• Member Since 13th Dec, 2012
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I do stuff. What sort of stuff has yet to be determined.



Philadelphia, June 1979

Princess Celestia feels trapped underneath her own crown - her subjects see an immortal goddess, not a pony trapped in a gilded cage.

In a moment of boredom, she strikes out on her own in search of adventure - and New York pizza.

Come along with the pony Princess as she rides the rails of the Northeast Corridor - rolling ever closer to her final cheesy destination on board a Night Train to New York.

Warning - this work has been rated PG by the Literature Association of Equestria for the following:

  • Mild Profanity
  • Excessive Railway Knowledge

Featured December 16-20 2020!

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 165 )

The worst prison is the prison of one’s own making.

Fly free, Celestia. You have wings, you were meant to be in the air.


With Amtrak, the only sure things are that the train is late and that it isn’t on the track it’s supposed to be on. Throw in a war-surplus PA system, and that’s just a recipe for disaster.

Fun locomotive facts!

The GG1 was designed in part by Raymond Loewy (which is why it’s so sexy), had 12 385hp electric motors, and a top speed of at least 128mph (206kph). They had an oil-fired steam heater, a continuous 4,600 hp output, and were in revenue service from 1935 to 1983 . . . nearly a half century.


“You kicked a hole through sheet metal.”

“It was a sheet! Sheets are thin - hence the name! I couldn’t kick through slab metal, now could I?!”

Stamped Passport isn’t wrong.

Also, that poor cake. Don’t ponies know trains and cakes don’t mix?

Dan #6 · Dec 17th, 2020 · · 1 · Epilogue ·

New Yuck flatbread a pleb.
Patrician Princess requires proper deep dish.

If Dutch King Willem-Alexander can fly for KLM, there’s no reason a retired princess can’t drive trains.

Man I wish I wasn't on mobile, so I could get We're Not Gonna Take It cranking.

Note to self, come back and edit in song...

Edit: edited.

Tweet tweet tweet! Lock me up and throw away the key! Let Luna and Cadance have all the fun!

That did it. Celestia took a few measured steps into the suite, reached the far wall, turned around, and galloped for the bathroom. Two steps before the tub she took a giant leap - out the window and away from the hotel.

And then she was flying.

I’ve got to say, the S1L7ER METPOR -T is my favorite train. :rainbowlaugh:

“You really need to open with that next time.” He said to Tempered, who apparently wasn’t phased by the fact that she had traveled eighty seven miles in five seconds.

“It hadn’t been relevant.” She said, adjusting her helmet.

Honestly, Johnston should be happy that the ponies are smart enough to understand need-to-know and operational security.

Heck, they might even panic if they learn that Princess Celestia’s favorite student can turn ponies (and presumably people) into potted houseplants.

“That sounds like an excellent idea, Agent DeCiccio. I’m so glad you volunteered for that duty!”

“What?! Hell no! I already got the shit job already once-”

I have altered the deal. Pray I do not alter it further. :rainbowlaugh:

Celestia was certain that if she showed a photograph of this place to Round Wheel, her transport minister, he’d likely have a coronary on the spot. This was one of the most advanced pieces of railway infrastructure she’d ever seen, and if the GG1 was to be believed, it had once been even larger.

What’s really amazing about those huge interlocking plants was that all the switches were once controlled manually from the tower by some dude with a big lever . . .

I couldn’t find a pic of Penn Station’s tracks in its glory days, but here’s what Sunnyside Yard looked like back in the day:

“What in the steel-wheeled fuck just happened?”

Beside them, 4883 responded. “She left without giving me any pizza, that’s what happened.”

“Really? That’s your takeaway from this? That you didn’t get any pizza?”

“She gave you pizza.”

Someone has her priorities straight.

Charlie was gonna go home. Charlie was gonna pretend that he didn’t hear anything. Charlie was gonna let the day shift deal with this shit.

Charlie is a wise man.


Poor Tempered Steel. Turns out that the Princess isn’t in the habit of stealing trains, but she’s not above hitching a ride on a light engine move.

I like this fellow, he's chill.

Princess Celestia feels trapped underneath her own crown - her subjects see an immortal goddess, not a pony trapped in a gilded cage.

Why doesn't she just step down and put somebody else in charge? That's what she did in canon.

That did it. Celestia took a few measured steps into the suite, reached the far wall, turned around, and galloped for the bathroom. Two steps before the tub she took a giant leap - out the window and away from the hotel.

Her security detail is going to see this & assume she was abducted.
They will FREAK.
She should have left a note.


That hasn’t happened yet in canon


I got so excited when I found out that the 30th Street Station board did train names with individual flaps, instead of single cards with the train name on it - it made that whole scene possible.

Um that's how Friendship is Magic ended, it's twenty years later in the last episode, Twilight is sole ruler now, the royal sisters passed their power unto her.


It hasn't happened yet in the story. At this point Celestia is still in charge.

Hey, seems trains just like ponies.

June 1979. I was alive then.
Something I believe less than half the people that visit this site could say.

This is great, can we get some more of this "universe"? Perhaps like the events between the last chapter and the news article in the epilogue, and answers for questions like: "What happened to Charlie?", etc.

TThe Railway Ponies: Highball
Steel doesn’t worry about a colt’s well-being. Railroad cars don’t have much concern for the bodies of ponies. But, despite the dangers, I wanted to be a railway pony. I wanted to be like Highball.
The Descendant · 24k words  ·  332  2 · 3.8k views

According to Wikipedia, the median age in the USA is 37.9 years.
That means they were born in 1982 or later.

My father was born before there was science fiction
(Hugo Gernsbeck invented the term in the spring of 1926)

Best part is definitely Charlie talking to his engines like a pair of misbehaving schoolgirls. And Celestia got her pizza! Huzzah!

Train gossip. Just when I thought this couldn't get any better, you bring us train gossip.

And pizza.

I never want this to end.

Aw, over already? Charlie got a new job out of this, yeah?

Seriously though, this was a fantastic story, and my only complaint is that it wasn't longer.

Lovely story. Thanks for writing and sharing it with us!


Charlie is old and has a government pension - he isn't going back to work!

That being said, he does have a lot of pony -related stories to tell the grandkids.

Faved solely for the GG1 in the cover art. Now to read it!

Celestia has got a somebody-else's-problem field running something fierce here. Love it.

Over Johnson’s shoulder, the ponies watched as the massive rotating flap display clattered into life to reflect the change -

1:20| 31 | SEPTA LOCAL | from TRENTON to PHILADELPHIA | status: ON TIME | using stairway A

changed to:

14:79| P4Q | S1L7ER METPOR -T | from MONTREAL to CAPE COD | status: CONNECTION | using stairway 22

As if realizing its error, the board flipped through a variety of new and equally improbable trains and destinations before settling on:

1:23| 3X1/ | SEP4A L0CVL | from PHILADELPHIA to PHILADELPHIA | status: SPECIAL TRAIN | using stairway _

“You could be more on-brand for Amtrak“


It had been happening over the past few weeks. Engines up and down the corridor had started experiencing flashes of consciousness - of life . Flashes that had started getting longer and longer until one day they stopped being flashes and started being life. None of them knew how this was happening, or why, but it was happening, like it or not.

Reminds me of 17776.


Perhaps Juice will wake up even earlier in this universe, and have a discussion with 4883 about Lunchables.

Most locomotives will enter service on the Manehattan-Canterlot line upon completion of the electrification works in two years time. However, Her Royal Highness stated that one locomotive, AMTRAK #4902, had already been procured by the Royal Palace for testing purposes, and was transported to Equestria via the Fort Dix-Ponyville Portal last week.

And hopefully Charlie and his wife have a new "retirement" destination.

Warning - this work has been rated PG by the Literature Association of Equestria for the following:

  • Mild Profanity
  • Excessive Railway Knowledge

:rainbowlaugh: I haven't read the fic yet, and I'm already laughing. This is a great start!

GG1s found themselves making passive aggressive comments to each other about the state of their paintwork, and more than one locomotive had refused to move until they were run through the engine wash - much to the bafflement of mechanical services.

Wonder if there are any Tank Engines that go by Thomas puffing along across the pond...

They didn’t, by the way.

Sounds about right.

“Do- Do - Do they wax you with something different in Amboy? Are there fumes? Do you act like this on purpose, or does being in Middlesex County for extended periods of time do something to an engine?”


I just realized something I have needed all my life: adult-oriented Thomas the Tank Engine, or similar, stories. This was fucking amazing, and I need MOAR!

Just what I was thinking! But Chicago ain’t got GG1, and that wasn’t the focus, so I’ll let it slide for now.



Wonder if there are any Tank Engines that go by Thomas puffing along across the pond...

No, but that was a major inspiration.

I just realized something I have needed all my life: adult-oriented Thomas the Tank Engine, or similar, stories. This was fucking amazing, and I need MOAR!

So do I man, so do I.

11/10, fucking amazing, would very much re-read, want moar still. Somehow. I don’t even care what, though seeing some 611, 844, 3985, or 4014 would be wonderful.

Well, what’s stopping you? You nailed the these folks, what’s so hard about someone who spent their whole damn career in Utah and Wyoming?

Now I'm just imagining the Crazy 8s incident with a sapient train. Did the train just get board and leave?

No, la pinche princesa caballo nadamas entró aquí.

For anypony that doesn't speak Spanish, that roughly translates to "No, the f:yay:ing princess horse just came in here."

Now I have read the fic, and I loved it! Great job dude/dudette! :pinkiehappy:

Not surprised to see you commenting on this story. Got about halfway through it before I realized it wasn't you who wrote it lol. Nice writing so far jz1!

Equestrian magic leaking from the portal. And attempting to turn the Northeast Corridor into Sodor.

I love this XD

Good read.

Someone is always unhappy with how things go.

That's gotta hurt, visiting a foreign place and not once eating the food there

I think he's also found a breakpony.

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