• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 123,853 Views, 1,099 Comments

Rainbow Factory - AuroraDawn

Nopony truly knows how Rainbows are made in Equestria...

  • ...
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Comments ( 1099 )

The original, from the actual author. Buck yeah :heart:



Yay for the classic fic. Sure, I've read it before, but it's nice to know that new bronies can also easily find it. :pinkiesmile:

#4 · Dec 27th, 2011 · · 1 ·


Very nice, even after the second read. I had to blast Silva Hounds remix of the song while reading it

Excellent, I've already read this on Fanfiction, but finding it here is... nice. :scootangel:
Great story, all my star are belong to you

#7 · Dec 27th, 2011 · · ·

In the Rainbow Factory,
where your fears and horrors come true.
In the Rainbow Factory,
where not a single soul gets through.

ugh... gory isn't my thing, but still better than that cupcakes shit.

This was horrifying in the best way possible :pinkiecrazy:

Best dark fic ever. :pinkiecrazy:

One of the better Grimdark fics, for sure. Good work.

To bad it didn't have Picture at bottom but still Fav.
Now to listern to Rainbow Factory again.:moustache:


I read this on EQ the other day

Was wondering when this would be posted.

:pinkiesad2:I, I, I, I....
Congrats, you made it. I lost the last bit of sanity i had :pinkiecrazy:

You're a terrible person. And no, that's not a setup for an "edgy", "hipster" compliment. I think I might literally dislike you as a human being.

No, I take it back. I retract the "might." I really do dislike you as a human being, maybe even as much as I dislike Kkat.

Well, for that comment I dislike you.
This man is not a terrible person, he is a god among men.
If you don't like him becuase of this story then, tough, if you don't like Gridmark then why I you view this?
No sorry, I don't dislike you, I hate you. You are now on the list.:moustache:


91305 your just as bad as him now enjoy contimplating that fact.

The difference is:
1. I am judging on hwat he said, not a story about fictional characters.
2. He is worse.
3. I don't really care if I as bad as him.
4. I don't love and tolerate people, becasue that achives nothing.:moustache:

Well hiya, Aurora! Nice to see your stuff here. <3

Oh shite it's here. :twilightoops:

What do you mean by that my good sir?
Slowely sips tea.

Oh EM GEEEE!!! You are the terrible person who wrote this?! :flutterrage:
It's the most scarring grimdark that I've read. (Yes, worse than cupcakes.) Poor Scoots...
Okay... Fine, it wasn't that scary, but your grimdark actually has an emotional attachment that extends beyond just ruthlessly murdering my beloved ponies in a combine/thresher/industrial machinery/etc.
P.S. Wow, nice to finally see it on FimFiction...

So YOU are the one who made this? Wow, this is really the darkest I've ever seen of Rainbow, as well as the worst logical explanation for why she has a rainbow mane and trail. But nevertheless, this was expertly done. Very enticing to read and it leaves on a note that finishes the story, but still leaves questions up for speculation.
Hope to see more works from you, mate. :pinkiesmile:

He's not terrible.

91405 Silly filly, I'm just joking, I know he's a literary genius. And by terrible I'm referring to dark.

Good Job, It would have been very unfortunate if one of your animal 'friends' were to have an accident.
Very unfortunate indeed.:moustache:

91442 *Innocently :pinkiesmile: * Yes, it would indeed be a shame...

What a story, Mark
It creeped me out! (In the good way):pinkiegasp:

It's really fun!
Scary, but fun!


This shouldn't be on Fanfiction. Mind linking me? Whoever posted it there is not me.

And for that matter, Rainbow Factory should only be available on FIMFiction and Google Docs. If anyone finds the whole story, and not just a link to the document, please show me ^_^
I'm fine with the publicity I'd just like to make sure the proper attribution is there. :eeyup:

Annnnnnnndddddd this is the reason scootaloo is better than rainbow now.


What did I just read?
:pinkiecrazy: :twilightoops: :pinkiesick: :fluttershbad: :rainbowderp: :raritycry: :rainbowwild: :raritydespair: :fluttercry:

It might just be because it was about foals, or it might just be because of the incredibly horrible RD, but I found this more disturbing than cupcakes.


Hipsterism ill serves anyone. But least of all someone that loves to think their own property is clean and pure as the driven slush. I know you just want to be cool and ironic, drinking your Pabst for a laugh and listening to music you hate to be a snob. But do it in your underground clubs with your other anticonformist friends. :facehoof:

I will never look at Rainbow Dash the same way again.:raritydespair:

At the part where Rainbow Dash reveals herself at first I was like :derpyderp2:
Then i was like, "NOOOOOO! NOT RAINBOW DASH! WHY?! WHYYYYYY?!?!:fluttercry:
From then on with Scootaloo crushed and Rainbow Dash spiraling further into her insanity that almost made me feel sorry for her, I felt... I felt...
Something like that.
Honestly, I don't particularly like stories like these: gory, character destroying. However, this is much better than cupcakes. This holds something sincere and heart-wrenching that isn't simply a Cupcakes shock value trollfic. I appreciate and respect your story a lot more.

Ghost thinks this is funny.
Flare thinks this is completely horrible.
Absinthe doesn't care.
I don't really know what to think.

Read the story, then went to check out your profile for some more works by you... Then I realized you murdered your OC/Alter Ego pony in the story! Why man, why!

Fantastic job mate, the dark in MLP is enhanced greatly due to the usually colorful and happy atmosphere of the show.

well atleast scootaloo died with dignity

Can't really tell if it's better than Cupcakes. Cupcakes makes me grin in a creepy fashion - this leaves me slightly moved. Especially the last line.

As to being scarring... Fallout Equestria stands strong as the most scarring grimdark fanfic out there for me, as that was what desensitized me to ponies being combined with gore and suffering.


Which doesn't change the fact that FoE is my top favourite fanfic of all time.

God.... this story and Cheerilee's Garden.
Just wow... Both tie in the first place of the Grimdark for me!

Holy shit...:twilightoops:
That is truly grim as hell. (why did i read this again?)
Still, I applaud your skill for writing.

This was awesome! I loved it! There's really not too much to say about this wonderful fanfiction. You did a great job on this.:pinkiehappy:

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