Arcane Sigil, Captain of the Twilight Guard. Husband to Princess Twilight Sparkle. Half Changeling. Magically Over Powered Badass.
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I like this
Hot! I hope there are more chapters coming... and if your taking suggestions I wouldn't mind seeing similar research done on Timberwolves... for science.
I do have several chapters planned. The next two are gonna be rather special multi-prey entries.
There will be. Eventually. Just gotta wait.
I mean. Twilight may be calling this a "documentary" but I wouldn't be surprised if this "documentary" ends up as an extreme fetish film or something. It definitely won't be airing on Animal Planet that's for sure. Looking forward to more!
My next entry was going to be Timberwolves, specifically an alpha since they're so much bigger, but if you have any suggestions for critters that may or may not actually exist in the show, I'm willing to include them.
11321775 Heh heh heh... predatory creature in Equestria? There's a long list...
Quarry Eels
Sea serpents
The cow-snake thingies
And obviously dragons, griffons, changelings, Diamond Dogs...
There is also Ahuizotls, Bufogrens, Bugbears, Centaurs, Changelings, Cipactli, Cockatrices, Cyclops, Diamond Dogs, Draconequus, Dragons, Gargoyles, Griffons, Grootslangs, Hippogriffs, Maulwurfs, Minotaurs, Ophiotaurus, Orthros, Rocs, Sea serpents, Sirens, Slingtails, Sphinx, Tatzlwurms, Ursas, Windigos, you know what I will just leave this here.
Should be "ventral", meaning "on the underside". Ventricle can technically mean any bodily chamber, but almost always specifically means a chamber in the heart.
What is this sphere? You never mentioned it before. I checked all the chapters. I guess it's a monitor? In chapter 2 they're looking at a screen.
Twilight leaves with the camera. The collar has a microphone on it. Then it gets dark inside Stephen and now there's a camera on the collar? Apparently because it's broadcasting again at the end.
A little nitpicky, sorry, but I'm really enjoying this.
I'll go back in and fix the slit bit. As for the sphere, it's a second camera in the shape of a relatively easily swallowable ball with camera lenses on all of its sides that only actually activates the camera facing somepony and in the opposite direction of that pony. It also houses small screens next to the lenses that are linked to all of the cameras.
Bonbon doesn't need Bonbon for the mission, and Bonbon would be a hazard to Bonbon's mission?
I was sort of going for a "She's put her time as Special Agent Sweetie Drops behind her" motif. She's retired, living a comfortable life with a mare she adores in Ponyville, as Bonbon. Typical, every day, normal mare who sells candy at a candy shop. Bonbon would be scared. A mare that sold candy to fillies and colts would be terrified of being in the middle of Tartaros to deliberately get eaten alive. Special Agent Sweetie Drops would be used to the risks associated with a job like wrangling dangerous monsters.
What next? A Bunyip? Not the abomination from the show, but the predatory cryptid from Australia.
While Cozy may be a statue, they could easily unpetrify her with the elements...I think there could've been a little more explanation that they had decided she was just too dangerous to unpetrify or leave lying around like that, like if Luna had spied on her dreams and found she only wanted to long con them if unpetrified.
This was very slightly confusing to read, because of there being three hippogriffs entering the scene at once, and only one of them is actually involved afterwards. Skystar seems irrelevant, and SilverStream doesn't seem to really be observing (and shouldn't either of the two notice Novo unbirthing a guard?).
I kinda lost where I was going with this one. Having COVID kicking me in the head for the last week made me loopy. I'll probably go back through at some point and refine this one.
Yeah, that's what I figured. COVID can really cause a sort of "brain fog". If you want, I'd be willing to help with a basic sorting out today, via messages; just send me a message and I'll be ready.
Would be nice to have this chapter a little smoother. My attention is divided at the moment because I'm rebuilding my tribe's base on Ark Survival Evolved but having any assistance would be nice.
I like this
Not bad
when you going more chapters about this? there's more creatures like reformed changelings some worm thing and there's more creature that you can make more.
I'm working on it. Been kind of distracted with trying to find a job lately though.
Oh my. This is such a interesting chapter! My favorite so far!

Ahh the older tricks in the book, nice one.
I was kinda going for the idea that Sphinxes, no matter the universe, no matter the reality, know all riddles. Whether they pertain to the dominant species on the planet or not. And they can be tricky. She didn't LIE, she gave Twilight an easily solvable riddle. IF Twilight was from Earth or some other reality where the dominant species was bi-pedal.
True… great work.