"You will give the people an ideal to strive for. They will race behind you... they will stumble, they will fall. But in time... they will join you in the sun. In time... you will help them accomplish wonders."
-Jor-El, The Man of Steel
“Look at you lying there… what would your subjects think if they found their princess drooling on a dirt floor with hay stuck in her mane?”
Celestia shook the sleep from her system, rising up from the barn floor to glare at the abstract alicorn who was watching her from the doorway. Behind him the night sky still blanketed the world and glow of the full moon shone upon the stallion’s metal wings. She opened her mouth to speak, only to find her words stolen when she saw just how tired the mirror alicorn appeared. His eyes were red rimmed and his mane limp against his neck. His body looked like he’d just gotten done with a marathon and he was struggling to stay standing.
Luna’s words came back to her and Celestia wondered if the creature that had stolen her student had not already begun to fade away.
"Come now, Celestia," Doubt said, motioning for her to follow him. "Wake Twilight's parents and join me for a little star gazing. The sun will rise soon, so you claim you are preparing to do your duty." The abstract alicorn turned his head, coughing several times. "I believe it is customary to accept a dying stallion's request."
"Even if that stallion is killing himself?" Velvet asked, having been awoken by the two immortals conversing.
Doubt gave her a sour look. "Yes... how horrible that I am making such a choice." He looked over at Night Light before turning and making his way outside. The others waited only a moment before following after him, wanting to hear his words. "Which will it be tonight? That life is a precious gift or that I deserve to die?"
"Both," Night Light stated. "And neither. I... I honestly don't know how to feel about you."
"At least you're honest," Doubt stated dryly. The great stallion settled himself on the grass, watching the twinkling stars. It seemed that the night sky was attempting to give them quite a show, knowing that within an hour the sun would rise and the curtain would fall. The others remained just out of reach and did not bother to hide the fact that their magic reserves were primed and ready to assault the mirror alicorn if he even breathed the wrong way.
Of course, from the way he was weazing, it was clear he was already not breathing properly.
"Taking this form... seems to have speed up my plans. A... rare misstep. Still... I do not regret it. Twilight needed my... protection and... and I am happy to serve." He flashed Celestia a weak smile, which she did not return. "Let us take this from the first point, as that is the least important: Life is a gift. I admit this and you know this. But I have lived a hundred lifetimes and all I have to show for it is a body that fails me, a string of betrayals and an eternity of regret. I don't even have my true name to call my own."
"Why do you care so much?" Velvet asked. She tried to keep the bitterness out of her voice but she couldn't help but let a little shine through; in her eyes this monster had seduced her daughter and sent her son to the hospital. "It's a name... it has no weight, not solid mass."
"It is what it represents!" Doubt snapped before closing his eyes. "I... I am sorry. Luna believes my being alive has caused me to feel emotions... I did not mean to shout."
It was so startling to see the 'villain' be polite and apologetic that the others could do little more than stare at him.
"My name is my past. I only know what I remember after, nothing more. No creature can even tell me of the days before Discord. How long have I truly been alive? Was I an abstract since my birth? Or do I have a family? Parents? A wife? Children? What brought me to you, Celestia? My name represents all of this." He gave them each a hard, cold look. "Would you not go mad if found in the same situation?"
"You think your insane?" Celestia asked in surprise.
"Think nothing; I know I am." Doubt tapped his forehead. "But, then again, we are all crazy... some of us are just ahead of the curve. Ah, but we could wax on poetically for ages... Velvet and Night here would be dust long before the two of us finished conversing about the magic of the universe... assuming I was in proper health. Let us move on to more pressing matters: your cold-blooded acceptance of a creature's suffering."
"Would you prefer that we put you out of your misery?" Velvet said, her horn glowing.
Doubt scoffed. "And what good would that do?"
"You'd be dead and Twilight would be free!" Velvet shouted.
The abstract alicorn glanced at Celestia and smirked. "You are quiet, my Celestia... have you accepted the truth?" The solar princess refused to answer so Doubt pressed on, taking her silence as his answer. "Princess Luna has already stated that I did not corrupt her. I merely gave her the power to challenge Celestia and she chose to use it poorly. So no, my death will not save your daughter... whether she actually needs saving is up to debate..."
"You still whispered in her ear, encouraging her to become Nightmare Moon," Night challenged. "And have done the same to Twilight."
"I told Luna to stand up for herself." Doubt turned his attention to Celestia. "Do you honestly believe your dear princess was always so kind? She has lived thousands years... such spans weather mountains and harden diamonds. Celestia here weathered."
"You're lying," Velvet said, refusing to believe the princess could have ever been anything other than kind.
"He... tells the truth," Celestia admitted. She looked to the stars and sighed, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Luna and I were raised to rule. Our guardian taught us the ways of the warrior... and we were good students." The solar princess sighed. "I've killed ponies... worse I got clever; I found a way to get them to kill themselves and be happy about it."
"Such a life does not make for easy friends," Doubt stated. "That is why I forgave you for hiding my name from others. I understood your fear... my anger has always been for you forgetting me."
"I am so sorry," Celestia whispered.
"Too little too late," Doubt said, a bit gruffer than he meant to. He directed his attention once more on Twilight's parents. "Such a life, my little ponies, also makes love a hard thing to achieve. Celestia had to appear strong but failed to realize that there was a time and place for that. She remained steadfast at all hours and soon her sister, her own family, was seen as just another she had to wear the mask for." Celestia could not stop the tears and, to the couple's surprise, neither could Doubt. "I... I only wanted to remind you that you had allies... that you weren't alone... so that you might remember me..."
"But I failed," Doubt said, shaking himself free of the depression that had gripped him. "And now you find yourself on the cusp of learning a hard lession at the cost of something precious."
"And that is?" Celestia asked.
"That what you deem right is not always so," Doubt said. He reached over and grabbing a stick, placing it between his hooves and slowly pressing upon both ends till it began to bow in the middle. "Let us remove myself from the equation. Forget that I ever existed. Let us say Twilight never gained my strength or heard my words. What do you think would have happened?"
"She would have defeated the changelings and continued on as things were," Celestia said without pause.
"Do you truly believe that or is that what you wish?" Doubt pressed. He let go of the stick, letting it straighten, before pressing down again. "You broke her heart. You shunned her and, for lack of a better word, made her doubt her place in your life. Do you believe she would have come running back to you when you admitted you were wrong? Assuming you did, of course; I have long watched you, my Celestia, and know how much you hate those words and will refuse to say them. Would you have swallowed your godly pride? Or merely let Twilight believe you said sorry when you never uttered the word?" He looked at her parents. "And you two... would she have forgiven you for not being there and the perceived favoritism towards Shining Armor?"
"Of course," Celestia said. "Twilight knows we love her."
"Does she?" Doubt asked with mild surprise. "It seems an odd way to show love, by continually pushing her to the brink."
Velvet shook her head. "Everypony does that. It's part of being alive. The only reason Twilight is reacting the way she is now is because of the power that you gave her."
"And it is only the power I gave?" Doubt questioned, releasing the pressure on the stick. "So Twilight would have returned to normal after the stress you placed upon her?"
"Of course," Velvet said confidently.
"No," Night Light stated, staring at the stick. He used his magic to free the wood from Doubt's grasp and brought it over for his wife to see. The twig, which had been straight and strong when Doubt grabbed it, now showed stress marks along its surface and the ends slightly curled towards each other. "Life leaves scars."
Doubt nodded, his own horn glowing. The twig began to bend and, with a snap, cracked into pieces. "That is your daughter, Miss Velvet. And your student, my Celestia. She is a stick that has been pressed and bend and bowed and she has continued to try and reshape herself." Doubt's magical grip, a swirl of black with tints of white, sent the shards flying out across the grassy field.
"I think it is a bit more complex than that," Celestia tried to argue.
"But it isn't!" Doubt said in utter frustration. "By the Creator you are the three guiding lights in her life and you don't get it. I have known ponies cursed with stupid role models and those cursed with stubborn ones but I never thought Twilight would have stubborn stupid ones!"
The abstract stood and, with a dark glare, spread his wings wide. In the many prisms Celestia, Velvet and Night saw moments of Twilight's life flash before them. It wasn't all bad, surprisingly. There were good moments that Doubt showed, of smiles and laughter. But there were still the dark moments, the petty words and the rash statements. What was amazing was they could sense how Twilight had felt during all these moments. Times the three had thought to be bad proved to hardly leave a dent... and yet there were also moments they each could not recall that left deep scars in her psyche.
"When the stick is young and green it can bend with ease. Much like a child they can handle pressure and not let it affect them. The miracle of youth." Doubt shook his head in disgust. "But as the wood ages and begins to dry out it becomes more brittle. Pressure that at one time would have done no damage suddenly leaves cracks. The stick shoves wear and tear until... it snaps."
Within all the prisms they saw Twilight screaming at the Changeling Queen in the guise of Shining Armor, telling all of the hate in her heart.
"You three are truly petty fools. You believed because you were older that you were wiser. Nothing can be further from the truth. Age brings wisdom but it also brings rigidness. You are sticks that refuse to bend under pressure and so you force others to bend instead... others that can't handle the strain." Doubt brought up another stick and slammed his hooves together, shattering it.
"It's all our fault," Velvet whispered softly, tears gathering in her eyes. She gently used her magic to gather up the wood shards, trying to put them back together.
"No," Doubt said, his legs shaking. He felt to the ground in a heap, the strength born of his fury leaving him. "No. Blame does not rest solely on you. I am to blame, Twilight is to blame, we are all to blame, just as my Luna said." He sighed, trying to raise his head to look upon Luna's moon but found he lacked the conviction to do so. "This isn't what I wanted to tell you."
"Then what did you want to say?" Celestia asked softly.
"That you must look not just to the future. You have spent so much time looking ahead that you have missed what lies under your nose." He pointed a hoof at the solar princess. "You worked to create a better Equestria and failed to see that your visions left you blind to your sister's bitterness. You were concerned about the wedding and making sure it was a grand affair... and missed the facts that should have shown you that the Changeling Queen acted nothing like your niece." He looked to all three of them, silently pleading for them to listen to his words. "You look ahead and focus on what Twilight has become instead of wondering how you got to this point... now every step you take towards what could be makes that dark future a reality! You should be with Twilight now, begging forgiveness and finding ways to mend your broken bonds as mentor and student and parents and daughter. Instead..."
Doubt leaned forward, his body trembling as he coughed. Celestia gasped as he raised his head up, revealing the blood that coated his lips. His wings drooped and several mirror shard feathers fell to the ground and shattered into dust. Even his coat looked to be growing pale.
"...instead you are lying in a field, pitying yourselves and watching some pathetic old creature that should have died a long time ago take his last breaths." The abstract laid down, his eyes drifting shut. "I... I thought I had more time... years to teach her... to make her strong... I was wrong." He let out a long sigh and for a moment they thought he’d fallen asleep. “I… I wanted to make her into the new doubt… but I… I don’t want her…”
“Doubt?” Celestia whispered.
“…I… don’t want her… to become… like me…” He forced his eyes open. "Now then... dry your tears and raise the sun... I'd like to see it one last time."
Celestia sniffed, not even bothering to look as she brought about the day. She just stared at the abstract who shed a tear, smiling as the sun slowly rose as if only for him. He laid his head down and passed into a dreamless sleep.
The two unicorns and the alicorn stood up, looking down at the unconscious Doubt. Celestia’s horn flared and with a blast of heavenly light she transported herself, Twilight’s parents and Doubt’s form to Twilight’s library. The solar goddess sent the silent call to her sister to come before turning towards Twilight.
“You know?” she asked, seeing all the books.
Twilight just glared at her. “Don’t say a word. Just get him in my bed, now.”
Celestia lowered her head and silently made her way upstairs. Perhaps Doubt was right… the twig was broken…
…and she was wrong.
We come to it at last... the beginning of the end.
Twilight's friends have made the first step. Doubt's plan is rushed forward. The pieces begin to move and all any of them know hangs in the balance. Will Twilight take the mantle of Doubt or will she find a way to save him?
Whatever happens, lives will be forever altered... and some things that should have been fixed will be destroyed, while other things that none thought could be repaired will grow stronger and mend.
This story has maybe 5 chapters left, give or take. Will everything be solved? No. Some relationships can not be mended in a day. Some relationships need time and distance so that old hurts can ease. None of us or them will have that before I type 'The End'
But that is what sequels are for.
That said, I am working now on what may very well be the next story I write once Faith and Doubt is done. Much as this story was different from The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo, this new one will be different from Faith and Doubt.
The story is at the moment called 'The Dreamer's Dream'. Here is the summary:
Twilight Sparkle went to bed having defeated Nightmare Moon and finally having several mares she could call friends. She work up in a strange city as a creature she has never seen before. She has toes and fingers. Her horn is gone. They call her a human...
But more startling is that all her friends are there, human as well. And they say her name is Tasha Sparks. She has always been a human and her dreams of being Twilight are just that: dreams.
And yet... when she goes to sleep and wakes up as Twilight, Princess Celestia tells her that Tasha's life is the one that isn't real.
Twilight is living two lives that are beginning to blend. Which one is real and which is fake? And if she learns the truth... can she give up the one wonderful life for another?
Dreamer's Dream is inspired by the show AWAKE. Twilight/Tasha will bounce between being human and being a pony, interacting with characters she meets in both worlds and using the knowledge in one to help her in the other.
Ouch Celestia doesn't that stings,eh?
When the knife digs in, it will always leave wounds that will take time and care to heal. However, there will always be the scar to remind everyone of what happened.
Yeah... she doesn't know how to apologize when she is at fault and doesn't know humility at all
The Clock...IS...TICKING!, and with just a few hours remaining, now everypony have less than a day to find Doubt's name... this kind of reminds me of "24"
another thing i have been waiting for.
great chapter! while also having extremely good writing, and a very very captivating story, i also find myself familiar with some of the things happening (the twig thing mostly, and how the wear and tear didn't show very much before one big moment where everything snaps).
hearing the personification of doubt talk to you about your daughter, then having a twig represent said daughter, followed by snapping said twig right in front of the parent of the daughter in question; that's psychological torture.
ouch, i love your writing, but i can't handle human stories. nevertheless, i will at least give it a chance. it deserves the benefit of the doubt (dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png ).
It kind of bothers me that 99,9999% of the fimfic authors assume Celestia isn't adaptable, stubborn, stuck in her old ways, always refuses to admit she's wrong, always think she's right, was a terrible pony in the past, carries a load of past sins, committed many murders, is manipulative, doesn't care about Twilight or her sister and the list goes on. Where does everybody get this idea? I just don't see it. All I could kind of think when Doubt was saying his usual stuff was "Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, Celestia dark past, blah blah, past sins, blah blah, terrible pony, blah blah, is an idiot... DUDE, I've heard it before. Like, a bazillion times. Please, just die, you self-righteous prick." Apologies for the harsh wording. So yeah, not exactly a fan...
Please don't take it personal, defender2222, from an objective view, there's nothing wrong with this chapter. I've just seen the "Celestia is a retard" approach too many times before and I'm kind of tired of it. I just want to see a fic once where she isn't portrayed as the worst pony alive. Aside from that, nothing's wrong with this chapter, really. Just a personal issue that keeps me from fully enjoying it, that's all.
One question I've been asking myself though, we've seen Doubt yapping on and on these past few chapters, but when are we gonna see Faith?
did Velvet really ask the manifestation of the feeling of Doubt why he would care about an immaterial thing?
I would think ideas would be even more important to a being who spent so long as a non-physical entity.
Props on Doubt making Celestia, Velvet, and Nightlight doubt what happened in the canon wedding that was awesome.
I am not going to say anything smug about things said this chapter or the tide of events
...but I stand by my first prediction about the ending
Well I have a feeling you may have found part of Doubt's real name. Something Faith or Faith something.
Good chapter defender. Loving all that you do.
Nah, don't worry about it. If you've ever read 'The God Squad' you'll see that I treat Celestia in a very positive light (she is the most collected of the cast, save for Shining Armor who is the voice of reason in that story). This story merely demanded that she be portrayed as a ruler and a bit inflexible.
YOu already have, he lays there, dying, called Doubt Well, at least, that's where I think this is going.
well for me, i just like seeing Celestia as being flawed, and she does have character flaws in the show, whether between the lines or explicitly shown...
sounds like a good idea. i look forward to it.
It fits the story, it's logical in the story and explained, and with thousands and thousands of stories out there EVERY idea has been done many times. The only difference is the take on the idea. An example? Look at all the Twilight is Alicorn fics.
I don't think Celestia has a horrible past. But I do like to see her be humble, after all nopony is perfect. Not even Celestia.
That is why I like Luna better, in my opinion there is more depth to her character.
ok some things:
2. i love this story beyond measurement
3. there you have is celestia, welcome to the reality that you helped create and know that you may very well be damned beyond redemption. this goes for night light and velvet too
Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I can't be tired of it, that's all I was saying.
Interesting, I'll give "The God Squad" a look then.
Ooh, that reminds me this episode of Doctor Who. Please don't plan on a similar ending, it worked in that scenario, but I don't like the implications for your story.
Ooh, it also reminds me of this story, except it won't be a gigantic crossover, it'll be something fairly unique.
Looking forward to it!
It is, of course, a humorous story, so there is parody elements to her (Celestia doesn't understand sarcasm and she tends, more often than not, to make decrees that get the characters into trouble) but she is a hero along with Luna, Shining, Cadence and Tydal
As I told others who have previewed it, Dreamer's Dream has psychological elements but also some fun, as it quickly has Twilight/Tasha using her knowledge of one world to help in the other, and vica versa.
Dooooouuuuuubbbbbbtttt!!!?!!?!? p
This just rustles my jimmies to a whole new level of sad....
Fan art tomorrow.. I hope
Marvelous good sir, marvelous.
This is the first fic i found that i can't wait to read sequel even before the story is finished.
About the story: everything is well balanced, there is drama, some lighthearted moments, some slice of life but everything is mixed perfectly into one helluva addicting fic. It's rare to see a story that does not go into extremes and/or turns into cheese. Well done indeed.
Also: i love the way you wrote about Spike, the dude is a real bro in this story.
When you have lived for thousands of years you are bound to make mistakes, and during the hearths warming episode the pegisi were represented as the military side of everything..... where there is a need for military there is killing. Do you expect Celestia to sit back and watch her subjects kill each other? When words fail you must act and if that means killing some to stop the fighting then it must be done as a ruler. Celestia has lived for thousands of years so during that time she has to have regrets which then turn into past sins.
That is all a matter of prespective though.
We don't know when Celestia and Luna came to power. Judging from the show (the only source of canon facts), there is nothing that hints that Celestia has ever been anything short of kind, if not benevolent. I know we, with our human skepticism, find the concept of a genuinely good and kind ruler hard to grasp, let alone accept, but nevertheless, all signs point to Celestia being just that. People call that boring and give her past sins and flaws to make her more 'interesting', yet personally, I'd be far more interested in reading a story that would show how she managed to stay kind, benevolent and true to herself throughout a millenium (if not more), and rule a kingdom like that (with all of the difficulties that come with it). Truly that would be far more challenging and difficult than doing something that would become a 'past sin' which would later only come to bite her in the flank. If Celestia has a major flaw, I'd say it was her kindness, for it makes people doubt her and look for hidden intentions or sins that may very well not be there in the first place.
That's just my opinion, however.
Quick correction: shouldn't this read "in the guise of Queen Chrysalis"?
I agree with the others who have commented--when is the "Faith" part of the title going to show up? Unless you wanted this to have the "Tragedy" tag...
Edit: Whoops, I meant "in the guise of Princess Cadence." Sorry...
Nice. Really cool how you made Twi's parents and Celestia look at how Twi's psyche finally snapped after so much wear and tear. I can relate to this a lot. I snapped once in the 6th grade and it took a while for me and my classmates to mend the bonds of friendship or acquaintances. Even though the bonds are healed, their is still a scar in my psyche to this very day and it continues to affect me today. I guess you could say I have anti-trust issues when it comes to certain things.
As always, you have made an excellent chapter, one that several people including myself, can relate too. I love stories, music, etc that I can relate too. I wonder if Twilight will ever make amends with Celestia. She and Shinning Armor are the ones that I feel screwed up the most. And a sequel?! That would make this website 20% cooler.
- Super-Brony12
And this story of yours that your working on "The Dreamer's Dream" sounds pretty cool! I will have to give it a try.
Keeper - It's simple really. Parts of it are extrapolations and implications based on canon, and part of it is a basic requiremnt of writing.
After all - she didn't notice her sister becoming resentful before she became nightmare moon. (See the opening of the series) She used the most powerful magic known to ponydom to banish her sister, etc. She has sent her young student blindly into life or death situations on more than one occasion. Those aren't exactly the traits of a serene, wise, and all knowing beneficent being. She HAS made mistakes - even on screen. And her description of Discord "an old foe" (implying more than one) and the phraseology of having "rose up to defeat his rule" imply more that a simple "get weapon - beat discord" resolution to that fight.
She has also OBVIOUSLY manipulated Twilight in canon - and this is supposed to be "her most trusted student." (See also several "on camera trolls"). If she does that to someone she likes and trusts, then it is NO extrapolation to indicate she would do the same and more to someone she doesn't like.
Finally - one does not rise to become ruler of a nation WITHOUT being forced to make decisions, some of which WILL be choosing between two bad options. And since she has ruled for many years - that means she has had to make *many* decisions.
So yeah - straight up extrapolation of the canon makes some of those flaws possible, if not plausible.
As far as the requirements of writing go...
One of the main requirements of writing is to make your characters *interesting.* And frankly - the image of a "perfect" Celestia is *boring* as a character. Anybody who does nothing wrong, is beautiful, wise, and powerful and happens to be effectively immortal would be immensely dull to read after a while. (see the classic Mary Sue trope.) Characters need SOME flaws to make them interesting, and the flaws chosen have to be ones that don't directly conflict with canon.
Having Celestia have some "mental" flaws like pride, or a dark past, or a rarely seen temper, are fairly easy to write convincingly and allow an author to make Celestia the character she needs to be for their story . It makes her tolerable to read (and write).
Finally those three catch up to their sins.
Awaiting further releases.
A very good a valid opinion it is too. You make a good point with bringing humanity into it i guess if i remove my skeptism there could be a a kind ruler for just over a thousand years. And the most i can see with their age is that maybe 1010 years old or around that from how old luna was when she returned, but then that leaves the question about discord how old were they when he was beaten...... to many dang things unknown in that for you to give anything a difinitive timeline. Ok I will stop rambling.
Well, the reasons why many fanfic writers do that stuff is because they think that Celestia was made far to perfect and that they made Luna as the bad one, and this all with not much explanation, basicaly a few words about what happened in the pass.
ANd than you add the fact that Celestia even if not to have her own episode, show up in most of it, when Luna was rather ignored.
Than you add the fact that Celestia/Luna relationship what would be great topic in the show was totaly wasted.
Result, fans are rebeling, some fans make stories when Celestia and Luna play importand role or they have alot character development because they are angry that those 2 characters were wasted, in those stories you will find that both Celestia and Luna are treated fairly, with good and bad sides, but with much development ( I like those stories )
Other fans what are angry that Celestia steal all the spotlight and that Luna was put as villan, they counter it with putting Luna on good spot and Celestia on very bad spot, it is just counter to the show dissapointment, ( I m not one of tham, I mean, I think Luna deserve better spotling, but I m again making Celestia a tyrant and stuff, but I like to see in fanfic that Celestia have flaws, just a small balance for her character, if Luna have to have sad and lonely pass hunting her, Celestia need to have flaws on her own to make her belivable ).
And in the end you add to all this mix the fact that Celestia got KO in 5 secounds by changeling Queen, I mean, even those MLP fans who thought about Celestia as tyrant or trolestia, they also thought that she is very powerful and can kick ass, and when she went down after 5 secounds, it totaly add the dissapointment ( it is not that she was defeated, everyone expected huge kick ass cool epic fight, not a laser beam chalenge with fast defeat, laser fight should be left at the end as climax, not a quick way to end a duel ), and so Celestia haters grown, I mean, they wanted Celestia to have flaws, but not that flaw.
As to your ansfer to defender2222 story, I dissagree a bit, I mean, sure, Celestia prove to be the bad one who make mistakes over and over, but I think it is just well detailed shown of her flaws.
Canon Celestia is shown as very kind and wise, far to kind actualy, and the wedding events prove that after she send her student to free her sister and defeat discord without any advice or support, she did not belived her when it was importand.
Defender2222 show up her flaws what she hide behind a mask of kindness, and how it afect to Celestia failure ( mask and character what made Celestia rule her kingdom realy fairy, gain love of her subjects, now add to failing to get on Twilight good side, and in pass add to Luna fall ).
But he also point out that Luna was not perfect too as many Luna fans would think she is, as her loneliness and anger almost lead her to kill everypony.
Now very kind rulers Celestia and Luna were in pass ready to kill and cheat on they subjects, Celestia developed a kind character over the years, but she did not lost her mask she held, and bying unable to admit her mistake is her bigest weakpoint.
Luna was cured by elements of charmony what probably calmed her down, and now she slowly develop ( as the episode with NightmareNight ), but she is still very unstable.
I do not think this story was ment to put Celestia and Luna in bad spotlight, it was just ment to show they flaws and pass mistakes, and how they develop. and for those reasons I dissagree with your opinion.
We don't know what happened 1000 years ago. So any claim that she "didn't notice" Luna's resentment until it was too late is false. You have no proof of that, as it was never adressed anywhere.
Given that Nightmare Moon was trying to kill every single thing on the planet, I fail to see how this is a bad thing.
Yeah, and you know why? Because the show is about Twilight Sparkle and her friends' adventures, not about "the adventures of the Royal Guard as they take care of situations obviously meant for them". If there's a threat to Equestria, we expect the Elements of Harmony to deal with it, even if it doesn't make sense. Why? Because they're the main characters, and for no other reason. In fact, the only time Hasbro tried to have anypony else save the day, we ended up with the worst episodes ever made (aka, "A canterlot wedding"). You can hardly blame Celestia for this, since the plot makes her useless, powerless or stupid whenever the plot demands it. This is showcased best of all in the aforementioned awful wedding episodes, where not only Celestia was infected with "the Stupid", but all of the main cast except for Twilight as well. That's hardly a character flaw of Celestia, it's just plain bad writing, and nothing else.
I never said she was all-knowing, but as for the rest, how so are they not? Everything you mentioned so far ended up saving Equestria or helping it in some fashion. Furthermore, in nearly all of her interactions she's been shown as kind to even common ponies, trying to make them feel at ease around her (like the Cakes), helping them (remember the end of Swarm of the Century and why she couldn't visit Ponyville?). Let's not forget that she's very forgiving as well. She didn't think anything of Fluttershy running off with her pet, and even forgave and forgot Twilight's punishment in "Lesson Zero" even though Twilight did something really bad. Or her biggest case of forgiveness yet: she took in and forgave Luna immediatly once the Elements cured her, even though Luna tried to commit planet-wide genocide and left Celestia alone for a thousand years. What more proof of her kindness do you require?
The only case where Celestia did something truly wrong was during the wedding episodes, but again, that's not her fault. It was just plain bad writing and a complete rape of her established character. Nor was she the only one to be infected with a serious case of "The stupid", since the Elements (except for Twilight) suddenly became braindead idiots as well. That's why I do not speak of the wedding episodes when judging a character. They are too badly written, too riddled with plotholes and too much of a character-rape fest for me to take them serious.
Never said she didn't. However, the mistakes many writers, and bronydom in general, make her commit, are most of the time grossly out of proportion, stupid, or in complete disagreement with her character. Furthermore, making mistakes doesn't render a character unkind or unwise.
How does "an old foe" imply more than one? It's just an accurate description of what Discord is: an old foe of her and Luna. Furthermore, we don't really know how Luna and Celestia took down Discord and what it required them to do, so any claims on that are pure speculation. Season 3 has been hinted to shed some light on this, but until then, nothing can be said about it other than that Celestia and Luna defeated Discord. Which was another act of kindness, given the fact that he kept all that lived in a permanent state of misery purely for his own amusement.
Where and how? The only time that comes to mind is the pilot episodes, and even that is dubious at best. We don't know what happened to Celestia during the two-parter, so nothing can be said about it. It's hard to call her sending Twilight to Ponyville 'manipulating her'. She just put Twilight on the road to awakening the Elements, which in turn led to everything ending up better for it. Twilight met some friends, Nightmare Moon was stopped, Luna was saved and Celestia got her sister back. Let's not forget that there was little else Celestia could do, given that she had to use the elements in the past to stop NMM, and she no longer was tied to the Elements and could not use them. Same for when Discord escaped.
Are you talking about the ticket episode perhaps? Please, bronies blow this case of 'trolling' waaaaaay out of proportion. There are a bazillion explanations for why she send only two tickets that don't involve her "manipulating or trolling Twilight for her own amusement". Ever thought that it was standard practice for the Gala Invitations to contain only two tickets? Ever considered that Celestia might not know Twilight's friends all wanted to attend the Gala (after all, she barely met them, let alone knew them)? Heaven forbid that Twilight should actually make choices in her life and can't always get everything she wants the way she wants! Given the fact that in the end, all Twilight had to do was ASK for more tickets, it's really hard to see any maliciousness on Celestia's part here. In fact, it just shows more genuine kindness and good-nature on Celestia's part.
I can't really think of any other "manipulations". You mean "Dragonshy", perhaps? It's hard to take that serious, given that Celestia sending Twilight to deal with it was nothing more but a plot-device, to get Twilight and co to the mountain, instead of it being a sign of Celestia's character. Like I said, MLP is about Twilight and her friends, if there's a threat, they deal with it, because they're the main characters. Not because Celestia is some evil manipulator out to make their lives miserable for her own amusement.
The Gala? Hard to consider that manipulative, given that Celestia just wanted to be able to relax and have some actual fun for a change. If you honestly believe she set up all of those disasters that befell the mane six, then you're just kidding yourself. All those disasters happened because of the mane six's own expectations and actions, and for no other reason, and certainly not due to any manipulation on Celestia's part. In fact, it only showed how kind and forgiving she is yet again. Six ponies come in, wreck the most important social gathering in all of Equestria, destroy part of the Palace, and what does Celestia do? She smiles and thanks them for coming. Yes, truly we are dealing with a total monster full of dark, past sins here.
You forget that this is a fantasy universe, and that the rules of our leaders don't necesarily apply to Equestria. The biggest conflict Celestia encountered in her rule so far seems to be Nightmare Moon, the details of which we don't know. There are no other hints to any other dark past or secret sins or bad decisions. Remember, this is MLP, not the real world. I sincerely doubt that Lauren Faust designed Celestia's character full of "past sins", "dark secrets" and "huge mistakes" that come back to haunt her. Nor has the shown hinted at any such thing. That you assume such things exist is purely your human skepticism speaking, because, as I've said before, it's hard for us, who live in a flawed world with flawed rulers, to believe something genuinely good and kind can exist, even if only in a children's cartoon.
Yeah... no. It just shows a lot of bronies are eager to assume the worst about a character who has done nothing to deserve it.
Only if you make it so. Celestia has shown more than just a perfect character. She has a fun side to her. (And no, not a "troll", trolling is mean-spirited and in no way positive. Celestia at best just pulled a harmless prank with the Cakes to get them to relax. That's not trolling.) She enjoys socialising and ponies talking to her without being afraid of her. She expressed love for woodland creatures. She loves the season of fall. All things that can be worked with to develop her. But if you insist on conflict, you can achieve that without raping Celestia's character. She's kind, wise, caring and patient, but has shown a tendency to worry when things make no sense (like when the Elements vanished from the vault because Discord took them). She has no patience for stalling or villainous boasting.
If you want some original ideas: how does Celestia combine her kind nature with ruling a kingdom? As you said, ruling a kingdom is no easy feat, and a heavy duty. Yet despite a thousand years of doing it alone (since Luna abandoned her), she still is calm, wise, kind and benevolent. This displays an enormously strong will and character, having resisted any temptation such as greed or corruption, instead continuing to selflessly try and give ponies the best lives they can. For a thousand years, she was alone and ran a kingdom all by herself, while still remaining true to herself. How did she do that? How did she manage to keep being a genuinely kind and good being despite the burden of rule? Let somebody write a story about that, for it would be quite an interesting character study. All without needing to twist her character into some mare haunted by a dark and bloody past.
To put it simply: giving her past sins and mistakes to add "depth" to her character, is simply the writer taking the easy way out. Apologies if that comes across as rude, but it's the truth. The real challenge is to make her interesting without having to change her character, and I can count the amount of writers who managed to achieve that on one hand. And that, to be frank, says more about the writers of our fandom than it does about Celestia's character.
Celestia just doesn't know humility or how to properly apologize for her actions...
1485886 Ehhhh.....yeah, I won't read that new story, I really hate HIE and don't believe that humans shall even be near creatures of a different world, that being said I'll be glad to see Twilight's choice and how it will affect the other kingdoms not just the ponies.
A quick reply. First off - replies to your replies to my points.
1) Gee - the opening of the show says "the younger sister grew resentful" by something approaching an "omnisicent narrator voice" setting basic facts about the universe and considering that EVERY OTHER STATEMENT in the opening is actually proven correct by the end of the pilot episodes - I would say that carries canon weight. (And besides - you don't know EITHER. That's kind of the point!)
2) My comment on sending her student *blindly* into life and death situations. Celstia ALWAYS seems to be holding knowledge away from her student - even when it would have been appropriate to mention. (Sure - just send a student to deal with a villian you yourself needed a magical superweapon to stop without any other background informaiton than "make some friends". Send her and 5 other mares to deal with a dragon. Heck - you know they are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony - how about you tell them of ANY of the other times you've used them in the past before the next major emergency... Etc. )
Yes - the mane 6 are the mane 6 - but come on.
(And I am just going to ignore your commentary about ruling and how it is a "fantasy universe". The simple fact that ponies have mostly human emotions and reactions, combined withthe fact that it is not a utopia means there WILL be times that a leader will have to make a decision in less than optimum circumstances. Simple logic.)
The sheer fact of the matter is - we actually *know* almost nothing about Celestia. So far in the series she has shown to be the ultimate MacGuffin, but that's about it. She has exactly enough power to do what the writers what her to do, and nothing more. We can see she has a slightly puckish personality, is generally kind, generally smart, and has apparently ruled well for at least a millenia. But we KNOW nothing else.
You gotta remember - this is fanfiction. The goal of it is to simply entertainment.
Now, in general - I let authors portray or write character history as they see fit, as long as it either 1) doesn't conflict heavily with canon, or 2) is entertaining. And since we DON'T know that much - because Celestia IS such a blank slate - there is a lot of room to work with.
You see - I just want a good story with a BELIEVEABLE rendition of their characters.
Just because YOUR headcanon sees Celestia as "exactly as pure as advertised" does not mean that every other author has to hew to your vision of her. Heck - fanfiction takes liberties with characters ALL the time.
Nevertheless. I CAN understand your point - I just feel you are being FAR to vitriolic about it.
(You're right BTW - that story would be interesting to read. But that version of Celestia would be very difficult to shoehorn into any *other* story - because one of the things that drives stories is conflict, and having a Celestia THAT "perfect" could be detrimental to the story. And that doesn't mean that flawed Celestias are also not interesting to read if they are writen well.)
I guess my point is that when you read a story that has OBVIOUSLY strayed from the canon (as the wedding turned out just a WEE bit differently... )- complaining loudly and often that one of the main characters isn't the same as your vision of the canon seems kind of pointless. It's not like someone is FORCING you to read the story - and you've made the SAME point repeatedly for several chapters now. Somehow I don't think the story is going to change to accomdoate your specifc views on the matter.
But hey - that's just my opinion.
1485886 Ehhhh.....yeah, I won't read that new story, I really hate HIE and don't believe that humans shall even be near creatures of a different world, that being said I'll be glad to see Twilight's choice and how it will affect the other kingdoms not just the ponies.
1486784 Shit.....I......I never even noticed all that of that before, I was never really one for Celestia though, I perfer Luna but your words really made me think more about how she was written, hell I may just have to go back to G1, 2 and 3 to see if there is anything that will aid us in our quest to know more about MLP and the gods themselves....damn, many put you as the villian in these comments but your just speaking the truth to the best of your knowledge, well done my friend, well done indeed.
Cruel though it may be, the knives I do my dirty work with are barbed, rusted, and poisoned. They dig in deep and they nag at you while they're there, they take chunks of you with them when you attempt to remove them, and when you finally tear them out, when you finally think the pain to be gone, you realize that the wounds have festered, and your end is nigh...
It remains to be seen whether Twi's wounds will fester, but methinks that they shall not. Antidotes and balms aplenty have been applied, and we shall have to hope for the best.
1485886 What about that story where Twilight is the daughter of Nightmare Moon and Discord but she doesn't want to be bad, have you forgotten about that one or is that on the back burner for now?
Also throughout this chapter I read all of Doubt's lines as though he was Optimus Prime in the 1986 movie, fataly wounded by events that were beyond his control, knowing that he has failed to achieve what he set out to do, but he still believes that no one should grieve for him even when no one would blame them if they did, and wishes to pass the mantle to someone else even though he knows they are not ready.
As for the flame war with how Celestia is potrayed, yes the writes did kind of mess up on her character when they wrote "A Canterlot Wedding" it's the same reason why the writes failed to realize that fans would question why Twilight's friends would just ditch her because she was wrong, but just because of those blips those epiosdes aren't bad. Celestia has been shown on every other occssion to be a ruler who wishes for her subjects to not treat ehr with any sort of special treatment just because of her position. Celestia may have made mistakes in the past but only because she wanted what she felt was best for her subjects. Luna has been shown as the one who is quick to judge and struggles with new social standards yet still wants to be loved not feared like most rulers. The ticket problem was likely a test issued by Celestia to see if Twilight really valued all of her friends equally. The dragon problem, well sending an army to attack it would have a mountain out of a molehill, the dragon was not attacking a village but merely sleeping peacefully unaware that his smoke was covering a near by town.
Ehm, yeah, Luna grew resentful, we all know that. Your point being? Still missed the part where this is in any way Celestia's fault? It's Luna who couldn't stop her own jealousy and became evil due to it, not Celestia.
Again, not her fault. That's how the plot wanted it. Yeah, sure, Celestia could have told her that, and then what? Do that, and you can axe 35 minutes of the 40 minutes of the pilot episode and just go straight to the Elements blasting NMM. If that's what you want, well, fine. Still not Celestia's fault. It's a plot device, and nothing more. You also forget a couple of things: namely, that Twilight didn't know she was being sent to Ponyville in order to confront Nightmare Moon. She was under the impression that the Princess didn't believe in NMM. Remember what Celestia said? "You couldn't unleash it [aka, the Elements] until you let TRUE friendship in your heart." What would have happened if Celestia had simply told Twilight everything? Knowing Twilight, she'd have panicked, then make a checklist, and then forced herself to make friends. That wouldn't have been true friendship, and then the Elements wouldn't have been awakened, and NMM would have won. Let's not forget that the entire quest through the Everfree (blindly and without guidance, as you put it), was actually what allowed Twilight to awaken the Elements in the first place, because it was that quest that bonded the mane six and made Twilight realise they were her friends. Without it, any friendship Twilight would have had would have been mechanical, created only because the Princess ordered her to make friends to use the Elements, and it wouldn't have worked.
And the Dragon, again: nothing but a plot device to get Twilight and her friends to the mountain in order to get the plot of "Dragonshy" going. Could it have been done differently? Meh, sure. Twilight and co could have just gone themselves to see what was going on. But that's the way the episode was written. I honestly doubt Lauren Faust wrote that in order to make Celestia seem like an irresponsible ruler who sents her student into danger. Think logically, please. Far more likely that Celestia sent Twilight because she had complete confidence in Twilight's skills. Also, let's not forget that Twilight is probably one of the most suitable ponies to actually deal with that, given how her assistant is, you know, a Dragon. Other ponies seem to be afraid of Dragons, guards would probably be more likely to try and kick it out by force, while Celestia just wanted a peaceful solution. Given that Twilight is used to dragons (to an extend) thanks to Spike, that she's level-headed and diplomatic, she asked her to do it. Let's not forget that we didn't see what Celestia wrote in her letter when she asked Twilight to go. For all we know, Celestia had written an entire manual on how to convince adult Dragons to leave. We just don't know. So why assume the worst?
I guess we haven't been watching the same show then, since Celestia, given her little screen-time, has a perfectly valid personality of her own. She is kind, patient and wise, but gets worried when faced with seemingly illogical happenings (Discord stealing the Elements). She has no patience with villains (shown with Discord and Chrysalis), doesn't hesitate to take action herself either (as much as I hate the wedding, Celestia actually stepping up to face Chrysalis was a big plus), which hint at a bit of a short temper when the right buttons are pushed. Even in the face of defeat, she is level-headed enough to decide on a next course of action. She likes pulling a harmless prank and enjoys socialising with common ponies, and takes little offense to any of their mannerisms (Pinkie stole her Cupcake, Celestia didn't mind). She's very forgiving, no matter the crime, as long as the pony has apologised. She has a pet phoenix, and loves critters great and small. We even know her favourite season is fall, and there are hints that she particulary enjoys cake.
Sounds like a pretty well-rounded character to me. I'd say we know as much about her as we do about the mane six, and a lot more about her than any other supporting character (aside from Luna). If you're of the opinion that this still is "nothing" and "bland", then, I'm sorry to say, the entire cast of MLP aside from the mane six are bland. If you're really looking for a completely bland and boring character, look no further than Cadance. Now there we have a school-example of the perfect Mary Sue princess.
True. But quality is a big diciding factor in the amount of enjoyment we can get from a fanfic. And one of the indicators of quality, to me at least, is how close the author manages to stay to the canon personalities of the characters, and portray those believably, while still putting them in many different and new situations. We are, after all, fans of those characters, so I would think we should try to write them like the show shows us they are. That is the biggest challenge of fanfiction: to write the plot we want, while keeping our beloved characters in-character. That's not to say that I don't enjoy "What if?" stories or Alternate Universes, of course not. But if you're going to change a character, you'd best come up with a very good and believable reason. For Celestia, this isn't often the case. Many are the stories where she's tyrant, troll, racist or molester just because the author said so, always with the excuse of: "But canon!Celestia is so bland! My version gives her depth and makes her interesting!". Not the case in this story, of course, since defender2222 has build up his past sins for Celestia pretty well. That makes him an exception, however.
Far from it, actually. I think it's to the author's benefit to let him know what pleases his audience and what doesn't in every chapter. Defender2222 has worked hard to write this story and present it to us, I feel the least I can do when I don't like one or two things in his updates is explain why this is so. He has the right to know. Furthermore, these (lengthy) posts of mine gives me the opportunity to exchange views with reasonable people such as yourself, which is something I always enjoy. Sometimes, I even manage to get people to see things from my perspective, like Inferno Demon Dash above. And I think the fact that his story encourages his readers to have such exchanges about characters should make defender2222 proud, if nothing else. Not every story manages to do that.
Well, I think your comment just made my day. As long as all that typing of mine manages to make at least one person to simply think about it (I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion, just want to make people think), I'm happy. Heh, I don't know if people consider me the 'villain', really, in any case it's not like I'm trying to be. I just don't have the same opinion many other people do, and I'm not really afraid to voice it (which may not actually always be a good thing). I'm just trying to let people see both sides of the coin. I know a lot of people prefer Luna, which is fine, since Luna's a wonderful character in her own right. I just like both Princesses equally, and am trying to spread the love.
Not naming names or hitting reply buttons here, but why don't you slow down and let the comments section have a break?
Some of these comments are getting absurdly long and have less to do with the story and more to do with a minor concept within the story.
...Dammit, now I wanna give my opinion.
Guys, it's just stories and a concept occasionally within stories to make them more complex, interesting, emotional, plotline-following, logical, etc.
Stop having intelligent and, I assume, polite discussions so that I can return to my simpleminded internet-browsing mode and not be thinking about and depressed about all of the bad thing in this world and other worlds...
To be honest though - most of what you have listed are character QUALITIES of the current Celestia - not necessarily facts. I don't disagree with what you've listed.
But nothing you've listed there necessarily precludes ANY of these that you railed against earlier either:
especially when it relates to her HISTORY - which we know very little about.
Part of your complaints earlier were that you hate "past sins" and "dark pasts" - yet "past sins" could very well be interesting reasons WHY she is who she is today. A person is defined by their history, and anyone who is 1) the leader of a country, and 2) a thousand years old will certianly have history.
Could one of the reasons she is so kind to "common" ponies now is because she loathes what the nobility have become? We don't know.
Maybe she had a "common" lover at one point - a simple Earth pony gardener who showed her the simple beauty of garden filled with life - which painfully echoed the way she felt towards Equestria. We don't know.
We know she was the bearer of either some or all the Elements of Harmony at one point. Whcih ones though? Kindness and generosity would seem to be easy fits. But Loyalty? Could losing the loyalty of/to her sister during the Nightmare Moon conflict be the reason she lost control of hte elements afterwards? Or was it only later, as the trials of ruling a Kingdom slowly wore away at her personal harmony.
Heck - Discord is a "past sin" revisited.
I disagree with you mildly on what makes fanficiton. It isn't NECESSARILY all about the canon characters. After all, a staple of fanfiction is also exploring how things would be different if the characters or environment were different.
But again - that's my opinion.
I don't necesarily hate past sins, I'm just tired of the concept since nearly every story with Celestia in some sort of central role does it. It gets annoying after a while, I just want to see some more stories that do things differently.
Exactly, so why must we immediatly assume the worst of her? There have been no hints or clues at any dark past for Celestia (contrary to Luna). I agree that we simply don't know much about her history, but again, without any clues, why assume the worst? Innocent until proven guilty, I say. And so far, Celestia has given me no reason to even think that she's guilty of anything besides being a good ruler for her ponies.
I wouldn't say that. In no way has it been hinted that he was her fault, or that she and Luna are in any way responsible for him. Thus, he can hardly be called a past sin. An old foe, yes, a sin, however, not so much. Perhaps his origin, if Season 3 will indeed show it to us, can shed some clarity on the case. Fingers crossed.
I don't disagree with this, and indeed the "What if this or that was different?" concept is interesting. My problem mostly lies with the fact that it often isn't done well, and that the author would have been better off staying with the familiar teritory of the canon personalities before sailing to the uncharted waters of the Alternate Universe.
Read the line right before Cadence's dark rant.
It isn't HIE. It is twilight's soul going between two worlds... a human world where she is a 25 year old woman and the pony world, and how she deals with the mental hoops such actions take.
Backburner. I tend to come up with several ideas, try them out, and then settle on the story I want to focus all my attention on AND will produce lively debate. I think Dreamer's Dream will do just that.
Good story thus far. Only quibble, make sure you proof-read, catch some very obvious mistakes.
I'm seeing a lot of "too/to" mixups, missed words and other mistakes that won't show up on spellchecker, but are very much wrong nonetheless. They aren't huge errors, but in the face of a story I can find little else wrong with, they mar and detract quite considerably.
WOW! Keeper, you are dumb. I don't mean to be rude here but your comments reek of hypocrisy.
Let me simplify something for you, when debating about characters and their potential flaws, you debate about the CHARACTERS and their POTENTIAL FLAWS! You don't explain away the other side's arguments by saying it was required for the episode. That's called a cop out.
If Celestia has flaws, she has flaws in THEIR universe, and whether or not those flaws provide comedy, distraction, or conflict, is irrelevant to the discussion on her flaws in THEIR universe. To write off her perceived flaws, you actually have to provide proper counter-points (such as her not trolling, just playing jokes, that was good).
As for the mater at hand, creatures of that universe (ALL of them) seem to follow similar patterns to our world. This means that it's plausible that a character, like say Fluttershy, is kind because of something in her past that made her believe being kind to everyone was the best answer to some problem (either internal or external). The same would apply to Celestia. She is usually very serious, and is good to a fault. She is also totally willing to fight for her subjects if the need arises, and in fact would seem to prefer a one on one against a super-villain instead of sending her guards/subjects to die. If she's willing and able to fight, but always tries diplomacy first, doesn't that show something in her past convinced her that conflict is bad? We can't say what, but there must be something.
She is not "perfect", she has flaws, she just puts on a mask so her subjects don't see her faults, it's a common thing for most rulers to do. Also, do you honestly think, with how long she's lived, and fights against Luna and Discord (and possibly others), she has never killed? I'd be more surprised if she hadn't. That changes a person/pony.
Celestia isn't perfect, Luna isn't always a martyr, Fluttershy can be mean, Pinkie can be logical, Applejack can lie, RD can fail, and the CMC can have a good idea!
If you don't like how that specific pony acts, because it's OOC, call the author on it, but if it's because you don't like the light it shines on them, stop reading and find something else if it bothers you that much!
Aaand... I stopped reading right there for a moment. Opening up your argument with saying someone's stupid? Yeah, that shows how strong your argument is if you have to resort to insults right from the start. But I'll humour you.
Are you saying it's not true? Because if so, you're wrong. You can't explain the insane amount of out-of-character behaviour from the entire cast (except for Twilight) during the wedding episodes without it. The only reason Celestia and the mane six behaved in that episode the way they did was because the plot required it, otherwise Cadance and Shining Armour couldn't save the day. Had the mane six and Celestia actually acted in-character, they would've listened to Twilight. They did not, because the writers saw no other way to have their plot without affecting everypony with "The Stupid" and turning them into disgusting mockeries of themselves.
I don't write off her perceived flaws, nor have I ever said Celestia is perfect. But flaws do not equal past sins or previous evil behaviour. One can be flawed and still not be a total monster with the blood of thousands on her hooves, something a lot of you just can't seem to grasp.
It just shows she's levelheaded and kind. No need to look further into it and wildly begin to speculate she came to act this way after she committed some huge, enormous past mistake that resulted in tons of bloodshed. Some ponies are just inherently good. Why look for phantoms that aren't even there? Why insist on slandering somepony's reputation with wild speculation without any piece of evidence, just because your skeptic mind can't accept a Princess is good just because it's the right thing to do? This isn't earth. This is Equestria. Genuinely good ponies can exist. Past sins or mistakes are not necesary for a pony to be good. Stop applying human logic.
Given how both Discord and Night Mare Moon are every much alive even after their defeat, and how this is a show for children... YES, I most definately think so. If you honestly believe Lauren Faust designed Celestia as someone with blood on her hooves, then I don't think you understand what My Little Pony is about.
No. It's a free internet, I have the right to have my own opinion and to express that opinion, whenever I want, however many times I want.
Why do people like you always assume that when dislike a single thing from the story it must mean I immediatly dislike the whole thing? Seriously, what gives? Two chapters ago I said I didn't like ONE SINGLE LINE that Luna said, and whup, there comes the Luna brigade raging about how I "hate Luna" and "NEVER say anything kind about her" and "ALWAYS try to make her look bad" and so on and so forth. Same here, I don't like the way Celestia is portrayed, and immediatly it MUST mean I dislike and hate the story. And you accuse ME of being dumb? While you're jumping to totally unfounded conclusions here? Since you like saying how Celestia isn't perfect so much, here, let me say something to you, and try to understand: NO STORY IS PERFECT EITHER. There will always be things in every book and story that a reader will not like as much as the rest. That does NOT mean the reader can't enjoy the story as a whole. So I don't like Celestia's portrayal, big bucking whoop, I still like the rest of the story and the plot. Why the buck should I stop reading a story because I don't like one aspect of it? That's friggin' idiotic.
So no, I won't stop reading, and I won't find something else, because I'm perfectly fine with what I have here. Which does not mean I will like everything in the story, or that I won't speak out again when I don't. You got that? If it bothers you so much to see someone do something else than scream "OMG SO GOOD WRITE MOAR!" in every one of his comments, then just refrain from reading mine in the future. It's that simple.