We don't know where our first impressions come from or precisely what they mean, so we don't always appreciate their fragility.
- Malcolm Gladwell
"Hi there!"
Twilight blinked. Then she blinked again. Then she closed her eyes, counted to 10, and opened them. But no matter how many times she looked away only to turn back quickly to stare, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were still standing on her doorstep with a basket full of muffins and cookies on each of their backs
"We'd heard you'd just moved in and we wanted to say hi!" Rainbow Dash said happily. "Can we come in?"
Twilight screwed up her brow in confusion. "Did I give you brain damage when I smacked you around the club?"
Rainbow Dash merely flashed the dark alicorn a smirk. "You must have me confused with some other pony. But have to say, sounds like you enjoy partying pretty rough!"
Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, you must." She looked down, scuffing her hoof against the ground. "So... may we come in, please?"
The librarian stared at her two former friends ('Are they truly former?' a traitorous part of her mind whispered) before rolling her eyes and motioning for them to follow her inside. She didn’t know what they were up to but she didn’t feel like slamming the door in their face. "So... we've never met, huh?"
"No, we haven't. I'm, uh, Fluttershy, by the way." She helped Rainbow Dash set her basket down on the table before turning to let the cyan pegasus do the same. "What's your name?"
"Twilight-" the dark alicorn stopped, giving them each a sour look. "Ok, I don't know what your game is but let's stop it right now."
"We're not playing a game, Miss Twilight," Rainbow Dash said simply, taking a seat on the couch.
"Yes, you are," Twilight snapped. "You are pretending to have never met me but you two have. You've known me for two whole years!"
Fluttershy shook her head. "We knew a Twilight Sparkle... she was a friend. But she wasn't like you." She took a step forward, surprising the dark alicorn with her boldness. "You're like her but you are different from her and thus we've never met you before."
"Not that there is anything wrong with you, or her!" Dash added quickly. “You’re just different from our friend.”
"Girls... what are you doing?" Her horn flashed when the two pegasi opened their mouths to speak. "And stop saying we don't know each other."
Rainbow Dash dropped her head, her shoulders slumping. "Twi... listen..."
Fluttershy spoke up. "We don't want to be ourselves anymore."
"...huh?" Twilight said in a manner that was completely not befitting an immortal alicorn.
"We don't want to be ourselves anymore," Rainbow Dash repeated, looking nearly as bashful as Fluttershy. "We don't want to be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, so we were hoping we could become two new ponies."
Twilight shook her head in annoyance. "What are you talking-"
"Fluttershy was a bad pony!" the buttercream colored pegasus exclaimed, tears in her eyes. Twilight was so startled by the outburst that she could only stare, jaw hanging, as the pink maned mare sobbed. "She... she abandoned her friend and was mean to her and I am nothing like her! She was horrible and disgusting! How could she be so stupid to do that to her friend?”
Twilight's lips puckered. "Fluttershy..."
"No!" the mare shouted, causing the dark alicorn to take a step back in shock. "Don't call me that! I am not her! I… I don’t abandon my friends! Even if they make a mistake… a huge mistake… I don’t walk away from them! Not like Fluttershy!"
The cyan pegasus stepped forward to join her friend. "Yeah! And I am nothing like that selfish, arrogant, disloyal thrill-seeker Rainbow Dash." She grit her teeth, hot tears stinging the corners of her eyes. Normally she would never let another pony see her getting all sobby, but at this point she just didn't care. "I... I don't fight with my friends! I don't walk away from them when they are sad and I don't leave them behind just for some stuck-up princess! I don’t fight with them in a club and I don’t make them cry in their hotel rooms. I... I don't do that." Her eyes popped open and she jabbed her hoof at Twilight. "Rainbow Dash did that and... and that just proves how horrible she is! If Rainbow Dash doesn't realize how great of a friend Twilight Sparkle is then I don't want to be Rainbow Dash!"
Twilight trying to come to grips with the strange twist the conversation had taken. "Girls... I get what you are trying to say..."
"NO!" Fluttershy shouted, stunning Twilight silent. "We were horrible! Digusting! Vile!" Her eyes blazed with fury and to Twilight's shock Fluttershy brought her hoof up…
…and punched herself in the face.
Twilight heard another smack and turned in time to see that Rainbow Dash had just jabbed her hoof into her eye, growling to herself about how 'bad' she was.
"You... you don't deserve to be Twiight's friend!" Fluttershy screamed at herself, striking her face over and over. "You are evil...horrible...stupid!"
"STOP IT!" Twilight roared, using her magic to freeze the two in place. "Please."
Rainbow Dash stared at her former friend. "No. No, we won't. You are awesome and smart and the best friend a mare could have and neither of us want to be ponies who would hurt somepony like you." Dash began to fight against the magic, trying to bring her hoof up to strike herself much as Fluttershy had done.
Twilight felt like she was swimming against the tide. She wanted to gloat, to make the two of them tell her just how wrong they were and why they were lucky to have her as a friend. She wanted to cheer them on, to use her magic to make the blows hurt worse. She wanted to collect their tears and bathe in them. It was what she had dreamed of that dark night, laying in her hotel room, tears stinging in her eyes and her brother’s words ringing in her ears. Even before she had opened herself to the dark magic that had been hidden within her she had played the scenarios out: her friends realizing just how wrong they had been and crawling to her on their bellies, begging for her forgiveness. She had thought about what she would make them do to earn her forgiveness, all the hoops they would have to jump through before she would even think about looking at them with a touch of kindness.
And yet now, when the time had come and all her dark dreams had come true… it left her feeling emptier than she had felt after the rehearsal from Tartarus.
"Stop it," Twilight said sternly, strengthening the bonds that held the two. "I don't want you hurt!"
"Why not? We deserve it!" the two of them shouted.
"No you don't!" Twilight shouted in frustration. "You screwed up and you hurt me really bad but I don't want to see you hurt!"
"Why... not?" Fluttershy repeated.
"Because you're my friends and I don't want to see you hurt!" Twilight screamed.
And with that everything clicked into place.
"...you two are way too clever," she grumbled, dropping her restraint spell but not before she cast the same healing spell she had used in the club to remove the minor damage the two had done to their faces. Rainbow and Fluttershy walked up to her slowly, craning their necks to look at her. "So... how far were you willing to go to get me to admit that?" Twilight asked with a huff.
"As far as we needed to," Rainbow Dash said, "then even further." She placed a hoof on the dark alicorn's leg, wishing they were the same size so she could hug her. "Because we meant every word, Twilight. We don't want to be the kind of ponies that hurt a friend."
Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "We... we know it doesn't make up for what we did... but we want you to know we are going to do everything we can to make it up to you."
The cyan speedster clapped her hooves together. "You're not the only one that can change yourself, Twi. We might not be giant alicorns but we are not going to be the same Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash again. We will prove to you we've changed, that we are different ponies."
"And we hope the ponies we become... can be friends with the pony you become," Flutthershy said, turning towards the door.
Twilight watched as the two began to head out, her heart feeling like it was being ripped in two. Stay or follow, scream or cry, shove or hug...
"You never gave me your names!"
The two pegasi turned back to look at her.
"I mean... I know we just met and I don't know if we'll be friends or not... but I should at least know your names... in case we see each other around."
The cyan mare smiled. It wasn't much, but it was a start. She wouldn't be picky with what she got. "Rainbow Dash."
"Fluttershy," the buttercream mare said softly, a bashful smile forming on her lips. After her show of bravado she suddenly found herself once more wanting to sink into herself.
"Nice to meet you both," Twilight said softly. "I... I hope to see you around."
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy nodded, heading out the door. On one hoof it was painful to remember how things had been between them and their lavender friend. The casualness they'd once held had been shattered. While the two had approached this first meeting much like a game they knew that now they were truly starting at square one with Twilight Sparkle.
But that was ok. They could accept that; more than that, a part of them welcomed it. Spend any time with another pony and it was easy to slip into roles. Twilight was the egghead leader, Applejack the down to earth ‘mother’, Pinkie the irrelevant partier, Rarity the posh drama queen... Rainbow Dash the snarky speedster and Fluttershy the meek tenderheart.
Twilight's transformation and the fight that had come before offered them all a chance to become something new, to reveal parts of themselves that no pony, even themselves, knew existed. It was a rebirth, a do over, a chance to forge new bonds and strengthen old ones.
"I really wish Ponyville had a night club," Dash said as they walked away from the library. "I really didn't get a chance to see her there,” Dash grimaced when she remembered the reason for that, “but from what Spike describes it might be real fun to see Twilight dancing to rap music."
"I... like to dance," Fluttershy admitted. "Mostly in my living room..."
Rainbow grinned. "Hey! I bet we can find some night club near here... one of the towns south of us must have one. We should totally ask Twilight to go clubbing with us!"
Any other time Fluttershy would have gone screaming home at the thought of going to a club. And yet... she found herself wanting to do nothing more than to give it a try.
Worse come to worse she could always hide in the bathroom till it was time to go.
"You both are doing quite well."
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy let out twin yelps, whipping around to find that at some point they had gained a stalker.
"Doubt," Dash snapped.
"Indeed," the lord of reflections said, bowing his head slightly as if he had been paid a compliment.
Fluttershy, who had jumped behind Dash, peaking through her long mane at the abstract given form. "What... what do you w-want?"
"I merely wish to express my congrats. You two have adjusted well and I believe you deserve kind words and encouragement."
Rainbow Dash grit her teeth. "What are you playing at?"
"Nothing at all. I applaud how you treated my Twilight and wanted to thank you personally for your actions.”
Fluttershy gulped, fearing the worst. "Did... did we do something wrong?"
"Of course not!" Doubt said, slowly walking around the two. Rainbow covered her eyes, the sunlight bouncing off his metallic wings. "I merely wished to thank you for your treatment of Twilight. Nothing sinister."
"Yeah, right," Rainbow Dash said turning her back to the mirror alicorn. "Fluttershy, let it go. He's just trying to play mind games with us." Dash took a step forward, only to find that Doubt had warped in front of them.
"Look at you, grasping at straws, trying to find somepony to take your aggression out on."
Dash rolled her eyes. "Listen, don't try your little dark magic corruption thing on us. We are on to you!"
Doubt looked at her as if the thought had never even entered his mind till she said it. "It is little wonder you lose friends so easily, the way you shove aside those who offer thanks."
"You aren't offering anything," Fluttershy said, flashes of 'New Fluttershy' shining in her eyes as she moved to defend Dash. "You just enjoy corrupting ponies!"
"Like Twilight?" Doubt goaded.
"Like Applejack and Cadence."
Doubt frowned at that. "Applejack would have been fine. She is an honest mare and I merely was helping her enter a new world full of color. As for Cadence… ask yourself why she would have such a reaction to my words. Is it because of me? Did I do something to her, fill her with power and twist her into my puppet? Or is there is something within her, something she repressed, much like my Twilight, that when unleashed upon the world brought forth a great darkness?" Doubt shrugged. “I can only work with what is provided to me.”
"And we are supposed to believe that?" Rainbow Dash charged.
"Believe what you wish. I have said my piece. Whether you are honest with yourselves is your choice."
"W-we aren't going to let you win!" Fluttershy called out as Doubt turned to take flight. "You w-want to take Twilight away from us and...and we won't give up without a fight!"
"If you are thinking this is a game then you have already lost." Doubt looked over his shoulder, his smile gone and his eyes radiating sadness. "What I want and what I will do if pushed are two entirely different things. You must not be scared to dream a bit bigger, darling. The world depends on it."
And with that, Doubt took flight, leaving the two pegasi puzzling over his words.
Inception reference
Hmmmm... so Dash and Shy get into a neutral ground with Twilight... interesting
I really, really like doubt as a character. Great OC in my opinion, a part of me is waiting for him to pull off a twist, but a part of me thinks he'll stay true to his nature.
I've followed this since the beginning, and loved every chapter, up until now though.
I just can't see Fluttershy and Rainbow dash acting the way they did, and how you described it. That unfortunately really put me off and put a bad taste in my mouth where this fan fiction is concerned.
I can see them doing whatever possible to getting Twilight back as a friend, but violently hurting themselves?
That just didn't sit right with me, it made me wince a little bit and think "Really?"
Creative, but just not true to me.
Also, more grammatical errors than normal, but still readable/enjoyable.
Ha! That was indeed very clever of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Which one of the two came up with that?
yay for Tom Hardy...
Doubt is no Villain. He is doubt become real. He is just what he is and while at the same time he wishes he wasn't. He hopes beyond hope that twilight will see through her doubt and become a stronger pony and be with her friends but if she doesn't he will do as stated and take her away.
Very Good story.
If you see errors let me know so I can correct them.
Alicorns are real douchebags, what with having the last word and all that.
That said, intriguing and lovely chapter. And definitely thought-provoking.
More please!
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, you clever little mares.
Way to GO, "newFluttershy" & "newRainbow Dash"!
That is NOT how I expected Rainbow Dash (or Flutershy) to approach the problem, yet it is brilliant in its simplicity and elegance.
And I still maintain that Doubt is NOT a bad guy. He may be a snarky bastard at times, but so far *he* hasn't hurt anyone who didn't desparately deserve it. (Twilight under his influence has been a bit .. over the top... but she had the excuse of emotional exhaustion+physical damage+magical exhaustion+waking up after fighting a magical death duel. Grant you - it's not a GREAT excuse for her actions - but I'll accept that people sometimes choose suboptimal responses when they are THAT tired... )
I *do* have to reiterate how much I am enjoying this story....
Believe what you wish. I have said my peace
should "peace" be "piece"?
Nice chapter besides that
No, that I not true. He is only the so-called 'villain' because he is the game master and 'rival' of the other Mane Five. He is being strict, certainly, but not evil. It is a difference between being extremely punishing and outright evil.
Was it out of character for Dash and Flutter? Yes it was and it fits. Twilight is a different pony then before. One whom is not all wound up. This is a chance for all of them to start anew and let the past rest. Revenge is ashes in the mouth when it shows up because it isn't what one expects. If one swallows poison expecting the other person to die or get harmed the results are not as intended.
I really love how all of this is coming together. Dash and Flutter, better names for them I believe, still need to get over the idea Doubt corrupted Twilight. They are looking into the Eyes of a Stranger and not knowing that the mirror never... or always lies.
Doubt is very aptly named. I find myself just generally unknowing when it comes to him. He seem too......shallow to be true. That he has no motives but to help Twilight is a hard pill to swallow. His interaction with RD and Fluttershy seem to be a passive aggressive way of keeping a wall between them and Twilight. He knows they do not trust him, but Twilight does. Ergo, forcing them to trust him by not wanting to risk losing Twilight in the same way. Not trusting her judgement.
Maybe I'm overthinking things though.
Everypony is being really stupid with regard to doubt. Even discord can be friendly once in a while -- you don't just throw everything back in the face of even a perceived enemy when under a white flag. I expect better of Fluttershy.
Nice defender2222, you pulled off another great chapter! I seriously did not expect Rainbow Dash to be one of the first ones to gain neutral ground with Twilight. Very clever of the two to pull that one off though.
I'm still disappointed in the fact that everypony thinks that Doubt is a complete villain. Does some of the stuff he says sound like he's being an a-hole? Yes, it does, but that doesn't mean that he is an absolute bad guy. Is there something more to him then what he's showing? I believe there is, that he's hiding something that everyone else isn't seeing, but we'll need more evidence before we can prove that. Now that the two pegasi have gained neutral ground with Twilight, they just have to gradually and carefully build their friendship with Twilight back up. I wonder who will be next on the list of ponies to try and reconcile with Twilight.
I eagerly await the next chapter and to make my next review.
- Super-Brony12
Wow, I'm really loving this story!
I will agree that rainbow dash's and fluttershy's method did seem.....unexpected....but then again, this isnt a typical problem in ponyville, so it would be hard to know what their reaction would be. I would still say this falls under character development, and that it is not necessarily out of character. We couldnt know if its out of character or not because theyve never had to react to an event such as this. This seemed to be a good chapter. Not what I would have anticipated, but still believable all the same. I am a bit curious about doubt. I wonder what exactly he meant in all that he said in his last scene. I feel like I'll probably figure it out in a later chapter, upon reading more, but still, the curiosity is with me.
Is it bucked up how I chuckled a little when Dash and Shy beat themselves up? And it makes me wonder what game the five are playing...what will they go through to get Twilight back? Was this Spike's idea for payback and amusement? Damn, makes your seriously wonder though....what creatures will do with so little time limit.
Hurry up and Finish this story so I can read it. I normally have a STRICT "NO DARK" Policy but The concept of this is one I truly like but I don't want to be left wondering what the buck will happen next so cant read it until it is done.
I don't think Doubt is evil or good. I think he is angry, not only with how Celestia treated him (he effectively lost his entire identity, and the first time he tried to reclaim it NMM betrayed him), but also with the lies people tell themselves to hide their failings. I also believe he lacks the empathy to appreciate why people lie to themselves, so he forces people to face the hidden truths, whether they want to or not.
Another thing about Doubt is that he claims to only tell the truth (a claim I believe by the way), but nowhere did he say he was honest. For example- Flim and Flam were dishonest, but did they actually ever tell a lie? I don't recall them doing so, but they twisted the truth to their ends- "we made more cider, therefore our cider is better". I believe Doubt does the same, although the only ends he appears to want are A) his identity B) justice from Celestia and C) to protect Twilight.
Also, something that hasn't really been mentioned much is that power corrupts. Twilight made a decision under some bad conditions (I won't go as far to say it was a bad decision yet, or a good one, but the conditions were bad either way), and now she is a full, highly powerful alicorn. The colour of the magic might not be what's corrupting her, but theres a chance that the sudden boost in power will. It will be interesting to see how she copes with this, as well as the fact that she is going to outlive all her friends.
Also, I found Dash's and Shy's solution to be novel- they admired that they made mistakes, but also forced Twilight to see that she still cares about them. It will probably be easier for the others, espicaly Rarity and Pinkie, to gain forgiveness now as well, although Shining and Celestia will still have to jump through a few hoops first. I also doubt (haha) that the same trick will work.
As for Twilights parents, I get the feeling that she is only angry at them because they are there, and that they have so far not stood up for her, trying to take a neutral position, which Twilight has interpreted as being against her. It is very hard to undo the sort of parent/daughter relationship they had, especially overnight. Indeed, if it wasn't for Doubt and his time limit, the whole situation could be resolved in a week as Twilight steadily calms down. Now her friends have to calm her down enough to accept whatever peace offering they bring without antagonising Twilight or Doubt, which could throw a spanner in the works- although sending Cadence in first was a step towards solving that particular problem.
As was said earlier, simplicity is the key. I can see Rainbow Dash coming up with something like this. Clever and funny.
I re-heheheheaaally like his character :D
(fan art mode?)
Ask and you shall receive
Here are two images of Twilight, the dark alicorn, and Doubt, the lord of reflections
When in motion, the stars in her hair would be constantly shooting down her mane, leaving little trails
While he is smiling here (this shot would be when he finally confronted Celestia and Luna) most times Doubt is very casual
Keep in mind that this is only a rough idea of what they look like in my head. Doubt in particular has giant wings made entirely of mirror shards that reflect everything around him.
The only problem being that he's not taking Certainty into account. He's Doubt though, and allows you to doubt your doubts, so it's something at the least...
And would it kill him to be clearer? I know there might be some rule or some untold immense consequence if he says something he shouldn't, like the future if Twilight gives in to her dark feelings completely, but he could at least tell them SOMETHING straight!
Is it just me or are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash guilt-tripping Twilight? I dunno, maybe I'm overthinking things again. Obviously Twilight wouldn't want to see them get hurt like that, no matter what state their friendship is in at the moment.
When can we expect Shining Armor to make an appearance? I think that confrontation would make for an interesting chapter.
Wonderful chapter.
Personally I think that Doubt's appearance in this chapter was a little off-putting. I mean, Fluttershy and Rainbow were all happy and Twilight had forgiven them, but then Doubt had to come in and ruin everything. Someone should really tell this guy... oh, what was it? Oh yes. "The mere observation of an experiment can effect the result." That's the one. But that's just me.
I feel that this story should have a few alternate endings. I mean, no single one would be satisfactory, since there are so many roads this can go down in the short time remaining. I mean, we have the "Twilight and Doubt destroy everything", possibility that Luna forsaw, and then the typical happy ending, and then, if just to be there and look pretty, you could end it with "Everyone's an alicorn now! Yay!" If you catch my drift. But if there's only one ending, I'd really like to hear what Doubt has to say about it before the story fades to black. And maybe, if it's a good ending, he sheds a single tear and whispers "goodbye." or something... I don't know.
Also I'll do fan art to match the descriptions, but don't expect anything too great. Can't wait to see where the last few chapters take us!
I can kinda put Doubt in the same league as Lelouch vi Britannia... no body knows what he is truly thinking and people assume he is a bad guy due to where he is from... but in the end, he destroys the worlds and creates it a new and better world for the future
Well I wish Doubt would have left Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy alone but at least they seem to have redeemed themselves to Twilight, Pinkie Pie well it depends on whether or not she can actually be serious which I'm hoping she will, Luna won't really have to work hard to connect to Twilight, Applejack might have a hard time, and as for the rest of the group they have A LOT of apologizing to do.
1427974 Doubts are rarely clear. They deal in could haves, might haves, and what ifs, and these uncertainties are almost always lead to hypothetical situations, which are completely malleable.
Pinkie is irrelevant? I think you mean irreverent.
1427549 Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy would sic angel on doubt if brought to it.
The wings look kinda like the ones in this picture, maybe? But made out of mirror shards?
Well, now, what have we here?
A new chapter? Excellent.
Indeed, I have enjoyed it thoroughly.
1427926 question, shouldn't her head be shaped more like Celestia's? the current head doesn't look right at those proportions. i would imagine she appears similar to this...
sorry, i don't have a source for this picture. it's from my stash...
Amazing story so far (read up to here just today) & now I can't wait for MOAR!!!
Most likely. I did it literally in five minutes, just to give myself some idea of what I was writing about.
I see what you did there Rainbow and Fluttershy!
Pinkie Pie is not irrelevant. Irreverent, maybe, but certainly not irrelevant.
1427926 Awesome! :D
I will make some sketches soon for you :3 Just because your fic is damn epic
Wise words. Wise words indeed
I understood that reference
A quote from 'Blink' and a line from Inception? You speak my language.
Clever but creepy approach by the pegasi... I'm glad somepony is finally thinking about thinking.
Rainbow Dash did miss one important thing though:
If Twilight is a self sufficient pony then she belongs to no entity. Doubt only doubts things inconvenient to himself, instead going out of his way to coddle 'his' pony.
There are two ways of approaching that part though, either a full logical confrontation that could take hours and continuously present Doubt with just the kind of material he works with - or to put him on committee. It's all very well and good to be one of the outsiders shouting 'what you're doing is wrong', it is something else entirely to be let into the system and swallowed whole. The ponies could just accept Doubt as any other pony, with all the rights, responsibilities, respect, and obligations that entails. Right now he gets to do whatever he pleases because he's not considered part of their 'group'
Awww... The pegasi made me-*sniffles* BWAAAAA!! ... Cry... *sniffles* heh. JK!
Why is Doubt mad at them doubting his intentions? They have only seen him bring about bad things even if it was the offending ponies fault in the end, i.e. Nightmare Moon.
I could only think of this.
Found some errors you may want to correct. Orange for additions, strikethrough for removals. Don't know if you have or want a proofreader, but I'd be willing to help if you'd be willing to have me.
"We don't want to be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, so we were hoping we could become two new ponies."
"Fluttershy was a bad pony!" the buttercream colored pegasus exclaimed,
Normally she would never let another pony see her getting all sobby, but at this point she just didn't care.
"We were horrible!
Degusting! Vile!" - Should be "Disgusting"She wanted to collect their tears and
bathin them - Should be "bathe""Because you're my friends and I don't want to see you hurt!" Twilight screamed.
"As far as we needed
too," Rainbow Dash said - should be "to"Fluttershy gulped, fearing the
worse. - Should be "worst"As for Cadence… ask yourself why she would have such a reaction to
havemy words.I think RainbowDash and Flutthershy should stop thinking about Doubt as they enemy or as the one who corupt others, Doubt is most neutral in all cases, he want Twilight to be happy and so he cheer up for her friends to appologice the right way, if they all will still think of him as villan they will fail, just as Doubt said, " if you think it is a game, you already lost ", he is right on this one, they have 2 days to prove Twilight that they wont abandon her again and repair they lost friendship, not to convince Twilight to stay because Doubt want to take her away.
I must say that Doubt even after all bad thinks what happened to him, he is very forgiving and still want to help, any other character in his case would be mad for revange.
I wonder how long it will take tham to realize that Doubt is not a corupting villan, he just have his own way to help, and his coruption is like trial to be passed, as he is again every easy way to solve problem, he is on Twilight side and as long as her friends want to stick with her, he will be on they sides as well.
Thanks, I got them all fixed. I was in a rush to publish the last chapter so I couldn't get it betaed.
My name is also Malcolm!
I really love their idea towards helping mend their friendship: start at square one. They've resolved themselves to become better people and, figuratively, have thrown away who they were before just as Twilight has. I can't wait to see what happens next!