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Fruit that makes people horny... reminds me of a webcomic but... I don't remember the name.
Hopefully people start sharing fruits and don't just limit themselves to eating the obvious ones.
(Or at least that Flash doesn't connect the dots before he samples the platter).
I Didn't Know There's a comic of that
nice work
It's not similar to yours, the fruit is what reminds me of that comic. The fruit which are berries makes couples horny and gives them energy to have sex without the risk of pregnancy. To be honest; it was a furry comic, no anthro. Animals that walk and talk like in the characters in Talespin, where they wear clothes or... not in the webcomic's cast lives, a full nudist community. So don't feel like you plagiarize another work because the cast isn't isolated to the world. You are using humans while the creator of that webcomic used animals.
nice chapter mate keep it up


KO looks like things are going to become intense for the former crew passengers as they are stranded on a strange island and now it looks like Flash, Pinkie, and Sonata are the first to discover one of the strange things that does to people.
Well, I like the idea as I like using this idea, almost down to the exact same means, for…adult ideas.
And so before even reading it, it gets a like from me. I’ll read it later when I have time, but do expect me to be reading this if I enjoy it enough.
Oh, boy he's doom.
is there going to be some other transformation besides bimboification right?
I'll ask
This is someone else's story idea who I'm riding with.
oh… so anyway when the next chapter be out?
I foresee this having at least three possible endings:
Or here's another idea; over time, plus the fruits; Flash, the Main 7, and the Dazzlings all bond and become close. sort of like the Case Closed Trilogy
Who wants to see this?
Nice work I like it.
Thanks for that
sweet chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter

Glad you like it
What type of fetishes will be next?
Anything you can imagine
More foreplay before they get to the main event. Like boobjobs/Multiple Titjobs, Ass jobs, or 69 for example.
Yeah, something like that
great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter

Things are looking hot for them.
Indeed they are
I have a feeling they'd never wanna leave the island. Not after all the pleasure they've experienced.
sweet chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter

nice work