• Published 18th Sep 2012
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Faith and Doubt - defender2222

After everyone fails to heed to her warnings about Cadence, Twilight gives in to her darker thoughts

  • ...

Walk on the Wild Side

"People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest."
- Herman Hesse

“Are you ok?”

Dr. Stitch groaned as Celestia helped him to his feet. “Never better,” he grumbled sarcastically. “Best assault I’ve ever had.”

“How could this have happened?” Applejack asked. The moment the hospital staff had been alerted to Twilight’s escape Luna had sent the magical call to her guards to bring back the bearers and the Sparkle family. Night Light and Velvet had rushed to make sure Shining Armor was ok while everypony else had gone out to try and find the missing unicorn. Applejack, Fluttershy and Princess Celestia had stayed to care for the nurses and doctors and find out just what had happened.

The story that was being painted for them was not a pretty one.

“Dark magic,” Celestia said, her horn glowing as she purged the remains of the shadow spell from the operating theater. “How did Twilight manage to awaken? I was told she was heavily sedated.”

“She was,” one of the nurses said, using her magic to hold a cold compress against her forehead. “We were at 88% cleansing when one of the white magic containers became infected. Must have had a bleed through.”

Celestia, however, did not accept that answer. “No… at that high of a level of white magic concentration the dark magic would have been unable to leave Twilight, let alone get into the white magic to taint it.” The princess began to sweep her horn about, murmuring incantations as she worked. “Something...”

“Princess, what’s wrong? Ya know where Twilight went?” Applejack asked. The sight of the scattered medical equipment and knocked out ponies had left the earth pony shivering; it just wasn’t natural to see magical destruction like that.

Celestia wished she could tell them yes. She wished she could gather the two scared girls close to her and tell them that everything would be ok. But Luna had been right: now was not the time for lies, even if they were kinder. No, now was the time for the truth, as harsh as it might be. It was only through honesty that they would have a chance to fix any of this.

“No, I don’t,” Celestia said softly. Fluttershy sniffed, tears in her eyes as she tried to help one of the nurses up. “My guards are scouring Canterlot, as are Princess Luna, Cadence and the rest of your friends.” She failed to mention that she had tried to convince Cadence to rest and let others perform the search but the pink alicorn had reminded her aunt that Twilight, angry and not thinking clearly, would not want to see any of her friends or family. It would only make things worse and what she needed now was to see new faces, ones that hadn’t shown her frustration and distrust when the unicorn had been at her lowest. Luna had agreed and given stern warnings to the girls that they were to not approach Twilight if they found her and not leave the guards that were escorting them for a moment. “They will find her.”

The mares nodded. They had didn’t have a reason not to trust the princess. She had always been truthful with them.

‘Just like Twilight,’ Applejack thought as she looked upon the ruined operating theater, ‘and you certainly trusted her, didn’t you?’

Applejack squeezed her eyes shut. Like all living things, the earth pony had regrets. They danced about her brain, taunting her: allowing her pride to lead her to poisoning half of Ponyville while the rest was trampled by bunnies; allowing Discord to trick her so easily, turning her into a lying fool that would rather fib than save her friends; running away from her friends and family just because she hadn’t won a single blue ribbon; her refusal to simply walk away having nearly cost her family their farm…

But the regret that weighed most heavily upon her was her treatment of Twilight. She remembered the crestfallen look of the unicorn when they had walked out on her after the dress rehearsal, none of them speaking up on her behalf. Was it not months earlier that she, along with the rest of Twilight’s friends, had stood up against Princess Celestia and offered themselves to be punished instead of Twilight?

‘Of course, you wouldn’t have had to do that if you had taken her worries seriously,’ her mind whispered. ‘You saw she was in pain and you did nothing to help her. All the rest of you were cured of Discord’s spell by her love but she had to break free by herself. To you it was like a horrible dream but Twilight had to do it all by herself. She was hurting and mentally fragile and what was your response? You laughed and ignored her.’

Applejack felt sick to her stomach. The room suddenly felt way to small and sweat began to drip down her brow.

‘How prideful, how vain… you laugh at Rarity for trying to appear so grand and noble but you commit the same sins as her: a boastful pony that refuses to admit to needing help. What was it you said after the Twilight saved you from the Flim Flam brothers? ‘I didn’t learn anythin’!’. Well, that much is clear: you didn’t learn that your pride causes you to hurt your friends and family. Honesty only works when it is convenient for you.’ The voice grew stronger and Applejack fought back tears. ‘You don’t deserve to be Twilight Sparkles friend!’

Applejack felt like she was drowning in a sea of guilt.

‘But it isn’t all your fault,’ the voice in her head whispered soothingly, growing tender like a mother comforting a crying foal. ‘You weren’t always this way. You weren’t always so mean-spirited and cruel. It is the others… trying to please the princesses… ignoring your roots and-‘

Brilliant white light flared out around Applejack, sending her to her knees. She trembled, blinking away the spots that danced about her eyes… and found Princess Celestia and Fluttershy staring at her in concern.

“Applejack? Are you…ok?”

“What… what are ya talkin’ about, Fluttershy?” The farmer shook her head. “Sorry, was daydreamin’.”

“You weren’t daydreaming,” Celestia said sternly. “You have been unresponsive for 10 minutes.”

“No… it was only-“

Fluttershy looked away from her, shoulders slumped. Applejack looked down and realized that Fluttershy was shaking in terror. “Y-you’re eyes went b-b-black.”

“Th-they did?” Applejack stammered.

Celestia nodded, her expression stern. “We have been trying to wake you for several minutes. Fluttershy peeled back your eye and found dark magic swirling in your irises. I used my own magic to counteract the effects… I am thankful it worked.”

Applejack suddenly felt very tired. It was like she had spent the entire day applebucking without a break. “I… I was thinking about Twilight. About how I treated her and how bad I’ve been ta her. And I just felt so sad and upset… and angry at myself. I… I was getting mad at all of ya.” Applejack gave Fluttershy an apologetic smile. “Not you, Fluttershy. Well… maybe a little… but I was getting more mad at you, Princess.”

Celestia looked about the room, as if expecting Twilight to come bursting through the wall with a manic grin and a knife clutched between her hooves. “We need to leave here, now.” She quickly ushered the doctors and nurses towards the door. “I don’t want any pony in here until I give the order.”

“What…. what is wrong, Princess?” Fluttershy asked.

“We weren’t alone in that room, my little ponies.” Celestia felt herself shudder. Out of fear or disgust she couldn’t be sure. “Something else was with us, influencing Applejack.”

“But… but I thought you got rid of the black magic,” Fluttershy whispered.

“I did,” Celestia said, staring at the operating room like it was torture chamber. “There is not a drop of black magic in that room. Something… something was in there though, influencing Applejack… and that is what scares me.”

“Ya think that’s what happened ta Twilight?” Applejack asked, a weak smile blossoming on her lips. “Maybe she don’t really hate us! Maybe something is makin’ her feel that way!”

“I don’t know, Applejack. All that matters is finding my faithful student… before she does something worse.”

As they walked away, none of them noticed a mirror shift… and a ghostly laugh play along the air.


Twilight threw her head back, eyes shut and a smile gracing her lips as she bobbed and weaved in time with the music. She had, of course, heard rap music before; mostly at Pinkie Parties when the pink mare had sprung for a DJ. But while she had heard it she had never FELT it: the deep base making her pulse race; the strum of the electric guitar buzzing along her nerves like she had been hit by a bolt of lightning; the fast pace lyrics that were whirled around her and spoke of things she had never thought about before and yet had felt her entire life.

Celestia had always played classical music and before that her parents had favored the more subdued slow songs while her brother had locked himself in his room and listened to soft rock. Twilight had enjoyed them but this… this glorious music seemed to call to her. These were her songs and she made a mental note to buy a few records before she went back to Ponyville.

All around her on the dance floor mares and stallions ground against one another, getting lost in the beat. She had always scoffed at the thought of going to a club like this, preferring the quiet of the library to the loud booming music that was sure to render her half-deaf after only a few hours on the dance floor. But as she sensually swayed to every note she found herself cursing the fact that she had waited so long to come. She felt eyes watched her as she flipped her mane about and swayed her flank…and couldn't care less. Heck, she enjoyed the stares; at least these stallions (and a few mares!) saw her as an adult and not a child. Why hadn’t she done this before?

‘That’s because it wasn’t expected of me,’ Twilight thought. ‘Little Twiley would never go to a club like this, let alone Princess Celestia’s ‘faithful student’.’

The song came to an end and Twilight made her way through the crowd, deciding she wanted a drink.

“Hey Twilight!” Spike called out, waving at her from the corner table he had procured for them. Twilight flashed him a smile and took a seat, panting a bit. “You look like you’re having fun!”

“ ‘Look’ nothing, I am having fun! No, a blast! I am having a blast!” Twilight said with a laugh, throwing back her head and let out a yelp of joy, several other mares and stallions joining her. Twilight chuckled and used her magic to bring the cherry soda Spike had ordered her to her greedy mouth. She noticed that her friend/assistant grimaced slightly as the sight of the black glow that surrounded the drink but pushed any worry aside. Spike would just have to learn to get use to her new powers; there was no way she was giving them up and it wasn’t like she was hurting anypony (well, at the club, at least). “I wish I could go back in time and tell Past-Twilight to get the stick out of her butt and have some fun!”

Spike chuckled, sucking on a ruby. “Yeah, this place is great. Moondancer told me about it a few years ago.”

Twilight nodded, watching as the DJ (who wasn’t as talented as Vinyl Scratch but served well enough for the club) spun a record on her hoof before slamming it down, switching up the tempo on the dance floor. “Seems like a place Moonie would go to,” Twilight said with a giggle. “Wish I’d taken her up on her offer back then when she invited me to come with her.”

“Why didn’t you?” Spike asked, finally giving into temptation and biting off a bit of the ruby he was sampling.

“Wouldn’t have been proper,” Twilight said, using a Canterlot accent. She swirled her soda with a swizzle stick before continuing. “I was Pr…Celestia’s star pupil. That meant I had to act like her, all prim and proper. All the headaches, none of the power.” Twilight took a sip of her drink. “What a pain in the flank.” She leaned back in her chair, looking at the ceiling. “Then we moved to Ponyville and I never had a chance to go to a club like this. I mean, even if Ponyville had a dance club, could you see any of my f-the girls going?”

Spike considered her words. “Fluttershy would be hiding in the bathroom, Pinkie would be pouting because no pony wanted to play any party games, Rainbow Dash would hate dancing so close to everypony, Applejack would want them to put on some country-“

“-and Rarity would be complaining about the décor,” Twilight said, knowing her assistant would never bad mouth his crush.

Spike looked down, running his claw along the table, using a droplet of water to draw abstract shapes upon the hardwood. “Twilight… do you really hate all our friends?”

She had known that question was coming and had been dreading it. She knew that Spike, ever the loyal friend, would want to get her and the girls back together… but she just couldn’t see that happening; not with how things were left between them. Their betrayal still stung and Twilight couldn’t look at them without remembering how they had abandoned her in favor of the changeling queen. Even after all that had happened… it still hurt.

“Spike…” Twilight let out a long sigh. “I don’t know. I don’t like them all that much right now but… but hate isn’t the right word for what I’m feeling at the moment. I think I burned out all my hatred taking on the changelings. I mean, when I was fighting her I hated everypony… even you. But once I got it out it felt so good.” She smiled, trying to ease the fear that flashed through the baby dragon’s eyes. “As strange as it sounds, it was cleansing. I’ve repressed a lot of stuff and embracing,” her horn flashed black, “my darkness has helped me out a lot. I feel like I woke up from a dream.” She tapped her chin. “But me and the girls? I honestly don’t know. I kinda want to just be Twilight, you know? Not ‘Twilight-and-the-girls’ or ‘Twilight-pupil-of-Celestia’. Finally got a taste of being my own pony and I’m not interested in going back anytime soon.” She placed a hoof over his hand. “But hey, why would I need them? I have you! You and me against the world.”

“I don’t want to be against the world, Twilight,” Spike said nervously. He suddenly had the mental image of Twilight dressed as Nightmare Moon and him in wicked battle armor, laughing as Equestria was overrun by demons.

“It’s just a saying, Spike. I don’t hate the world. I just… don’t like some of the ponies in it.”

“But what if they came to you and asked for forgiveness?” Spike asked, pressing on. “Would you forgive them then?”

“That’s the thing, Spike; I don’t think they are going to.” Twilight took another sip of her drink. “And even if they did, they’d be apologizing for the wrong reasons. So why worry about something that is never going to happen?”

“What do you-“


The unicorn turned, staring at the alicorn that had entered the club. A myriad of emotions flashed across her features as she rose up, staring at the new arrival.

“Cadence,” Twilight whispered as she stared at her old foalsitter.