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Sean Tan the Brony

Just a Brony who love Princess Cadance


A parent will do anything for her children, even it means giving them up so that they will be safe from dangers and live in a peaceful life, despite the pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Princess Amore has gone through for one thousand and fifteen years, but now after being restored from her imprisonment by her fellow subjects, the time is upon her kingdom, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means saving her adoptive Canterlot family from the Storm Kingdom.

Inspired by Tom117z's Change Series

Cover art made by: Questionmarkdragon

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 40 )

I found a few mistakes:

My dearest nephew, I am pleased to say that your sister, Twilight Sparkle, had decided to host a Friendship Festival in Canterlot.

Change nephew to niece and change sister to sister-in-law.

I found a fews mistakes:

popstar singer in the Equestria who reside in Manehattan.

Remove this: the and change reside to resides.

Inspired by Tom117z's Change Series

How so?

Comment posted by Sean Tan the Brony deleted March 10th

Thank you for your help in checking my grammar mistakes! 😊

I guess it's crystal details she has in this fic.

I found a few typos:

"Let's just say we have a lot of practises."

Change practises to practice.

At where the light was now stand a unicorn

Delete the At. Change stand to stood.

was a daughter of Princess Amore, who was alive.

Delete the was.

Sombra stared at the castle before saying: "Soon, once the Crystal Empire is conquered, then all of Equestria will be mine!!!" He gave a sinister laugh.

It would be take thirty minutes before two alicorns came in the view of the gardens. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna landed, both covered in snow.

for this festival and Twilight will required me, my sister,(—— and you to use our magic for something. See you soon.

"Thank you so much for reminding me that I have friends I can rely on, Cady."

Applejack was handing out apple ciders to everypony.

"Well, ah think Rainbow's right. Ah'm sore(——." The farm mare said.

"Alright, if you are really Cadance, then say something only my wife will remember." He demanded.

The seven ponies and a dragon regained their consciences after falling over the waterfall and quickly swam toward the shore.(—— As they dried themselves up, Applejack started the conversation.

——)”Yeah. About that... both the princesses might have... got away... " Grubber hesitantly answered as he fidgeted his fingers nervously.

How much of the movie are you gonna spoil? And how much of it is gonna be different.

The storm soldier flew and landed on the ground, dropping it's weapon before recovering.(—— To it's shock and confusion, light bluish crystals started

The King and Grubber turned to see several crystal ponies and crystal creatures containing griffons, yaks, hippogriffs, bat ponies, changelings,(—— and kirins. They were all staring angrily at the Storm King and Grubber.

"FALL BACK!!!”(—— Storm King shouted

Clover, Hurricane,(—— and Dew immediately bowed down while the others just stared at the new arrival.

Everyone except Clover, Hurricane,(—— and Dew all dropped their jaw at what Amore had just said.

crystal Kirins,(—— and crystal changelings. The ones who stayed in Canterlot were a yak, a bat pony, a hippogriff, a griffion, Mallow Sear,(—— and Furx.

"Did Twilight see me? What I looked like?" The Princess of Love asked herself in an alarmed tone.

Cadance surveyed the object she was sitting in, it was a large comfortable king-sized

just like her bed back at the Crystal Empire.

Before she could hyperventilate even more, a creak from the double door interrupted her and caused her to whirl her head toward the doors to see a crystal pony.

"Your wings are just like mine!

"H... h... how are you alive?”(—— Cadance stammered, staring at the unicorn princess before she continued. "From what I heard from my two aunties, King Sombra petrified you and shattered you into many pieces, scattering your pieces across the Equestria before taking over the Crystal Empire."

"I assumed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna told you the story of The Crystal Empire from the history book, but I will tell the story again."

arrived and wanted to conquer The Crystal Empire.

I gave birth to an alicorn filly..." She paused before speaking again. "That alicorn filly... was you, Cadanza."

that Princess Amore was just a distant relative,(—— only to told by the said mare in front of her

or crossbows, symbolising them as part of The Crystal Imperial.

I’m curious about this guard and the outpost cities.

Classic Twilight never change

three airships appeared from the sky and flew over our heads!

"That won't not be necessary..." Celestia answered. "Yeth and his friends were able to give some answers to us."

"We've been dating for twelve years before getting married(——." Clover said as her face became more red.

——)”I know, it's a lot," Twilight responded, her voice tinged with urgency as she continued.

as there are amy hostile frost animals roaming around in the Frozen North.


"To think that all this time..." The pegasus started. "Flash was believed to be perished at the hooves of the Pony of Shadow." She murmured, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"I remembered that a week from our wedding, Queen Chrysalis kidnapped me and take my form, before trapping me in the crystal cave under the Canterlot castle. I also remembered how I tried to find the way out, but kept failing miserably." Her voice wavered. "I also remembered how scared I was being alone in the cave while thinking about you being with the imposter."

I feel like that is a very weak try , because wouldn't a changeling also know about her being replaced? and : "oh I tried to escape but failed and I was scared!" Is the most basic generic stuff I have ever heard, if I was Shining I wouldn't have believed her.
that should have been something between JUST the two of them like how they first met or an embarrassing Story between them, not something that is technically Public knowledge.

Queen Chrysalis's day had taken a turn for the worse as she sat alone in her throne room.(——

"Thank you for informing me," she said, her voice steady.(——

Meant to publish yesterday, but I wanted to make sure the story is correct.

I saw nothing wrong with the chapter so it was correct.

Enjoying the discussion.

We were at the Canterlot when we first heard about the Crystal Empire. So, Hurricane and I volunteered to explore the Crystal Empire. While we were walking along the Frozen North to reach the Crystal Empire,

Suddenly, Clover held up a hoof, motioning for everyone to stay still. "They're getting closer, remain calm and still." She whispered, her voice barely audible above the night's gentle whisper.

That scene just made me think of this.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I am to escort you to your mother, Princess Amor. She's near the square and wants to talk to you about something." The pegasus stallion said as he saluted.

Clover, Hurricane,(—— and Dew all looked at Shining and Spike with an arched eyebrow before the unicorn mare asked. "Is she always this overenthusiastic whenever there's new discoveries?"

few chuckles from the prince and the Princess of Friendship.

wrapped it around the wound while she spoke. "The injury isn't severe, but the wound still needs to be tended."

"That wasn’t the Frost Wolves, was it?" Spike nervously asked.

"There's too many. We need to get to the Outpost Artic before the creatures reach us." Hurricane

not wanting to even injure her injured foreleg.

"Don't just stand there gawping, come on." Clover

"Wait a minute. That spear you are holding. It can shoot magic bolts?!”(—— Shining asked in disbelief as he blinked before asking.

they relaxed before he trotted toward Clover, Hurricane,(—— and Dew.

"Yes, Hasard. The journey was mostly uneventful until we encountered the Ice Worm, the Frost Wolves,(—— and a Glacial Bear." Clover replied.

The bat pony's expression turned serious as he took in the group's state,

around the wound so that there will be no infection."

Before Twilight, Shining,(—— and Spike could show their gratitude,

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Hurricane and his friends greeted. The commander saluting while the two mares bowed down.

I mean, I know she doesn't care about her drones since she see them as , but to turn against her own sister? That's..." the Prince trailed off as he shook his head in disbelief.

See them as what?

"Princess Amore." Twilight, Shining, Spike,(—— and Flash said as they bowed down.

"Crystal Empire Royal Guard? You guys were so desperate to get me back you got the Crystal Empire involved?" Cadance asked.

while the bat pony and the changeling queen along with Clover, Hurricane,(—— and Dew stand aside.

How does the umbra/umbrum tie into this I wonder?

Cadance nodded as she looked back to her sister-in-law and answered her question. "Yes. And I was terrified that you and the others would banish me, or worse... turn me into stone."

"Can you handle things here while I'm gone, captain?" Queen Seraphine asked her captain while she prepared her saddlebag.

"Flurry(——!" Cadance exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her daughter,

King Crestwing, King Fire Blaze, Stormfeather, Thunderhoof,(—— and Au Hasard were currently given a tour of the empire by Sunburst,(—— while Queen Seraphine stayed behind as Starlight wanted to ask the changeling queen some questions. The rest headed to the baby alicorn's room.

entertaining Flurry Heart, with Amore, Cadance,(—— and Shining Armor watching with amused smiles.

"Your highness," The guard began. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,(—— and the bearers of Elements have arrived at the train station."

"Well, I suppose it's time to meet to my old friends." Amore said with a smile. "Shall we?"

where we stayed can only protect the outpost cities from snowstorms." The griffon remarked.

Grimhoof, and these guards behind us are from each of the leaders."

Using this opportunity, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack,(—— and Rainbow Dash approached Amore, their heads held low in shame.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Celestia,(—— and Luna were beyond shocked and horrified after Seraphine finished her story.

Amore nodded her head with a smile. "Of course. You and Celestia did your best to try and come to my aid. Sombra was just too strong for me to defeat him."

Thorax now has green with brilliant gamboge chest exoskeleton, dark azure with moderate emerald green underside carapace, two light brilliant orange horns and moderate rose eyes. The young changeling

What about the young changeling?

and swam up the beach to cough out more blood before collapsing on the beach.

Rutherford took the letter, his eyes scanned the letter in concentration.

Aw, that was so sweet for Flash to tell Twilight that he likes her.

(Wiping my tears with a tissue)

That was the most heart-warming reunion I've ever read

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,(—— and Princess Amore turned and watched the scene with warm smiles while walking.

Within the throne room, Captain Crimson Chaser, Captain Night Shadow, Starswirl the Bearded, Mistmane, Rockhoof, Meadowbrook, Flash Magnus,(—— and Somnambula, along with Furx, Midnight Blossom, Yeth, Mallow Sear, Sunwing,(—— and Ironclaw.

Both the royal sisters nodded their head. "Starswirl, Flash Magnus,(—— and Rockhoof. There are some ponies who want to meet you." Celestia said, the five princesses moving aside.

The three stallions' eyes widened at the sight of Clover, Dew, Nimbus,(—— and Grimhoof.

After a few minutes, Starswirl,(—— and Magnus parted off Clover, Nimbus,(—— and Grimhoof, as they wiped the tears off their eyes.

Seraphine bent down to meet the young changeling's eyes while smiling. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ocellus. I assumed you want to get to know more about me with all the staring you made."

While the the groups continued to exchange stories and learn about each other, Magnus and Somnambula were talking with Commander Hurricane.

This chapter was very sweet.

Every creatures and ponies are doing pretty well with the festival but not for long, I fear that the Storm King and Tempest will destroy the festival and turned everybody to stone soon.

Sky Beak strolled through another hallway of Canterlot Castle towards one of the sleeping quarters,

after his last attack on Mount Aris when we lost you and we were forced.(—— I can’t risk our people being exposed or the Pearl of Transformation

"These ponies down there think they've seen the worst of us." He thundered

"Remember, we fight not just for conquest, but for dominance! We will leave Canterlot in ruins and claim it as our own! We will be victorious!" He continued.(——

Amore, Cadance, Shining,(—— and Twilight were blasting the soldiers,

I'm praying for Shining Armor to be all right.

Will Ira appear in this story and be a main character?

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