.e. getting too overconfident to finish the heroes off when she has the chance [really, if the villains finished the heroes off the moment they had the upper hand, we'd have a much darker, and probably much more boring, story]) since, after all, that seems to be about the only way the heroes actually win in these sorts of situations (with the exceptions of situations where the hero has the villain so comically outmatched from the get-go that the villain never gets the chance to try to finish him/her, which are rare).

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to seeing how Sunny and her friends manage to escape, rally and win. And looking forward to more of this story in general.

Let's say currently she's winning. You'll find out what has happened to our heroes next chapter. :trollestia:


if the villains finished the heroes off the moment they had the upper hand, we'd have a much darker, and probably much more boring, story

Storytelling 101 :pinkiehappy:

It would be just as boring if Sunny n Co got their rainbow lazer shot off. :ajsmug:

Oh no! Opaline has put Sunny's friends to sleep! Along with Sunny, too!

(Steam comes out of my ears)

OK! THATS IT! Opaline needs to be stopped once and for all!

Whatever Opaline does with the Unity crystals is not good. Starlight, Sunset, and Sparky must stop her!

She's got to get through the barrier first before she can get to the crystals. :moustache:

Okay, I hope whatever plan you make in your next chapter has to be good.

Here's a song that will make you unstoppable. Enjoy!


Oh Opaline has a plan. You'll find out what in the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

Another really well-done chapter. Definitely liked the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated the description of the situation the gang is in when trying to escape on their own is only going to make them weaker, right before Opaline taunted them a bit (specifically about Opaline not giving Misty a choice in the matter). Of course, Peach Fizz was only freed because Opaline feels that she doesn't need her anymore. And the realization that, for once, Pipp's smart phone tendencies are going to be their best chance (by getting through to the other ponies and further encouraging them to stand in unity and turning the Together Trees against Opaline).

Of course, I'm most assuredly looking forward to the next chapter as well as the rest of the story in general.

It's time for Unicorns, Pegasuses, and Earth ponies to band together at the Together Tree to bring Opaline down!

And I wondered what those unintelligible voices were; I had better wait and find out soon.

I can't wait for Misty to find out that Alphabittle is her father

Excellent work on this latest chapter. Definitely loved the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and set-up for later chapters. Absolutely adored Peach Fizz getting the inspiration to get her friends to round up as many ponies as possible around the trees to revitalize said Together Trees as well as the use of the "We've Got the Magic" song to free and revitalize Sunny and her friends. The stuff with Starlight and Sunset was excellent too.

Definitely looking forward to more of this. Especially seeing what you have in store for post-Opaline stuff.

Seashell and Glory were soon running all around town, speaking with everypony they met. Peach Fizz puffed and panted as she tried to keep up. Her head was still hurting, and she couldn’t hear what her friends were saying to everypony. As time went on, she got increasingly confused. “W...what are we doing?” she shouted.

To be fair, if I just came back post-hypnotized and missed out on like, two (three?) parts worth of story, I’d be confused too. :rainbowkiss:

“But we don’t though,” Peach Fizz responded. “She’s taken our cutie marks just like she took my memory.”

No offense, Peach, but the memory loss is a side-effect. Side effect of the spell Opaline was using, but y’know :fluttercry:

As Seashell passed under the bridge, she was surprised to find a worried-looking Sparky. He was looking around town, seemingly lost and confused. However, his eyes widened with relief as he saw them. “Friends gone, taken,” he squeaked. “Need help.”

Did Sparky see the Mane 6 get ground-ifyed? Wait, nevermind I forgot about what happened in Chapter Four :ajsleepy:

“I told you Toots. I don’t know why we’re all here,” Phyllis sighed. “I’m not in charge, I’ve just resigned from the council this morning.”

Ooh, what council? :twilightoops: Mayoral Council? Law Council? Other Councils? :pinkiecrazy:

Starlight grunted with pain as she held her leg. “Oh sorry,” she frowned. “Maybe you would like to have been thrown through a wall instead?”

Phyllis, use your eyes, you can SEE that Starlight has scars! Scars! Do those glasses need changing, because NO ONE should be able to ignore the fact that scars and scratches are on someone’s body! :flutterrage:

She ran over to the tree. Raising a hoof, she began to tap on one of the roots. Glory smiled and ran over before they both started to sing.

I still don’t get how to use those vertical quotes :raritycry:

With that, the purple glow around the Together Trees began to get duller and duller. Slowly, their normal vibrant green returned and the trees began to look a lot healthier again.

Woo! I may have purple as a favorite color, but that hot purple was just not it :twilightsheepish:

In Opaline’s throne room, Opaline grinned as she walked around watching as each of the cutie marks of her prisoners disappeared. Each one looked at Opaline weakly through greyed eyes.

Oh no! Welp, time for some music to help :moustache:

“You know Sunny Starscout, this is all your fault,” Opaline commented as she stopped beside Sunny. “I knew you’d jump forward to protect your friends. You’re the one that broke your own rule of being together making you stronger.”

I don’t see it, Opaline is WRONG :pinkiegasp: W-R-O-N-G, Wrong! :pinkiehappy:

Eyes wide, she looked at the sphere. To her dismay, the cutie mark orbs within it were fading away. As they faded, she noticed they were reappearing on the flank of the relevant pony.

Woohoo, yes! :pinkiehappy:

“That won’t work this time,” Sunny shouted. “You may have defeated Twilight Sparkle, but you did it when she was alone. We’re not alone Opaline. We’re united together in friendship and that gives us hope. Hope makes us stronger together, and together we have unity. We’re the Guardians of Unity and you will never beat us whilst we’re together.”

Element time! :coolphoto:

Sunny’s eyes went white as she began to focus. As with Nightmare Shimmer, an orb of rainbow energy began to gather at the end of her horn. One by one, beams shot from the necklaces of her friends to the orb. The energy from their glowing cutie marks intertwining with that from the elements.

Rainbow Beam! Rainbow Beam! :ajsmug:

“MISTY!” Opaline roared.

They should add Gen 5 emotes on FiMfiction, or atleast some Starlight, Sunset, etc. representation :trollestia:

Before she could say or do anything more, Sunny fired. A beam of rainbow energy shot straight at Opaline, and she cried in dismay. There was a blinding flash as all the power she’d stolen rocketed skywards.

Fireworks? :unsuresweetie:

The beam of power speeded into the high atmosphere where there was another flash. A rainbow suddenly shot outwards in a massive expanding circle.

Sonic Rainboom? :eeyup: Or Unity Rainboom :applecry:

Meanwhile, Sunset suddenly felt a surge of power and energy as well. She gasped as she easily got back to her hoofs and smiled as her horn glowed.

Sunset is kinda better now, atleast :scootangel:

Opaline meanwhile cried out as she was forced backwards into the trunk of the Together Tree. As she impacted, she felt the bark of the tree becoming fluid and realised she was being absorbed into it.

Ooh, that’s kinda gore-y, or am I just reading it wrong :pinkiesick:

“Ponies did it,” Runcord smiled. “Come, invited to party all dragons and ponies. You come! You guests of honour!”

Discord! :derpytongue2: He’s back! :trixieshiftleft:

And that marks the end of Opaline, can’t wait for P.O (Post-Opaline) episodes! I have been here since the start and have been here to the end, this has been one of the best journeys I’ve had! :pinkiehappy: I’m gonna be sad when this series ends soon :applecry: But I’m really happy we’ll see an ending :ajsmug: Also, for this occasion, I have used all ponies (not all emoji ponies though,) in the pony emote selection! :rainbowwild: I used the Mane 6, CMC, Derpy, Spike, Celestia, Big Mac, Derpy, Photo Finish, and Trixie! If they have Photo Finish of all ponies, THEY SHOULD ADD OTHERS :flutterrage:

Sad but Happy this fic will end soon,
Husk to Fawn

PS: I’m saving the most tear making comments for the end :rainbowdetermined2:

Ladies and gentlemen! OPALINE HAS BEEN DEFEATED!

I'm amazed, I really want to see more of what's to come.


Did Sparky see the Mane 6 get ground-ifyed? Wait, nevermind I forgot about what happened in Chapter Four :ajsleepy:

Sparky was up on the balcony at that time. If he didn't see them getting taken then Sunset and Starlight certainly told him.

I still don’t get how to use those vertical quotes :raritycry:

In the story pages, it's the same quote tags as you use in the comments. They just work differently it seems.

And that marks the end of Opaline, can’t wait for P.O (Post-Opaline) episodes!

It will be a couple of days until what I'm going to call the 'Party arc' starts. I want to make sure I'm happy with it first as I keep moving things around and therefore I can't start releasing the chapters.

I have been here since the start and have been here to the end, this has been one of the best journeys I’ve had! :pinkiehappy: I’m gonna be sad when this series ends soon :applecry: But I’m really happy we’ll see an ending :ajsmug:

Really glad to hear you have enjoyed it. :raritystarry:
I do have ideas for follow up stories. So hopefully this won't be the end of the Marking the Generations world. However, those follow ups will have different story titles. :pinkiehappy:

Indeed, however the story isn't over yet. There's a bit of 'post Opaline' to come kicking off with what I like to call the 'Party Arc'. :yay:

Oh yeah! I wonder what Sunny's element will be. I'm on the edge of my seat to see it really bad!

Wasn’t it already said that her element was Hope?



Yep, Sunny is the Element of Hope. :raritywink:

However, the Together Flower hasn't finished with her yet. :pinkiegasp:

BRO, what a great chapter you saw, I'm so excited now to see Alphabittle and Misty reunite.:pinkiehappy:

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting the next chapter to this up - especially since it's the first chapter of the next arc. Absolutely love the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. The chats between Sunset and Starlight were great, as well as the interaction Whisper had with Blaize and Spike Junior. Misty, Glory and Seashell all working on comforting Peach Fizz was wonderful stuff too. Haven giving that speech in honor of Sunny and her friends was also beautiful. I also really liked the discussions of not only the plans to pay a visit to Opaline's castle to pick up as many of Opaline's books and ill-gotten artifacts as possible, but also dropping in on Alphabittle's Tea House at the first opportunity.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to the remaining chapters in this.


Yep, I think there is enough foreshadowing to show it's coming soon. :twilightsmile:


Still working on the second drafts of the latter part of the 'Party Arc'. However, all being well, you should have the next chapter tomorrow. :pinkiehappy:

So, after the parry arc will be the visit to Oplaine’s.

I'll be willing to see Alphabittle and Misty reunite, and I could explode with joy! Also, the Together Flowers are together as well.

Sunny and her friends followed Runcord through the golden portal. As they exited, they all gasped and looked around in shock. They weren’t in the Night Market as they remembered it, they were on a stage looking out over a sea of ponies and dragons. Seemingly everypony in Equestria and every dragon was there.

Woah! Discord spruced things up, huh? :pinkiegasp:

Sunny gasped as she saw Starlight was sitting in a wheelchair. Her leg was covered in what looked like white plaster. Stood behind her with a beaming smile was Sunset. Whilst Peach Fizz, Glory, and Seashell all stood alongside them with Sparky.

Sunset isn’t injured anymore :pinkiehappy:

Sunset pushed Starlight’s wheelchair towards one of the tables which was next to a sofa. However, as they got there, Sunset gasped and suddenly froze. Her eyes going wide in shock.

I think she saw the Dazzlings, :twilightoops: Gonna guess there’s going to be an interaction, maybe? :twilightblush:

“That is your fault, not mine,” Whisper responded. “I have not left the Night Market since Runcord took me in. You are the ones that have come to me.”

Wait, isn’t Discord Runcord? Or did Discord take Whisper in? WE NEED TO SEE A BACK STORY :pinkiegasp:

“One Sweet Apple Cider,” she said. “Made from the famous recipe perfected by the Apple family.”

If the Apple Recipes stayed through the ages... where’s Pinkie Pies :fluttercry:

“We need to go back to Opaline’s castle,” Sunset commented. “She used artefacts from Twilight and her friends to do what she did to me.”

Still questioning how Opaline got Fluttershy’s tail extenstion, how did even stay intact after 1000 years? No one knows :ajsmug:

“So, err, that blue mare you were with on stage,” Alphabittle started. “I’ve not seen her with you before. She a new friend?”

Alphabittle notices Misty! :pinkiegasp: We’re gonna see some interaction!

“It...It can’t be,” he muttered. “It just can’t.”

It is be Alphie! It is be! :scootangel:

Can’t wait for more of the Party Arc! Or is this the only chapter? Doubt not, so I’m excited!


Woah! Discord spruced things up, huh? :pinkiegasp:

Either that, or this is another part of the Night Market completely :moustache:

Sunset isn’t injured anymore :pinkiehappy:

Her magic returned along with everypony else's. Even though Opaline didn't technically take her magic. :rainbowhuh:

I think she saw the Dazzlings, :twilightoops: Gonna guess there’s going to be an interaction, maybe? :twilightblush:

Nope, she didn't see the Dazzlings, what she saw will be explained at somepoint though.

Wait, isn’t Discord Runcord? Or did Discord take Whisper in? WE NEED TO SEE A BACK STORY :pinkiegasp:

Discord is Runcord but he's only revealed that to Starlight. Nocreature else knows.

Whisper backstory, I may look at on it's own at somepoint. Very quick version:

Whisper is a traitor who was banished from the Dragon Lands. Eventually, Runcord found her and took her in. Shes been at the Night Market ever since.

If the Apple Recipes stayed through the ages... where’s Pinkie Pies :fluttercry:

Just because they've not featured yet doesn’t mean the stall next to Whispers wasn't full of Pinkie Pie treats. :trollestia:

Still questioning how Opaline got Fluttershy’s tail extenstion, how did even stay intact after 1000 years? No one knows :ajsmug:

#magic :rainbowwild:

Alphabittle notices Misty! :pinkiegasp: We’re gonna see some interaction!

Aye, it be coming. :ajsmug:

Can’t wait for more of the Party Arc! Or is this the only chapter?

Fear not, the party takes place over multiple chapters. It's actually a good vessel to being various characters together and tie up loose ends. :pinkiehappy:

Great job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely liked the Dazzlings's chat with Discord before they began telling/singing their story as well as the gang sticking up for Sunset following the Pegasus understandably upset about the damage to her home and Sprout in helping play peacemaker (small "p" as to not be confused with the infamously violent and foul-mouthed DC Comics character). Also appreciated Starlight and the others trying to calm Sunset down about that mess before the Dazzlings began their story song.

VERY definitely looking forward to more of this.


Honestly, from the moment I thought of involving the Dazzlings I wanted to have them singing.

This was originally going to be part of the first time we saw them. However, that got taken out as other things got moved around.

Therefore, I was really glad to be able to involve them here. :raritywink:

Great job on this new chapter. I enjoyed it and I'm excited to see Sunny with the Together Flowers. I want to know more about her element, Hope.

“No, I don’t,” Adagio sighed. “The crowd is huge and I’m not sure if she’ll be in human form again. There was a pony on stage earlier that had her skin and hair colour. I couldn’t see the cutie mark though.”

Dazzlings time to shine!

“Can you please stop appearing like that Runcord!” she gasped as she held her chest. “I’m nervous enough as it is.”

Sometimes I wish they knew Runcord was Discord sometimes, or atleast another Discord/Sunny talk. :pinkiecrazy:

“I’m glad we’re doing this together,” Izzy commented to Sunny as she signed her autograph for the umpteenth time.

I don’t know why, but I imagine Izzy’s signs autographs with a smiley face :pinkiegasp:

She made to leave, but the Pegasus stepped in her way. “No, no we need to know,” he demanded. “It’s all fine for the Unicorns, they weren’t attacked.”

Personal space much? If she doesn’t want to answer she doesn’t want to answer :flutterrage: I hate these types of people :ajbemused:

“If you’ve got questions, there will be answers given when they can be,” Sprout explained. “Right now, this is a celebration. A celebration of what we all achieved together. Let’s not start arguments over who was and was not attacked. Ultimately, we’re not Zephyr Hights, Bridlewood or Maretime Bay anymore. We’re Equestria and we’re united. An attack on one town is an attack against all of us, no matter where we live.”

Sprout is becoming a good police/guard/worker(?) :pinkiehappy:

“So, who was it then?” Sunset frowned and turned away. “Remember, this isn’t the first time I’ve turned into something evil.”

I never understood why Pre-Redemption Sunset never changed her outfit during the Fall Formal :derpyderp1: If she did want to be prom queen, she should’ve dressed up :pinkiesmile:

She watched the stage intently, three coloured spotlights turned on as the music started. As the intro played, three human figures rose from the stage. Seemingly appearing from the smoke as they started singing the first verse.

Song time! Going to skip to the end to get the song...

Sunset gasped and couldn’t help noticing Adagio look in her direction as the music started. Memories came flooding back as the intro played.

Rainbow Rocks was actually my second favorite EQ movie, I love that song :pinkiehappy:

She couldn’t help smiling as holographic Twilight continued singing. She had to admit, the reproduction of her voice was uncanny. Suddenly she realised, it could even be a recording.

Or maybe Discord could’ve helped (in secret of course)

“…Still here?” Adagio guessed. “Seems if those from Equestria spend enough time in the human world they stop aging.”

So Sunset could STOP AGING :pinkiegasp: IS THE SUNSET FROM SUNNY’S TIME STILL ALIVE :twilightoops:

“So hopefully that has set the record straight,” Adagio smiled. “Now who’s ready for some more music?”

I’m gonna guess the next chapters is gonna be... FAMILY REUNION?

Anyways, amazingest jobs on this one! Can’t wait for more :pinkiehappy::scootangel::twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2::ajsmug:


Sometimes I wish they knew Runcord was Discord sometimes, or atleast another Discord/Sunny talk. :pinkiecrazy:

I do want to get Discord involved again. He needs to meet the rest of G5 Mane6. :ajsmug:

Thing is, he isn't wanting to meet Sunset. Reason, he wants her to meet the him from her time.

Sprout is becoming a good police/guard/worker(?) :pinkiehappy:

He's getting more and more into the Guard role now. :eeyup:

Or maybe Discord could’ve helped (in secret of course)

Maybe, but remember there was a mention that Twilight used to enjoy the Night Market. Did Twilight know Discord was Runcord??? :pinkiegasp: :trollestia:

So Sunset could STOP AGING :pinkiegasp: IS THE SUNSET FROM SUNNY’S TIME STILL ALIVE :twilightoops:

Dunno, could she be? :trixieshiftright:

Are you sure you haven't seen her already? :rainbowderp:

Again, you did an excellent job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely understood Posey and Jazz's confusion as they showed up just as the party was in full swing reflecting on how frustratingly long the journey from Opaline's castle was. The bit with Jazz and Rocky was pretty sweet though. Also liked Haven reassuring Posey and Jazz that Opaline has already been taken care of and Peach Fizz has already recovered from Opaline's loyalty spell. The chat between Starlight and Peach Fizz was great too, as was the one between Pipp and the rest of the main group and the one between Haven and Alphabittle concerning Misty.

VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.

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