And you may ask yourself
Am I right? Or am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself
My god, what have I done?
-The Talking Heads, Once in a Lifetime
Shining Armor found himself trapped in an endless stream of nightmares. Or perhaps they were memories. It was possible that he wasn’t trapped at all but had chosen to punish himself. It was hard to tell…it was all so muddled and he wanted to sleep. But he was asleep…wasn’t he?
He remembered from his youth those ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books; you read a page or two and then were offered a choice. Depending on which choice you made, the story might end in an instant of continue on, presenting a new choice.
Several of his friends had loved them and would sit together at lunch happily debating which path to take. They would make rules and bets about who could get the best outcome and then argue over minor details.
Shining had always left the cafeteria during those conversations.
He hated those books. His friends swore that they were lifelike but Shining thought they were anything but. You could always peak ahead and you could go back, even if you promised not to. Your choices were never truly your own, as they belonged to the author and what seemed like the most logical choice seemed to always end in the worst possible way. There was no control, just the cruel illusion, driving you towards randomness disguised as control.
As he laid on that hospital bed, memories flashing through his addled brain, Shining felt as if somepony had ripped up the endings to one of those books and pasted them together so they could wallpaper his brain. All he saw was different paths…the maybes and the never-weres and the could-have-beens. They taunted and teased him like bullies on the playground, whispering of lost chances and paths not taken.
“Twilight…I know you are upset…let’s talk this over, ok? Why are you so upset with Cadence…what did you see that would make you ever think she was trying to hurt me?”
“Well, if that is how you feel, don’t show up for my wedding either!”
“I’m getting married, Twiley! Can you believe it? I asked Celestia to let me use a chariot so I could tell you face to face!”
“You’re wrong, Twilight! How could you think Cadence would ever hurt me?”
“I think we should visit Ponyville, sweetheart…Twilight would love to see you again and I want to tell her all about us!”
“What were you thinking, Twilight?”
“So this is your new home, huh? When the Princess told me you were living in a library I thought she was joking!”
“By Celestia, how could you be so stupid!?! ‘Want me/need me’? Are you kidding me?”
“She isn’t alone, Nightmare Moon! She has her friends and her family standing beside her! And as long as we are with her, there is nothing you can do that can stop her!”
“Stop crying!”
“I am so proud of you, Twilight!”
“Stop following me around!”
“I love you, Twilight!”
“I wish you’d never been born!”
“I…I’ll be the best big brother ever…I promise baby sister…”
Shining Armor shuddered, his heart pounding so hard he was sure it would burst out of his chest and a cold sweat breaking out all over his body. The beeping of the heart monitor filled the air around him and he used that to ground himself. It was his anchor, allowing his trouble mind to sift through the different memories and discover which ones were real and which ones were brought on by heartache and guilt.
His own sister had attacked him. She had nearly killed him, slamming him into a wall after he had rushed to protect Cadence…but that didn’t sound right. Why would his little sister do that? Why would she lash out at him? He remembered… something… at the wedding rehearsal. Why couldn’t he focus?
And why had he felt so much hatred for her?
None of it made sense. Things that had seemed like solid fact now were jumbled numbers that didn’t add up. Cadence’s actions, which at the time had caused him to smile and laugh, made him frown now that he looked back upon them. So too did his own actions…his coldness to others and his almost slavish devotion to his bride-to-be. Why hadn’t he gone to see his parents sooner, to talk to them about the wedding and get their input? Why hadn’t he let his sister know about the wedding? Why…did he get the feeling that Cadence…wasn’t his Cadence?
Why did his Twiley try to kill him?
And why did he know he would have done the same to her?
A clawed hand grabbing his mouth, preventing him from letting out a yelp.
“Hello Shining Armor,” Spike said coldly. “We need to talk about Twilight.”
Shining stared at the baby dragon, wondering if this was another attack. Had something corrupted everypony? Was that why Cadence and Twilight and now Spike were acting so strangely? Had they come to take over his mind too?
So…so many questions. They made his body ache.
“You and I have never gotten along, Shining,” Spike said simply, releasing his grip on the unicorn’s mouth. The glare the baby dragon flashed at him warned that, if Shining did attempt to speak, Spike would find a way to keep his jaw permanently shut. "I don't remember the first time I met you, but I do know that all my life I didn't like you and you didn't like me. And I get it, I really do." Spike began to pace along the edge of the bed, hands folded behind his back. "We both were brothers to the same filly. Twilight is your little sister...but she is MY big sister. We both love her and both saw the other as somepony that was stealing time away from her.
"Except one of us didn't always use the time that was gifted to them. I remember well our visits, Shining...and I remember how you squandered your time with her. Twilight was always willing to forgive you when you wanted to go hang out with your friends or just be alone instead of spending a few moments with her. I remember every broken promise and slip of the tongue...and more than anything I remember how much they hurt her. We were both given a gift, knowing her, but only one of us truly appreciated her."
"I love Twiley," Shining Armor snapped, "and I am not going to lay here and let you-"
"You will do exactly that!" Spike thundered. Any other time hearing the baby dragon yell like that would have caused Shining to burst into laughter. But at that moment there was no humor to be found. "You are use to barking orders and having others follow your lead but this time you are going to listen to me!"
Shining hated the fact that he nodded his head and agreed to Spike's terms.
"You broke her heart this time, Shining. She loves you and always thought about you. When the Princess asked her to stay in Ponyville do you know what she said her biggest regret was?" Spike leaned in close. "She was sad she didn't tell you ASAP. She was so depressed when she realized she had made such a big decision without asking you. She always sought out your advice Shining...why I have no clue..."
"I never asked her too," Shining said softly. "I...I was glad when I heard she made friends. I was thrilled she was going out into the world..."
"And glad she was leaving you alone?" Spike asked.
"NO!" Shining shouted. "No...Spike, I do love Twiley but...but it wasn't healthy, the way she clung to me. The best thing she ever did was decide to move to Ponyville and make her own life."
Spike accepted that argument. He’d said similar things himself, if only in his head. "Yes...yes." His shoulders slumped slightly. "But that doesn't mean she wanted you completely out of her life. You never visited; you never attempted to stay in contact-"
"I was busy...with the guard...the Princesses-"
Spike laughed, but it wasn't with joy. "Shining...Princess Celestia somehow found the time to visit Twilight. It wasn't often...but she found a way. And when she couldn’t come to visit she figured out how to get Twilight to visit her in Canterlot. Are you saying your duties are more important than hers?"
Shining shut his eyes. "I made mistakes, ok? I should have tried harder but caught up with both of us. We drifted apart and it was both of our faults!"
Spike nodded. "I'm glad you accept that. And you aren't the only one to blame. There is plenty of that to spread around." The baby dragon turned, staring at the wall, his back to the captain of the guard. "Why didn't you tell her about the wedding, Shining? How could you be so cold?"
"I...I don't know. I wanted to and yet...and yet I didn't. I...I don't know why..."
'You know why,' his mind whispered, sounding a lot like Spike. 'You were jealous. You were captain of the were marrying the princess...and all anyone could talk about was Twilight Sparkle. Been that way for a while. You have risen up in the ranks and in society but Twilight has managed to outshine you. It isn’t 'There goes Shining's sister'. It's 'There is Lady Sparkle's brother'.
“When Nightmare Moon attacked you were stuck protecting the likes of Blueblood. When Discord was rampaging across Equestria you were hiding in your room, to scared to fight back. Twilight is more of a hero than you ever were and you hate it. You hate her. You were mad and petty and you waited too long to tell her because you wanted to punish her...'
The unicorn lowered his head, tears in his eyes.
"I...I was stupid, Spike. Is that what you want to hear?" He shook his head violently in frustration. "I wanted to put on a show, to prove to her how great I was. I didn't want to tell her till everything was ready. I wanted to bring her to Canterlot and show her my great life and… and prove to her that... I don’t know what I wanted. But things kept coming up..." Shining gathered himself up, forcing himself to remain calm. "But...but that doesn't excuse her! She attacked my wife, Spike! She accused her of being a monster-"
"She was a monster. A changeling, actually."
Those words were a worst blow than any shot of magic Twilight threw at him.
"The queen of the Changelings took Cadence's place. She had performed a spell that made you love her, so that's why you didn't see her faults. Twilight saw right through them though...that is what she was trying to tell you. That was her great crime, Shining: trying to save you from a parasite."
Shining's jaw trembled as he tried to make sense of it all. "A...a changeling?” Hope flared in his eyes. Maybe...just maybe...he hadn't meant the vile things he had-
"Twilight said that changelings can't stand negative emotions; hate and anger are like poison. All the queen did was make you think she was Cadence and be devoted to her. How you did that was all you.”
The stallion lowered his head. He wanted to argue Spike's comments, tell the dragon he was wrong...but he just couldn't do it.
Because he knew Spike was right.
All the horrible things he had done to Twilight...the way he had treated her, disregarding her feelings and worries, belittling her, taking away her title as best mare, cutting her out of his life...those were all him. That hate, that was all from him.
The captain wept.
"The greatest mistake I've ever made was walking away from her last night," Spike said softly. He turned and Shining saw that Spike hadn't turned his back to him out of rage, but to hide his own tears. "I am going to spend the rest of my life making it up to her. I am going to do anything she wants...just to prove to her I am worthy of her love." Spike jumped off the bed and began to walk to the door. He paused for a moment, looking back at Shining Armor. "We are her brothers, Shining. I don’t like you and you don’t like me. But Twilight needs you. So are you going to wallow in pity? Or are you going to fight to save her?"
And with that, Spike was gone.
"Alright, we are nearly done!" Dr. Stitch called out as he began to transfer that last bit of white magic into Twilight's body. Magic Infusion was a difficult process and only attempted in the most dire of situations. It was better to let a unicorn build their reserves back up than to attempt to inject them with foreign magic.
But Twilight had been corrupted by the dark magic she had called upon to defeat Chrysalis. While Shining Armor had been under a spell much like her, Twilight had already allowed a spark of darkness into her heart and the changeling magic had only caused it to grow. Black magic was like tar, clinging to a unicorn and tainting all it touched. They had used every spell they could to drain the black magic from her horn and now they were refilling her with pure white magic. The dangers were great...Twilight might lose her ability to use magic or could suffer from memory loss or personality changes...but it was better that she suddenly became shy or forgot her 5th birthday than to allow the black magic to remain.
"Status?" Stitch asked.
"88%, doctor," a nurse said.
'No...don't allow them to do this. The fire must remain...the strength it gives can't be stolen away.'
"Doctor, her heart rate is spiking."
"Monitor it...we are almost there," Stitch said gruffly.
'They want weak Twilight back...doormat Twilight. They are pumping in white magic in the hopes of make a docile little unicorn that is more of a foal than a mare. One that will say, 'Oh, I'm sorry for not doing what you wanted! Let me wait on you knee and hoof in order to make it up to you!' Don't let this happen...don't let them destroy-'
One of the nurses gasped, pointing a shaking hoof at the container of pure white magic. Stitch turned, his jaw dropping as he saw that the magic reserve was no longer pure... but becoming gray... then dark... then black.
"We are getting a bleed through!" he shouted, scrambling to unhook Twilight from the corrupt magic. "Hurry, before-"
Twilight's eyes snapped open.
And here we finally get Shining's point of view. I have made it clear that I hate his character as it is, but even I can't go one dimensional when it comes to him. Besides, giving him a bit of angst was good enough (If anyone has any good post-wedding stories let me know...I've already read Darth link's twice). Spike didn't beat him down as much as let him in on some hard truths and the baby dragon maybe be one of the few keeping his head in all of this. He is one to watch, as he is now dancing a fine line, especially with what is to come.
Because the side he takes, good or going to help change the world.
As always, any errors please let me know about.
Ok, will comment after reading chapter - but you get bonus points for the song at the start.
Edit: and read. Good stuff. I guess Spike was reading all those reports, and some of it stuck.
Yeah, realizing you screwed up - owning it, that's one of the hardest things to do.
This isn't going to end well.
Raise your hand if you think there's going to be blood and screams?
*Raises hands and feet*
You did make a fair argument for Shining being such a sucky brother. An amusing inversion really of what it's usually like.
Sort of like a Weasley-Inversion. Heh.
I would have gone with the Cool Hand Luke Quote, "What we got here is failure to communicate. Some men/ ponies, you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants. Well, I get it"
Keep this up!
It is a great quote, and I will probably use it later, but here it wouldn't work because Spike did get to Shining. Shining Armor sees just how made he screwed up, not just here but in the past.
As for blood...well, I will repeat that Twilight isn't evil, just mad and worry-free.
1330410 Don't need to be evil to rejoice in slitting some throats and etc. Can be quite cathartic.
Hope you do. Damn good movie.
/feels old now
keep up the good work.
I like the fact that a part of Twilight want's to keep her new found dark powers, Dark Twilight FTW!
Are we going to see what happened to Chrysalis and the changeling army, last we heard they were only unconscious.
Things just keep getting intense. I really like where this is going. I always like story where Twilight becomes bad from feelings of betrayal at the Canterlot wedding part and gone . Keep up with the great story writing. Don't disappoint us.
EDIT: Read it twice from the beginning. Now Im kinda scared when imagining it.
I don't think this story is intended to devolve into gory slaughter and mass violence...
Defender2222, keep up the good work.
1330550 Oh, I know that. I just want to see Twilight exact a bit of painful vengeance!
I love this story...LOVE IT!
This chapter reminded me of a Family Guy fic I read where Stewie called Quagmire out on the recent sh#t he's put Brian through using an Ironic Echo of Quagmire's speech about Brian in "Jerome is the New Black." That being said, that's actually a good thing, as it really gets the point across at how angry Spike is at Shining right now.
story is one of the best ones yet in my honest opinion. You do a good job of describing how and why Twilight turns darker. I am also a sucker for empowered main characters
Keep up the good work sir!
Great job, as usual. Very glad that this wasn't Spike brutally maiming Shining, or just flat-out telling him how much he sucks. Your comparison to those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books was very apt (never liked those damn things either), and being as adoring with alternate universes and timelines as I am, I positively adored those alternate paths Shining could have taken regarding Twilight. Also, the fact that you wrote Shining realistically and not one-dimensionally despite your hatred for him is, in my book, the mark of a great author,
Now that Rainbooms and Royalty is over, this has become the fic that I eagerly and actively await the next chapter of. It's a nice, refreshing change to see a broken character that doesn't immediately drop to "hurr durr kill 'em all."
Also, since you asked, here's some Canterlot Wedding Fiasco fics that I've taken a liking to. Sadly, I can't say that any of these are at yours or Darth Link's levels in terms of sheer quality.
A Lot to Think About: AU where the wedding didn't turn out so well. Regret-filled Celestia-centric.
Canterlot Cantata: More AU's for how the wedding could have turned out- for example, what if Twilight knocked Shining out and absconded with him before the wedding.
Wedding of Deception: Along with Cadence, Shining is also replaced by a Changeling. The twist is that neither Changeling is aware of the other.
When Harmony Dies: Basically this fic, but, thanks to some expert machinations by Chrysalis, Twilight does go the murder-route, and the others turned even more against her thanks to some framing. Again, not as good, but shows some promise. Also due to feature Discord and possibly Nightmare Moon.
If there is one thing I pride myself in, it is that every character, even the smallest ones, have a backstory (even if I am the only one who knows it).
It would have been real easy to give Spike a "Why you suck" speech or make Shining a stubborn Jerkass. But that isn't what I want to write about. This story is about what happens when one falls and those responsible try to make ammends. Sometimes it goes well...other times not. And sometimes there are strings being pulled that you just don't see.
well, this can only spiral downwards
but any way, i really like how you actualy give a reason for her decent into darkness, not many wrighters can pull that off!
So...let me get this straight. Twilight just embraced the dark side to save the entire kingdom from a monster that was using magic to control her brother's mind and personality. So, the doctors' response use magic to control her mind and personality. Oh, and at the risk of leaving her unable to use magic, or giving her brain damage. I don't know, seems like maybe they want to just focus on keeping her from falling over dead, get her into counselling to deal with the anger issues.
Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine. Not like repressing all negative emotions is part of what got her into this mess in the first place! Oh...wait...
Regarding Shining and Spike...seems like it's a good day for purple characters to grow a pair, figuratively speaking, though I think he could have stood to smack Shining once or twice. Not to hurt him, necessarily. Just seems he could use a good slap across the face.
Last thought, and I fully acknowledge it might just be me, but does anyone else really want to see Shining try to apologise for not believing Twilight...only for her to go full Vader and magically choke him because she finds his lack of faith disturbing? No, just me? Right then, nevermind.
Awaiting further releases.
Yes! I've been looking for this kind of story, I've always loved the idea of Twilight reacting differently to the whole wedding fiasco, and here's a fic that expands on just that
I'll be reading, have a fave and a like
You are amazing, good sir. This story is incredible; the best I've read in a long time.
Amazing that the writer of a parody series can do drama and deep mental examination, huh? *chuckles* Thanks for the review!
I blame that dang fallout/mlp universe for all the blood lust going around...
Pshhh. Anywayysssss I LOVE this story. Keep doing whatc'ha doin.
And please, do not make it a blood/gorey story. That would just ruin it.
The psychological aspect would be dampened and become another backseat-plot device. Keep up the great work.
Don't worry, any violence will be bloodless (like it was in the wedding chapter). Mental scars are so much more fun to play with.
There is a reason it is called Faith and Doubt.
Well...there is actually another reason, but that would be a giant spoiler...I will only say that it is always darkest before the dawn...and always brightest before the storm.
One other note: I have an idea for a comedy piece about the wedding episode that I would love to read: After the changelings are defeated, Celestia says they have a real wedding to plan...only for Cadence to get confused. Everyone explains her wedding to shining and she reveals that she loves a friend. She isn't in love with him and would NEVER want to marry him (maybe Cadence is gay, maybe she is seeing Big Macintosh, I don't know). Shining then realizes that all the dates he went on with 'Cadence' really were Chrysalis and he fell in love with her. Where it went from there would be up to the person that wrote it.
If someone wants to take that story idea, please go ahead. I'll even offer my services as a prereader.
Hehe, nope, I totally want Twilight to slap him around a bit. Would definitely be something to see.
The big question on my mind is--"how will Twilight react to the REAL Cadence when she shows up?"
Haha... pretty wild story. This is the first story I have read on fimfiction that I liked so much that I Favorited, Liked, and Watched all at the same time. The torture scene in particular was incredibly powerful.
Keep up the great work!
Ah, you got my name right this time.
My one complaint is that Spike seems a bit too eloquent. Then again, he probably rehearsed exactly what he wanted to say to Shiny several times. Can't blame him...that's his sister/mother that got really hurt.
And that comedy fic...sounds hilarious! Maybe Cadance was really in love with Twilight the whole time...
Seconding recommendation on A Lot To Think's one of my favorite one-shots.
Yeah, that was what I was going for. Spike has been building up to this and finally gets his chance.
As for the comedy fic, it could go so many ways, but I love the idea that Cadence isn't Shining's 'one and only'...the pony he fell in love with is Chrysalis (Heck, whoever wrote it could have it that Chrysalis was acting like she was because she really WAS a nervous bride...the whole changeling army thing was merely separate from her nerves).
At first I was like: Woooo update!!!
But then I serioused...
Well, another good chapter, kuddos!
But there's something about shinning armor in this one that kinda, I don't know.. Puts me off?
Or maybe it was spike, either way though , good characterization
Note: curse you for using such a good cliff hanger for this chapter's ending
Chuckles...sorry about the cliffhanger. Originally this chapter and the next were one MASSIVE chapter but I decided to break them up to make it easier to read (I HATE superlong fan fic chapters. I want them in nice bite-size chunks that I can read, react, review, then go to the next one).
I think you may went to far in your little "why you suck as a big brother " speech. To me it seems as if your trying to make Shining Armor as a Petty self-centered stallion while giving little in the way of redeemable features but for the typical generic features.
You as seem under the impression that Shining had a choice in those situations that you mentioned, which just seem really unrealistic to me. since I am a solider myself I understand your duty put you in situations to rather not be in but have no choice in the matter. Though I can understand regret for not being with his sister, making him personally responsible seems a little too farfetched for me.
The Discord part is one of the major problems, since you call he a coward for hiding at home, but that seems to be out of character for Shining.
There a lot more minor issues that I take with Spike speech such as the wedding bit but, what I trying to get at is that though you seem try to not make Shining a one dimensional character, your speech is trying too hard to make him seem to the bad guy.
I like this chapter. I came in expecting a shout/angstfest from Spike. Instead Spike handles this very maturely. Also, for someone who dislikes Shining Armor, you still portrayed him as a somewhat decent character. If secretly loathing your sister's succes can be called decent...
And if you don't mind some blatant self-advertising: I'm writing a post-wedding story, if you're interested. It's nothing like this one though...
I'll check it out
...Oh pony feathers. With Twilight awake, that means that there's going to be some destruction in the hospital! I love this story, it keeps me on the edge of my seat with suspense and maybe even a little bit of fear. Seeing a usually peaceful character go dark in such a short amount of time, in my opinion, is a little scary. But that's what makes this story so good!
Also, I liked the little talk that Spike had with Shining Armor. Even though Spike is just as upset about what has happened to Twilight as is everyone else, he handled it in a very mature way and didn't start an argument/yelling fest like everyone else did in the waiting room. I can't wait for the next chapter, since I'm anxious to see what Twilight is going to do now that she is awake. Until then, see ya!
I think people forget that Spike was raised by Celestia and Twilight. That is why, as a baby dragon, he is much more mature than he should be.
True. I can concur with that.
I want to meet at some point. Whatever happens will be EPIC
i like zis twilight
Cliffhanger much?
And why are Shining's eyes so freaky?
A bit disappointed that this was not a Spilight like I thouight it would be but you know what...I'm ok when them being brother and sister in this story, anything is better then thenmbeing mother and son (seriously) and I'll take Spike being with anypony rather then Rarity (who I still hoping he kills when he goes to darkness) I love Twilight as an anti-hero...dark, but doing bad thnigs for the right lewast in their own eyes.
As for Shining Armor, I really hate the fact that everything has to be about him and his 'wife' in the episode, he does not deserve forgivness from Spike or Twilight, if thoise two are the only ones going down a dark path then they hopefully will kill Shining Armor before hoof...or claw. And I can agree with a good backclaw across the face, Armor really deserves it.
And oh shit! Things are about to get real up in here, why do I have a feeling that Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity will fight against Twilight?...not saying it's easy though.
It's like I said there is no hope for Twilight, you can't uncorrupt someone who willing falls into darkness and despair, it is not possible!
Twilight as a result of how badly everyone treated her has crossed the despair event horizon from which no return there is I fear.
Despair, eh?
Grief Seed incoming...
"Last thought, and I fully acknowledge it might just be me, but does anyone else really want to see Shining try to apologise for not believing Twilight...only for her to go full Vader and magically choke him because she finds his lack of faith disturbing? No, just me? Right then, nevermind."
You are not the only one.
I find it realy dissapointing in the show that Twilight life almost got ruined as everypony betrayed her because they did not trust her even if she was right, if she would be wrong in the end, who know how much time would need to pass or how much Twilight would need to appology over and over to get everythink back as it was, but because it turned right in the end, and because she helped to save kingdom ( Again ), her friends say sorry once, and Celestia say some useless moral like " you should trust your insticts " and everythink is forgiven like it was not big deal, realy, realy great moral, considering that it is what Twilight did and almost got her live ruined and Kingdom counquered, not big deal at all.
I like this story because everyone get rightfull punishment, everyone start to realize how they screwed up, and they realize that simple " sorry " is not enogh for sush betray.
So yea, I also hope she will go full Vader, but not just on Shinning, but on Celestia and her friends too, as right now only Luna and Spike seems to act reasonable, ( Luna, Twilight and Spike, the new trio of darkness on quess for vengence, sounds cool to me ).
Post traumatic stress disorder perhaps? She might never be able to look at a pony again without being ready to run for her life at a moment's notice, and might never be able to go near one without freaking out and bolting. Or maybe she'll just ask Luna if she happens to be a licensed therapist.
I'm thinking the reveal Twilight waking up will be something of a powder keg. First the lights flicker, then the building starts to shake and things fall off shelves and counters, then the cracks in the walls start showing up, then the areas near the cracks go all dark, and then suddenly everything explodes and there Twilight is standing in the center of a magical black tornado.
You know... or something like that.
And that is why I wrote this story in the first place...the complete handwaving of what SHOULD have happened. Darth Link handled it best, so I went with the more dark route.
Dun. Dun! DUN!
1330715 Happens on earth. If you ever really want to get really upset about medical high-handedness read "For Her Own Good" by Barbara Ehrenreich and/or "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot.
1331380 the excess is the delivery by a certain baby dragon to his 'rival' for Twilight as family.
1332566 "can't recover from..." I respectfully disagree, one of the most fascinating things about sentient creatures is their capacity to recover if given half a chance.
Answered all three better than I could myself.
1) The medical community, as it is now, is famous for performing procedures that they cause more harm than good in the name of 'curing'. They are less concern with 'living' than 'fixing', even if the fix is worse.
2) Exactly. Most of the chapter is either through the eyes of a drug-addled Shining coming out of a medically induced sleep OR a bitter 'rival'. Of course it is going to be one-sided a touch. Also, the Discord comment...EVERYONE was acting out of character after Discord. The Chaos God caused Shining to become a coward instead of a hero, just like he made Applejack a liar and Fluttershy a brute.
3) The stupidest words ever said in the film are: "Once consumed by the dark side forever will it dominate your destiny". You can always do a 180...same for twilight here. I will again also point out...Twilight isn't evil. She is mad.
Credit where it's due: I believe you meant The Talking Heads?