//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 - Chased // Story: Cadance The Crystal Princess // by Sean Tan the Brony //------------------------------// Earlier that day Celestia's sun began to rise, signalling the beginning of a brand new day. Though a large groan soon interrupted the morning. "Are we there yet? We have been walking for past three hours since we woke up early. I miss my warm bed..." Spike complained. "Spike?" Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle called out to the dragon. Spike turned his head toward the siblings and asked. "Yeah?" "Shut up." Both the prince and the Princess of Friendship deadpanned. Across the desolate frozen expanse, six ponies and a dragon pressed on towards Outpost Arctic, their journey punctuated by the crunch of snow beneath their hooves. "You know, Spike's right. How much further?" Flash Sentry asked Hurricane. The commander turned his head around to face the lieutenant before answering. "Not much longer. The outpost should come into view after a few more stretches of ground." "Trust us, we had been familiarised with the landscape." Clover interjected as she turned her head to look at Flash. Twilight and her group glanced at each other before nodding their head at the unicorn mare and her group. They continued their trek through the Frozen North. After an hour of walking and flapping wings, the group reached over a small dune of snow and walked on top of it. From their position, they finally could see Outpost Artic. The outpost's cyan blue shield surrounding it emerged on the horizon, its silhouette outlined against the pale light of dawn. "There it is. Outpost Artic." Dew Nourish proudly said while the Princess and her group all stared at the outpost in sheer amazement. The Princess of Friendship's eyes immediately sparkled as she took in the view of the outpost before squealing. "Oh My Gosh! It looked almost like the Crystal Empire, except it's not! If there's library back in the empire, there must one in there too!" Clover, Hurricane, and Dew all looked at Shining and Spike with an arched eyebrow before the unicorn mare asked. "Is she always this overenthusiastic whenever there's new discoveries?" Both the unicorn stallion and the dragon chuckled sheepishly before Shining answered Clover's question. "Yes. Every single time." "No matter what kind." Spike added. Twilight shot a glare at her number one assistant before her attention returned to the outpost ahead. "Alright, let's get moving before your friend, Spike, start complaining." Flash stated with a smirk, earning him a glare from the dragon and a few chuckles from the prince and the Princess of Friendship. The group began walking across the frozen landscape towards Outpost Artic. But, five minutes of walking later, a sudden rumble caught their attention, causing them all to stop. Twilight asked. "What was that..." However, before she could finish her sentence, the ground exploded in front of her as something forced its way out. She cried out in surprise as she saw a big worm coming straight for her. While its worm-like body was encased in impenetrable crystals except for its glowing eyes, its mouth have two claws on each sides. The Princess of Friendship barely had time to react before the Ice Worm crashed into her, knocking her to the ground. It quickly raised its head and lunged toward her head with its claws opened. Her eyes widened and reflectively lifted her right foreleg in front of her. The Ice Worm bit on her foreleg, causing her to cry in pain as it pierced through her flesh. As it's claws pierced through Twilight's flesh, a sharp pain shot through her body, causing her to grit her teeth and cry out in agony. The weight of the Ice Worm bore down on her, pinning her to the frozen ground beneath as she struggled to free her foreleg. Spike and Shining widened their eyes in shock and surprised before narrowing them. The dragon prepared to unleash his flames, while the prince's horn shimmered with magical energy. Before both of them could do anything, the combat medic charged forward with her spear unslung. She crashed into the creature, causing the Ice Worm to let go of the Princess of Friendship's foreleg and fall onto its back. Before the creature could do anything, Dew raised her spear and plunged it into one of its eyes, ending the creature's life in an instant. "Twilight!" Both Spike and Shining called out in concern, running toward her while Twilight whimpered in pain as she placed her left forehoof on her right foreleg's injury which started to ooze out blood. They reached the Princess of Friendship's side in haste, their expressions etched with concern as they knelt beside her. Twilight winced as she felt the warmth of their presence, her breath coming in short gasps as pain pulsed through her injured foreleg. Dew slung her spear and trotted toward the princess, inspecting the wound before she grabbed the bandage from her saddlebag and wrapped it around the wound while she spoke. "The injury isn't severe, but the wound still needs to be tended." Suddenly, sounds of howl echoed near the group, causing the six ponies and the dragon to tense up and looked at the direction where the howls came from. "That wasn't the Frost Wolves, was it?" Spike nervously asked. Clover sighed to herself as she rubbed her face with one of her foreleg before replying the dragon's question. "Unfortunately, yes." Soon, fifteen silhouettes of Frost Wolves emerged from the snowy landscape, their presence outnumbering the group. "There's too many. We need to get to Outpost Artic before the creatures reached us." Hurricane urgently said, to which the group nodded their head in agreement. The group quickly raced toward the outpost. Twilight took to the sky, not wanting to even injure her injured foreleg. Flash Sentry swiftly scooped up Spike, placing the dragon securely on his back before taking flight alongside the Princess of Friendship. Meanwhile, Shining and Clover used their magics to shoot bolts of magic. Though the creatures' impenetrable crystal encased bodies deflected most of the magical attacks, the onslaught was enough to disorient and slow their relentless pursuit. Each blast bought the group precious seconds as the group continued to run. Suddenly, the ground in front of the group exploded as something big forced it out, causing the group to stop dead in their track as they stared at it. The Glacial Bear stood menacingly with razor-sharp icicles claws and teeth, it's shadow looming over the group as it fixated its glowing eyes at them with trails of dark blue vapor emitting before roaring at them. The commander was the first to snap out and he quickly flew up to the bear's face before bucking it's face with both of his hindlegs, dazing it for a moment. Then the combat medic kicked at one of its legs, causing the bear to collapse onto the ground. "Don't just stand there gawping, come on." Clover shouted before shooting another bolt of magic at one of the Frost Wolves, which caused the wolf to stagger. The rest of group quickly shook their head before going around the bear, who started to get up from the ground. Soon, the group found themselves being chased by not only fifteen Frost Wolves, but also a Glacial Bear. As they ran toward the outpost, Clover and her friends saw the Crystal Imperial guards within the shield of Outpost Artic taking notice of the chaos unfolding outside. While some of the guards immediately armed the repeating ballistae on top of the outpost's towers before aiming at the approaching frost animals, the others went outside the shield and readied their muskets, crossbows, bows and magics before doing the same. All the guards immediately let loose their weapons. Arrows, round balls, javelins and magic bolts at the oncoming frost animals. While most projectiles bounced off the creatures' impenetrable crystal encased bodies, the onslaught was enough to cause the frost animals to back off. The group pressed on as the shield covering the outpost got closer to them while the screams of the frost animals echoed behind them. But just as they were about to reach the entrance, another Frost Wolf leaped out from nowhere. The wolf crashed into Flash Sentry from behind, causing the lieutenant and the dragon to crash onto the snowy ground while the rest of group made it inside the outpost and widened their eyes in horror. While Spike managed to roll safely into the outpost, the same could not be said for the orange pegasus. Flash found himself pinned beneath the weight of the relentless creature, its jaws dangerously close to his face, as he struggled to break free from its grip. Just as the Frost Wolf was about to bite off the lieutenant's face, a bolt of blue magic struck the creature, releasing him from its grip. Confused, Flash turned his head to see Dew standing at the entrance from a distance while holding a spear in one of her forehooves, its tip smoking. With a surge of relief, the lieutenant quickly got up and hurried inside the outpost, the gate closing behind him just as the last of the Crystal Imperial guards retreated to safety. As the last of the frost animals ran away, the group sat down and breathed a collective sigh of relief as their hearts were still racing from the adrenaline-fueled ordeal. As they caught up with their breath, Flash walked up to the combat medic and spoke with a smile. "Thanks for the save back there." Dew nodded her head at the lieutenant and replied. "Not a problem. I'm glad I could help, Lieutenant Sentry." The lieutenant offered the combat medic a grateful nod before the prince of the Crystal Empire trotted toward them as the rest of the Crystal Imperial guards went to help out the group. "Wait a minute. That spear you are holding. It can shoot magic bolts?!" Shining asked in disbelief as he blinked before asking. "How come you never told me or Flash about that?" Dew shrugged as she said. "Well, you never asked." Before both the stallions could asked more questions to the combat medic, sounds of hoofsteps were heard and everyone turned their head toward the source. The Crystal Imperial guards immediately saluted as the bat pony wearing a crystal armor and bracers with long, deadly blades that curved out of them in both of his forehooves. "At ease, guards." The bat pony said to the guards to which they relaxed before he trotted toward Clover, Hurricane, and Dew. The three crystal ponies smiled at him. "Ah, Hasard..." The commander started, trotting up to the bat pony before giving him a hug. They stayed there for a while before letting go. "Hurricane, it's good to see you again. I take that the journey went smooth?" Hasard spoke as he smiled. "Yes, Hasard. The journey was mostly uneventful until we encountered the Ice Worm, the Frost Wolves, and a Glacial Bear." Clover replied. The bat pony's expression turned serious as he took in the group's state, his gaze sweeping over each member with concern before he spoke again. "I see. It seems you've had quite the ordeal. Are any of you injured?" Twilight nodded her head, her injured foreleg bleeding through the bandage while she admitted. "I... I think my foreleg's bleeding through the bandage." Hasard grimaced at the sight of the Princess of Friendship's injury before speaking again. "Let's get you to the infirmary and have that looked at right away. We have skilled medics who can tend to your injury." Hasard said, gesturing the group to follow him. With his guidance, the group made their way deeper into Outpost Arctic. < < < < < < < < < 💙 > > > > > > > > > Amore and Cadance briskly walked in silence through Outpost Artic, nearing the infirmary where the ponies or creatures were treated whenever there were injuries. On reaching the doorway, they were greeted by Au Hasard and Queen Seraphine. "Princess Amore and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." The bat pony leader started, saluting at them before relaxing his position and continued. "We have identified three of the Equestrians, while we don't know the fourth." "Well? Who are the three we know?" Amore asked. 'Could it be?' The Princess of Love thought to herself. "One of them is Spike the dragon. The other two were the Prince of the Crystal Empire Shining Armor and the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle." Hasard answered. Cadance froze as her suspicions were confirmed. "It would seem that your family members has come for you, my dear Cadenza." Amore said as she gave her daughter a warm smile. "Are they alright?" The Princess of Love asked in concern. The bat pony turned his head to her and answered. "Princess Twilight Sparkle has an injured right foreleg, bitten by an Ice Worm. But the injury doesn't seem to be serious." Relief washed over Cadance at the news of her sister-in-law's condition before she spoke. "I would like to see them as soon as possible." Amore nodded in agreement before speaking. "Yes, let's not delay. Lead the way to the infirmary. And if you want, I can stay at the back with the leaders while you meet them alone to explain things." "Thank you. And no, I want them to meet you along with the leaders, mom." The Princess of Love said, receiving and returning an affectionate nuzzle. Amore smiled and said. "Very well, my dear." She turned her head to the changeling queen before speaking. "Queen Seraphine, why don't you order some of the changeling medics in the infirmary to leave the room along with the rest of the medics once they are done tending Princess Twilight's injury?" Queen Seraphine nodded her head in agreement and closed her eyes to concentrate for a moment before opening them again. With a nod from the changeling queen that simplified that she had done the job, the bat pony guided Cadance and her mother along with Queen Seraphine through the outpost's corridors towards the infirmary. < < < < < < < < < 💙 > > > > > > > > > Inside the infirmary, the medics had already examined the Princess of Friendship's injury and tended to it. Remedy Elixir turned her head to the group and said with a smile. "She'll be fine. The wound isn't deep, but the bandage will still need to be wrapped around the wound so that there will be no infection." Before Twilight, Shining, and Spike could show their gratitude, a feminine-looking changeling approached Remedy, murmuring something in her ear. She widened her eyes in surprised as the changeling pulled back before she spoke again. "Excuse me, but me and the rest of us will need to leave the room for a moment. There are some individuals who wish to talk to you privately." One by one, the medics left the infirmary, leaving the group alone. "LSBFF, are you sure you're okay?" The Prince asked. The Princess of Friendship nodded, managing a small smile as she replied. "I'll be fine, BBBFF. It looks worse than it is." "BBBFF? LSBFF?" Clover asked with an arched eyebrow. Shining chuckled softly, realizing the confusion and answered the unicorn mare's question. "Oh, sorry. BBBFF stands for Big Brother Best Friend Forever. It's just a little nickname we have for each other." "And LSBFF?" Dew asked. Twilight's smile widened as she explained. "LSBFF stands for Little Sister Best Friend Forever. It's our way of reminding each other that we're not just siblings, but also the closest of friends." "Yeah, we're like one big, happy family!" The dragon chimed in with a grin. Both the siblings giggled, but before they could said anything, the door opened and the siblings' and Spike's hearts soared as a familiar pink alicorn nervously walked inside. "Cadance!" The three shouted. Before the Princess of Love could do anything, she was grappled into a planet shattering hug to end all hugs. "Don't ever scare us like that, ever!" The siblings and the dragon both exclaimed as they held on tight to her. "Guys... can't... breathe." Cadance gasped. "Oh." The three said sheepishly, quickly releasing her from their hug. "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Hurricane and his friends greeted. The commander saluting while the two mares bowed down. The Princess of Love's eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the unexpected sight before she stuttered. "Commander... Hurricane? Clover the Clever? How are you alive?" Both the unicorn mare and the commander stallion pegasus chuckled while the combat medic smirked before the unicorn answered. "It's a long story." But before Clover could begin, a sudden shriek of "Chrysalis?!" interrupted them and they all looked to see Twilight, Shining, Spike and Flash in fighting stances at Queen Seraphine. "Everypony, wait!" Cadance shouted, causing the four ponies and the dragon to look at her in confusion before she explained. "Seraphine is not Chrysalis, she's her elder sister. She was petrified and banished to the Frozen North for centuries when she confronted and argued with her younger sister. She was later rescued by the Crystal Imperial guards when they were looking for my mom's scattered fragments." "WHAT?!" Twilight, Shining, Spike and Flash shouted as they exchanged incredulous glances. "But that’s her- but why would Chrysalis-" The Princess of Friendship stuttered as she was flabbergasted. She couldn’t even properly form a complete sentence. "How could Chrysalis do something like that to her own family? I mean, I know she doesn't care about her drones since she see them as slaves, but to turn against her own sister? That's..." the Prince trailed off as he shook his head in disbelief. Before they could continue, a short cough caught their attention and the Princess of Love and her family and the lieutenant all looked to see Princess Amore standing at the door entrance. "Princess Amore." Twilight, Shining, Spike, and Flash said as they bowed down. Amore giggled before she spoke. "There's no need to bow down. After all, we are family." She smirked as both the siblings and the dragon blushed when they realised that she has a point before her eyes fell on the orange pegasus. "And who are you?" Amore asked, prompting Flash to stand up and saluted at her. "Lieutenant Flash Sentry, Crystal Empire Royal Guard, your majesty." He reported before relaxing. "Crystal Empire Royal Guard? You guys were so desperate to get me back you got the Crystal Empire involved?" Cadance asked. "That’s... part of the reason. Celestia, Luna and the others are worried sick, we all want you home, Cadance." The Princess of Friendship spoke. "They're... not mad at me?" The Princess of Love sheepishly asked as one of her front hooves was digging little groves in the floor. "Mad at you? Why would we ever be mad at you?" Spike remarked, surprise clear in his voice. "Oh you know, because of, well..." Cadance stated. "Actually, is it ok if you and I could talk to each other alone? It's regarding about a certain secret that you hid from me, Celestia, Luna and my parents three years ago." Twilight interjected. The Princess of Love froze and looked back and forth between her sister-in-law and her guilty-faced husband before sighing. "Oh, right. Well, we could talk in one of the guest quarters." Cadance spoke before moving towards the door. "Do you want me there for you, my dear Cadenza?" Amore asked, concern clear in her voice. The Princess of Love looked at her mother's face and answered. "No. This is something I need to do alone." Amore stared at her daughter for a while before relenting and said. "Very well. If you need anything, call me or the guards out." Cadance nodded before she and her sister-in-law exited the infirmary, leaving the rest alone. They all stood in silence. "So... I suppose you want to know how I am alive and why I abandoned my daughter." Amore spoke up as she walked forward while the bat pony and the changeling queen along with Clover, Hurricane, and Dew stand aside. Shining, Flash and Spike all stared at her for a few seconds, before nodding in unison. Amore sighed before she started. "Well, a thousand and fifteen years ago..."