• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 1,968 Views, 47 Comments

Foals - Regidar

What happened to you as you grew older?

  • ...

Act IV

“There’s only one way for my imagination to truly prosper: As a writer. So, give me a pen and paper, and I’ll write you a whole world!”

“Come on Hobbes, let’s go exploring!”
-Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

“Sure, one day we’ll meet up again, on the moon!”
-Johnny, To the Moon

“The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.”
-Kurt Cobain

“And that, Mares and Gentlecolts, is why you should visit beautiful Cloudsdale!” The ponies in the room all clopped their hooves. It was a room full of pegasi, waiting to be let out of school.

It had been three years since Pound Cake had nearly lost his inspiration. Since then, he had never let it go, and his grades showed that. Often times, he would hand in a test with nothing on it but a storyboard of doodles. Pumpkin Cake had decided to pursue a career in the hoofbeats of her parents, decorating cakes and baking pastries, but still attended high school as to not be thought of as a dropout. Pound Cake did not find that path to suit his needs, but neither did High School. But, he didn’t want to disappoint his parents even further than he assumed he already had by not attending high school.

The bell rang, and the pegasi all filed out. The teacher put a hoof on Pound Cake’s shoulder. “Mr. Cake, Principal Chalk would like to see you.”

Principal Chalk was a ruthless old stallion, whose mindset was still one of all. Unicorns were to pursue the higher things in life, earth ponies the more demanding jobs, and pegasi the athletic ones. Dreading every step he took closer to the old unicorn’s office, Pound Cake thought of what caused this. Obviously it was his failing grades, what else could it be?

Heaving a sigh, he knocked on the Principal's door. “Come in,” came the curt voice of the old curmudgeon.

Pound Cake walked in, trying to avoid the hawk-like glare of the Principal.

“Sit,” he commanded, as though Pound Cake were a disobedient dog. Pound Cake refused, and instead responded.

“Why did you call me up here, sir? Is it about my grades?”

The old unicorn sighed. “No, Pound Cake, although they leave something to be desired. No, what this is about is your career choice.”

Pound Cake stared at the Principal, uncomprehending. Chalk went on.

“You see, as a pegasus, you really must take a path as a weather pony, or a hoofball player, not a poet or an artist, like you seem to want to do now.” Principal Chalk spat the words poet and artist as though they were poisonous.

“Woah, woah, woah. You’re saying just because I have wings, I shouldn’t be able to follow my dreams?”

The Principal snorted disgustingly as old ponies tend to do. “No, what I’m saying is, find different dreams more appropriate for your species-”

Pound Cake turned his back to Chalk. “I don’t have to take this. I’ll become whatever I damn well please.”

Chalk’s face turned red. “Not in my school, you won’t! I’ll have you expelled!”

“Fine! Do it! I don’t give a crap about your stupid school, anyway! I’ll go on to become something great, something better than an old bigoty unicorn who spends his time huddled behind a desk in his rank office!”

Chalk’s face had passed into magenta. “Get out of my school.”

Pound Cake opened the office window, and flew out, stopping by the second floor to pick up his stuff where he left it. What would his parents think? Getting kicked out of school like this?

The pegasus looked back at the clouds. What was there that had enticed him so much? He had forgotten recently about the mysteries of the clouds. Sure, it still sometimes appeared in his works, but all in all, clouds had drifted to the back of his mind.

What was there, in the clouds, beyond Cloudsdale? What wonders could he find? Thunder Worms, cloud dragons, sky knights, all of his fantasies?

There was only one way to find out.


The next morning, Mrs. Cake woke up to notice most of her son’s painting’s were missing from their spots on the wall. When she went to open the shop she found a letter on one of the tables. She wasn’t concerned about her son yet, who often disappeared for days without explanation, but at the end of the note, her disposition to this changed.

Dear mother and father, and Pumpkin, and Pinkie, and whomever may find this-
I’m gone already. Don’t try to follow me out. I’ve left for the clouds. What’s out there? What’s waiting for me? I have to find out. Thanks for all the loving care and nurturing over the years. My finale parting words are, as a great mare once told me-

It’s great to be different.

-Your son, Pound Cake

Mrs. Cake’s eyes filled with tears, and she ran outside, looking out, already knowing he was long gone. Why had he done such a thing?

Breathing heavily, she went back inside and cried at one of the tables. Her son, her only son... gone. Potential customers took one look at the grieving mare and decided it would be best to come back another time.

As Mrs. Cake continued to sob, Pumpkin Cake showed up. “Mom? What happened?”

Mrs. Cake sorrowfully handed her daughter the letter. Pumpkin Cake read over it, then scowled.

“Mom, Pound was always crazy. It was just a matter of time before he did something like this.” Seeing how this just made her mother cry harder, she patted Mrs. Cake on the back. “Hey, now. Come on. This is what makes him happy! Who knows, maybe he’ll become a famous writer, and return here one day!”

Far off, somewhere in the clouds above Cloudsdale, a pegasus landed lightly on a cloud. He looked around, Thunder Worms, cloud dragons, and sky knights all beaming down at him. He set down his various journals and paintings, and took a pen in his mouth, and began to write.

Chapter one...

Comments ( 41 )

Didn't read it.

Liked it.

Your welcome.

Beautiful man. You should write more like these. :pinkiehappy:

I really liked it, and the quotes as well, they're aweeeesome! Great fic, it was really sweet even if Pumpkin was a bitch

1220053 I just might. I just might...

1220320 Thank you kindly! I'm surprised this didn't get much attention.

Yes. Just. Fucking. Yes.

1239552 She's this woman.

If you don't mind, may I add something? *Clears throat*

"Chalk's face had passed into magenta. "Get out of my school."
Pound Cake opened the office window, and flew out, stopping by the second floor to pick up his stuff where he left it. A few moments later, he stuck his head back in Chalk's window, snorted a little bit and spat, hitting the unicorn in the eye."

But, that's just me.

1251658 That would be a good addition. Too bad no one actually viewed this story, I think this is my best work.

jUST SAYING. :fluttershbad:

1435603 I don't understand...

1436153 Pumpkin was a bitch.

1438313 Yeah, a little bit. Rounded out her character.

As I'm having writer's block right now, I found this story very moving. :twilightsmile:

1529861 Aw, thanks! I think this is the best story I've written to date...

1591486 That means a lot to me. This is the best story I feel have written so far.

Short and sweet, the way I like it. :twilightsmile: Very nice.

1658264 Thank you. I really love this story, you know.

I really loved this story. It was really good, powerful it was a great read!

Why this was never featured, I will never know.

It surely deserved it more than "Fluttershy and the Wild Stallion."

1669028 We've got a broken system. :moustache:



1669090 I swear, I will regret this. I sent him a message on it, but I can't say he will reply, and if he does, then I should probably assume the banhammered position, just in case

1669366 We will remember you for your scarifies

1669374 on another note,


at least, right now i don't

1219855 That's not really something to be grateful for.

Regidar this story is incredibly beautiful and sweet. Very touching and I love the characterization. Definitely one of your best.

1815743 I'm glad you think so. I think this is one of the best one's I've written.

1836001 Hm, I'll fix that.

Why does this have six dislikes??

This is very well written and deserves a spot in yonder feature box.
I feel like making a thing to complain at admins to try to get deserving stories into the box.

1837967 You could always suggest this to Wanderer D for reviews...

1874602 Alright, lemme fix that.



Those feels. They keep coming.

2366731 There are no breaks on the feel train.

Liked for the quotes. Wasn't the biggest fan of the story itself but that probably just means I'm jelly.

2805978 sweet lemme fix that

2806032 kkk
get on skype fggt

I fear the day I ever lose my spark of imagination. While not as vivid as Pounds, I find myself lost in my own thoughts, my own worlds that I create.

If growing up were to mean losing that, then I will die a child. And a happy one at that.

We don't lose our imagination because we get older. We get older because we lose our imagination. In heart, anyways.
-Reader Out-

4302069 "I'm going to be young forever!"

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