• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
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An entity of what does the wordsgood with ponies. Buy me a coffee?

Comments ( 50 )

<3 SOTN. I'd like to see where this goes

Interesting, please continue.

FIRST and have watch the Netflix castlevania

Meanwhile, a mysterious pony with a broken seeks to destroy Nightmare Moon and redeem her own name, at any cost...

Uh... A broken what?

Horn! Christ, whoops! :twilightsheepish:

I think shining just dodged a bullet and got to live a little longer by his answer...

I got all excited when I recognised they were fighting Gaibon and Slogra. Then I remembered the title and realised such references should probably be expected.

Watch out for another iconic enemy in tomorrow's (really later today's it's 4am here lol) chapter

Lord this was a great story! Best Cast Too lol. Luna, Twilight, AND Tempest? INSTA-FAV.

Well, you wasted part of the description with something that literally absolutely nobody (least of all Hasbro or Konami) care about.

Seriously, that this site even exists should say how they would react. As in not care at all.

Ehhh I'd like to cover my ass in case Konami smells copyright

The only way they'd care is if you sold literally all of this, and the inspirations, as your own, and then try to make money off of it.

That this site even exists at all should say something about Hasbro's own reaction. Konami is another story, but I doubt they care either way.

Everyone on this site is literally a no one to them it seems.

Okay so i have only read part of chapter one at this point but i would like to guess at the major roles

Tempest Shadow = Trevor Belmont
Twilight Sparkle = Sypha
Luna = Alucard
Nightmare Moon = Dracula
Shining Armor = Grant ? (he was a main character in the game but got overlooked in the animated series)
Prince Blueblood = Some jerk that is going to be offed by chapter 2

By the way i will admit that i have not seen the animated series myself (plan to when i have the chance) but i do know how the first two seasons go.

Well after finishing the chapter i can say that i seem to of been pretty on the mark about Tempest Shadow, Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon's roles, (and probably Luna's). Though that said i can already see some differences mainly when comparing Nightmare Moon to Dracula, since NM comes off as a bit more pure evil and ax crazy that Dracula did despite the fact that her actions where the same as his, probably has to do with the differences in their backstory's and their different reason's for the attack.
One thing that really threw me for a loop was when Tempest got to Ponyville and we found that Twilight had already became friends with the Main Six, though i assume we will get a explanation for it in the next chapter when we meet Twilight. Either way i do have to agree with Tempest stopping the rest of the mane six from going into the woods with her since i honestly doubt any of them would be able to survive it in this state with all the demons and undead running around, its just not that genre of story any more that would of let untrained civilians become hero's.

Anyways good work so far, this is looking great and i might go as far to say this might end up being the best MLP X Crossover story i have read.

Real quick i noticed a typeo in the paragraph right after Twilight reads Celestia's letter

Twilight Sparkle's tongue felt dry and heavy, like she'd just eaten chalk. Her lip trembled as she read the letter again and again. She frantically scrambled forwards, grabbing any and every book on ancient history she could find. Soon, a stack of books lay next to her, some useful, some less than useful. Each a heavy, thick tome of chaoter upon chapter of ancient Equestrian knowledge.

Welp pretty early into the chapter and already Pinkie Pie has proven just why it was a good idea Tempest kept her and the others from coming.

Overall it was very nice to see Twilight's perspective on this, though as i read this i got the urge to slap celestia for seemingly not properly preparing her student for Nightmare Moon's return (especially her only sending Twilight warning the day before everything kicked off), Though at least she seemed to of taught Twilight some of the ancient writings. I can only hope that she taught Twilight some spells to fight and defend herself with, though seeing how Twilight dealt with the Timberwolves and Warg i really doubt it.

Anyways good chapter and i have to say that i really like that you replaced the Cyclops with a Gorgon,in all truth i think it fits in much better here.

Haha in the show I would slap Celestia too for dismissing Twilight's concerns, I kept the theme of uselessness here with her

Gots it! Thanks :twilightsmile:

Spot on besides Shining and BB, I don't want to give anything away but Shining I created as a mix of his own character and Hector/Isaac, and BB is more just to show how stuffy some nobles are and Tempest's general dislike of ponies

Oh the show is so good, I highly recommend it

I intended this to be read like it's a few episodes into season 1, they've already met, they've already done some stuff together and made friends, but NMM hasn't reappeared yet

Thanks man I had tons of fun writing this :)

Yep Nightmare Moon is showing to be a bigger monster then Dracula was in his own series, too bad Shining Armor's efforts to keep the people alive is showing to be in vain, the fight with the Gorgon was great, though i do wonder a bit why it choose to set up camp right where the tomb was. . . but then again you can ask the same think of the Cyclops in the original series, either way Twilight's safe and the tomb is open freeing princess Luna from her thousand year sleep so that combined with NM's deadline it looks like things will be ramping up soon. . . hope the civilians manage to get far enough away in time. . . and that Twilight has some magical attacks that can help.

Yeah i can see the theme of Celestia being useless was kept, i hope Twilight at least gains some attack magic latter, Celestia not teaching her any is less excusable here then it is in the main MLP series.

Your welcome

Well that is a surprise for Shining, but yeah i was just joking about Blue Blood (though he is the type that would of bowed to NM just to save his own skin), but good to know i was spot on about the other three, i will admit that i had already read the bar scene when i realized it

Yeah i have seen some clips of the first two seasons and it looks great, though i got to ask how was season 3? I haven't heard much of it is why i ask.

Ah okay then, i thought that might be the case.

Your very welcome, you are really talented at this.


I would chalk the cyclops down to there to 'keep an eye' on Alucard's tomb, perhaps the same for the gorgon? Make sure no unworthy ponies/people wake up the fabled hero by accident and to keep treasure hunters at bay maybe?


Season 3 imo dips a bit in quality but it's still really good. I hear a lot of differnet opinions on it, some hate it others like it, I think it's as good as the first 2 but with some minor gripes

Yeah i have heard theory's that the Cyclops was placed their to watch Alucard, though the Gorgon is a bit more harder to explain since it would of had to of been placed their by Celestia. . .

That sounds reasonable enough, i know their where already some people not happy with Issac's change in design from the game to the anime (in game he kind of looked like a cletic punk rocker) so i can take a guess at what some people where complaining about, so what are your minor gripe's? (if you can say so without major spoilers that is)

Something to think about lol

I'll keep as vague as possible. There are some characters who show up, do something not great, and are then entirely worthless and the writing of it comes off as completely out of left field and I was just like Heh? :ajbemused: I also finished it with more questions than I had answers for lol

But remembering it now, there are some really good bits in it and I do advise watching it. The animation, the music, the voice acting, it's all fantastic

Yeah it is. . . in truth i did have the idea that their is something going on with Celestia but for now it is mostly baseless speculation.

Hmmm. . . interesting, thanks for keeping it vague, i am going to guess that these characters that ended up being useless where known characters from the game series that weren't in the first two seasons, either way if the characters are still alive them maybe they can be more helpful in the next season. Okay i almost want to ask what happens that is so out of left field but i don't know if you can tell me with out spoiling anything, hmmm.

Good to know that the series quality doesn't dip when it comes to animation, music, or voice acting.

As far as I'm aware they were created for the show. And, again don't want to spoil anything, but they're most definitely not gonna be in season 4 lol

hmm wait i remember seeing a thumbnail for a review that had what looked like a lineup of female monsters (though this was a while ago so i might be mistaken), are they who your talking about? and it is a bit strange that they would make up some new characters/monsters since they have a few games to go by. . . then again the vampire council was a thing too.

I think their names are Sumi and Taka? I really don't know if they're in the games at all. They're related to the Japanese looking vampire lord who gets offed in season 2. The female monster lineup might have been to do with Isaac, he gets a very cool plotline, but again it just feels like a stepping stone for season 4 lol

Interesting, you know out of the unnamed council members i always thought the Japanese one seemed to be one of the more interesting ones, both in design and in how she seemed to be one of the smarter ones during the fight, heck the only other one i remember was that one with the turban and duel scimitars, So i am guessing that Sumi and Taka where suppose to be body guards or something right?

Hmmm interesting, i wonder what he is up to, i am one of the people that subscribe to the theory that Issac is going to become Death at some point, so him being set up for season 4 sounds good to me, though does that mean that Carmella was taken care of this season?

Y'alls should really just go watch it haha. I hadn't heard of that theory but that's damn interesting and I'd love to see it

As for those two they were in her court under her rule but didn't like it at all, they came looking for her in Wallachia intending to kill her, but shes obv already dead

and nooo Carmilla and Hector have their own stuff to deal with in her kingdom, where we meet her vampire sisters

"Perhaps," he pondered, "I can't believe I'm even thinking this, but perhaps she's not wholly as evil as she seems..."

Yeah tell that to all the ponies she has had massacred by demon's for almost no reason, including the group that where slain right in front of you about a chapter ago. But in all honesty i am going to chalk that last line up to stockholm syndrome.
By the way i started wondering this while reading the end of this chapter but what happened to Princess Cadance during all of this?

Anyways the fights this chapter where great, i am going to admit that i was worried for a bit that Twilight was going to be either kept out of combat or not very useful, but it is good to see that she is starting to fill her role as the groups Sypha, good thing too since it seems that the vampire council is coming in. Luna and Tempest have been fulfilling their roles in the team dynamic pretty well so i was just getting a little worried about Twi failing to catch up after her scare with the Timber Wolves and Warg a couple chapters ago.
Anyways like i said i really liked the fights this chapter especially the second one, and it was nice to see Twi spend some time with her friends before the big battle started.

Also after reading the last bit of this chapter and remembering the beginning of this story i can say only one thing Celestia got played hard.

Yeah i really need to get to watching it, it being a Netflix series is the main hurdle i have to overcome when it comes to getting to watching, and yeah the theory is a pretty interesting one and would help explain why the reaper is so loyal to Dracula in the main series.

Hmm interesting so i am going to go ahead and guess that the two get slain by the end of season 3, probably soon after finding that their old master was already gone

Wait, Carmilla has sister's? Hmm that might better explain the female monster line up i seen before, so just as a question but does one happen to be named Laura?

By the way i have been wanting to ask but is their any chance you might be interested in a fanfic challenge? I will warn you know that it is a bit dark and is a retelling of a old Japanese ghost story.

In all truth Nightmare Moon should of expected resistance from the ponies, i mean what ever she can offer them isn't going to replace what she took from them when she first arrived, and while in the end they might begged her forgiveness and swore loyalty to her, i just wonder just how many of her servant's would very willingly stab her in the back at first chance.
Oh and look one of the council members is Queen Chrysalis, who i have no doubt will be taking the role of Carmilla, though i am most surprised by Grogar being their seeing how old and powerful he is, though Sombra at least fits in well enough (though i looks like he is going to end up like a certain viking vampire), i have to say that with both Chrysalis and Grogar their i am surprised that you didn't have the third member be a werewolf just so you could make a lords of shadow's joke. (though Chrysalis and her race are closer to succubi and inccubi then vampires.)

Also nice job explaining on what happened to Princess Cadance, though it does make me question a joke from the first chapter now. Her plot is interesting and gives Shining a good reason to take out Sombra, though a part of me is wondering if he is being used, either way they both better hope that Cadance's mother isn't Radiant Hope (a comic only character).

You know seeing who is among the council i was surprised that Tirek wasn't their, i mean i get why no Discord (for a number of reasons really) but then again i am guessing that Tirek would be better off among the demon forces or even a devil while we both know that Discord would be a beast of chaos.

Ah Twilight and her love of books is always fun to see, i really hope that fortress isn't destroyed otherwise she is going to be heartbroken, the view into Tempest's past was interesting as well, it was a nice way to see how her horn broke and what had happened to her family, also nice job with adding a bit of harsher in hindsight to the part where they where all drinking and talking about their past lovers, though part of me doubts that Twilight would of had any experience in those matter's.
Anyways good job over all with this chapter as well.

You know i have to admit that i actually thought that the Cadance in this chapter was Chrysalis so the ending with it the Sombra we see secretly being her really took me by surprise, i also liked the descriptions of the Saytars in this chapter, as not only did it give use a reason to pity them but it also a good reason to revile them, which was pretty accrute to myth.
Oh and it looks like i was right about Chrysalis taking Carmilla's role

You know i am going to admit that when the cyclops came in i thought of that green ram boss from one of the Castlevania games (can't remember which) but yeah nice work with both Luna's fight with the Cyclops and Tempest's fight with the crow demon. I am surprised with how the plots among Nightmare Moon's council wrapped up, though it gives you the chance to get both Chrysalis and Cadaince (the new queen of vampires) getting out of doge, i am going to make a guess and say that Grogar is planning on vanishing soon too, its a pretty nice way to save them for latter if you want. If their wasn't only two chapters left i would say that Nightmare Moon is going to need a new council member to replace Chrysalis but i doubt she will have the time. Anyways good job you did a fantastic job with this chapter.

You could say Shining's grief is clouding his mind, and the stress of having to constantly be on alert to prevent his throat being torn out is getting to him.

What no mention of Gaibon and Slogra? Sir you wound me :rainbowlaugh:

Haha nah no, thanks for the offer but I'm terrible at keeping schedules, I just update my stories when I have written down my thoughts clearly and spend ages tweaking them. So thanks but I'm gonna pass on that challenge, but I am intrigued by the premise, I'm not familiar with Japanese ghost stories, besides ones like Spiral or Gyo (if they could be classed as ghost stories)

Aha aha Sombra is a certain Viking vampire, and Chrysalis is Carmilla yep :twilightsmile:. I would have absolutely loved to put a werewolf in but I couldn't figure out who to connect it to, maybe Stygian?. Grogar being an old power grabber whos past his prime and leeches onto somepony else stronger and eviler than him seemed to fit, and who's to say whether Shining is being manipulated or not? :pinkiecrazy:

I also planned for Tirek to 100% be the Satan of this world, he who gave NMM her powers 1000 years ago. Something to think about for a sequel lol.

this is why I changed the cyclops in Tomb to a gorgon. In mlp, Cyclopes are actually goat looking things according to the wiki and some comics, so if Grogar is like a demented ram who twists ponies into vile creations like satyrs, whos to say whether he wont create cyclopes also? Speaking of satyrs I thought about the beastmen and skaven from Warhammer when describing them, and how the lesser of each races are treated like slaves and trash

The crow demon was a lot of fun to write with, that thing gives me the creeps in the anime

I think on some level NMM knows her time is coming, and is fed up with the machinations of her council, who she trusted (foolishly) to assist her in running Equestria and snuffing out the light. Kinda like Darth Bane wiping out the sith order maybe

That might be it, though being cooped up with NMM for a long time might also have the effect.

Sorry i forgot to bring those two up, though i did notice that someone else already mentioned the duo before

Okay then though i will admit that this would of probably of been only a one-shot style story, though since you are intrigued i will say that it is "The Peony Lantern" which is said to be one of the big three ghost stories in japan, (though it originated in china), and it follows a recently widowed young man as he falls in love with a noble woman only to latter discover her dark secret. If you want to know the full tale i suggest looking here

Yeah i kind of got that vibe from Sombra and Chrysalis as Carmilla is pretty much perfect, Grogar being a pretty new addition was a bit surprising to me though, and hmmm i guess that Stygian would be the best choice we would have for werewolf, heck even in Castlevania their is very few named werewolves (in lords of shadow they had to change a heroic character to a villain just to have a werewolf leader.)

Yeah that makes sense to be fair i am pretty sure that was tirek's original role in the first MLP series anyway, though i am guessing that discord is chaos then (the thing at the center of castlevania).

Yeah to be fair the cyclops from the show was latter implied to of been connected to grogar too, though now that i think of it the gorgon was also probably his work. and yeah i really haven't gotten much into the warhammer series so the best i can compare them to are the satyrs from myth which tend to spend their free time partying, drinking, and chasing nymphs and woman around.

Yeah that was a really good fight scene, i am surprised they brought it in from the games since i don't remember it being a super noticeable boss like the slogra and gaibon are, though his female counterpart from lords of shadow (the crow witch) is a different story.

Yeah i am kind of getting that feeling too, it would explain why she let shining go with his new vampire lover (though i forgot to bring this up i am pretty sure she bit him while sombra was being executed), at this point the only one left is grogar and i have no doubt he will of already been making preparations to leave before the final battle. Was darth bane from the expanded universe? i don't remember hearing of him before.


That would be a twist wouldn't it? :trollestia: and yeah Bane is part of the eu, although he does have a cameo in the Clone Wars

Oh cool that does sound interesting, but I'm definitely not talented enough to adapt something like that, especially in a challenge lol

Good story. Perhaps you should try writing a sequel?

I have ideas written down but nothing concrete yet :twilightsmile:

Yeah it would, and at least to me it does seem possible she did, given his off hand mention of a dry and scratchy thought as they left. and yeah i don't think i have seen much of the expanded universe comics, but i did watch clone wars so i will have to go back and see what episode he was in.

Yeah it is pretty interesting, and okay then, i will just have to keep looking then (for finally bite the bullet and write it myself), by the way the video my last comment linked too, Yeah the channel its on has alot of other videos on Japan's legends, folklore, and a long series on history if any of that interests you.

I have to say that this kind of feels like two chapters in one, the first detailing Tempest's past and the second showing the trio begin their assault onto Nightmare Moon's stronghold.

Tempest's past was rather interesting to read about, though i have to say that the shadow's really felt alot more like Witcher's then Belmont's to me, not that their are too much difference in all truth, they are both groups that devote themselves to hunting monsters, its just the latter is a family line while the former is depicted more like the shadow's are here. Even Tempest's first hunt feels like something from out of the Witcher.
(including the town's folk wanting to start a fight for no reason)

As for the assault onto the castle, well i have to say that once it began i found the classic Castlevania tune playing in my head for most of Twilght and Tempest's fight with the guards, though i have to say that i was a bit disappointed that Grogar died so easily, but it does cause a old saying to come to mind:

If it was easy to kill the Necromancer. Then you didn't really kill the Necromancer.

I also like how you glossed over the fight with the Timber Warg and its pack since it was such a forgone conclusion on the trio winning.

The final battle with Nightmare Moon has ended and the princess of the night is whole once more and reunited with her sister, Twilight has returned to ponyville and back with her friends, and Fizzlepop Berrytwist Tempest Shadow is once again at her wondering and monster hunting way's and thus the story comes to a end, for now at least since you left a few loose ends to tie up in latter stories.

Though i will admit that i might of not been noticing any subtext between Tempest and Twilight during the story, at least not much of it, so i was a bit surprised near the end.

you did a very good job over all, i really found myself enjoying this story, this was a great and very fun read.

Thanks very much my dude/ette :rainbowkiss: I did have so much fun writing this and it was great discussing your theories about certain events/characters. I have an idea for a sequel and even a threequel, but they're well down the line yet.

As for the surprise at the end, I'm aware it may be a bit sudden, but i'm a sucker for a cute relationship and I like happy endings :raritywink:

Sorry for the very late reply

That's good to hear, i also enjoyed talking with you about the castlevania series and your story, and i wish you luck when you get to those sequel's, if you ever need ideas for monsters then i happen to have easy access to videos showing about every boss in the series, i watch a few youtubers that like to do no damage challenges on these games..

True, though to be fair i kind of felt their was a bit more flirting with Luna and Twilight, at least early on, who knows maybe the cuddling did more for Twi and Tempest then i thought.

More of a fan of Bloody Tears meself like :heart: still a banger tho

Really, Castlevania's songs are legendary.

“That ursa major gave as good as it got.”

That is an AMAZINGLY badass statement. She MAIMED an ursa major.

I would not call Dash or perhaps even Applejack "untrained"... depending on (re-)interpretation, they might not be trained enough, but one of Dash's training courses involves maneuvering between giant spikes (thorns) as fast as possible and then dodging ambush predators with jaws the size of a Pony. I'd say Fluttershy could get by on her Stare, but NMM's creatures (including any pre-existing fauna and flora she corrupts) might be resistant in this setting. Rarity canonically has martial arts training (but probably less skilled than Dash in this setting), and... if your comment about this being too dark of a setting has weight to it, I could definitely see Pinkie's toon physics not being much use... if she is or later becomes capable, she might end up relying more on acrobatics and the occasional gadget (such as the combat cross's grapnel applications). Of course, if the author wishes, Pinkie Pie could, for instance, just need some holy water to make water balloons to become a logical threat.

“Oh shoot, I’m almost late for sunrise.”

She still thinks there will be one even after the letter?

The Queen’s smile turned sinister. “Very well, Ponyville, I shall lift the storm I have sent towards you. I give you three days--seventy two hours from this second, to build a defence, for I am a fair and sporting Queen. Then I shall have my legions destroy your pathetic township, as I have destroyed Canterlot.”

Perhaps her friends will prove their worth in that defense.
Apple family (local or extended) singing to fiddle music: "Build this barricade, build this barricade, 1, 2, 3, 4."
About 74 hours from now we might hear something like "I stashed stakes all over Ponyville in case of stake emergencies!" As Pinkie reveals part of how she spent the prep-time.
Rainbow Dash staring fiercely at a swarm of incoming bats: "I'll clear the skies in ten seconds flat."
A pile of leaves reveals itself to be Rarity, and after she punches the heads off a few skeletons (leaving the icky zombies for other defenders) and strikes a pose: "I do believe ghillie suits are 'in' this season." <----- eh... maybe not the best fic for this line, but I like it enough I am leaving it here so I don't forget about it.
Perhaps a bit less shaky (although still unlikely) is Fluttershy holding up a pendant of the Hearth's-Warming Flaming Heart and Staring while shouting "Naughty vampires! In the name of Harmony, you go back to your coffins, lie down, think about what you have done, and don't come back until you are ready to apologize! And you better MEAN it too!"

The unicorn dove in between them and gave them a violent kick shut. Her hoof connected with the warg as it bore down on her. She cried out and slammed the door shut on it’s face and sat there panting.

This seems slightly self-contradictory to me. Perhaps consider something like "...and gave a violent kick blindly behind her to try to close them. Instead, her hoof connected with the warg as it bore down on her."? On another note, maybe something about displacing the sticks of one of the warg's cheek, which reassemble themselves before she even has turned around? It would further underline the mashup in that this is a timberwarg. Of course, long sentences can perhaps undercut a feeling of speed to the action? Even less sure about total word count having such an effect...

An ancient form of Equestrian scripture dotted the walls. She desperately wished she remembered at least some of what Celestia had taught her all those years ago. She could make out a word or two here and there, but nothing concrete. One repeating phrase seemed to stick out to hr as a sign she should follow it..

Consider "script" as "scripture" implies a text considered holy... perhaps even Christian specifically? (If you do change it, remember to do a search-replace in the whole text but checking each instance rather than just doing "replace all" or the equivalent.).

She took one last look at the two out in the street, side by side, back to back, surrounded as vicious monsters encircled them. Twilight swallowed and turned away, feeling guilt and dread set in as she tried to focus on her book.

Barricades were basically useless then??

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