• Member Since 24th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Arcane Sigil, Captain of the Twilight Guard. Husband to Princess Twilight Sparkle. Half Changeling. Magically Over Powered Badass.

Comments ( 7 )

If your bracelet turns orange, your event is at Sugar Cube Corner.

Should that be Sweet Apple Acres (Pinkie's is at Sugar Cube Corner) ??

Thank you for pointing out a flub. I don't have a proof reader so I am thankful to anyone who can find an point out a mistake politely.

That was a interesting story goodluck with the rest of it.

While yer in there, Nightmare Moon will be stockin’ ya.

I think you meant "stalkin'" here.

I honestly couldn't remember which one was the proper spelling of the meaning I needed.

Well I'm pretty sure you want "stalk", as in to follow, not "stock", as in to put away, considering this the explanation of the setup before NMM checks the candy.

You would be correct. I think I fixed it.

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