• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 7,069 Views, 243 Comments

Son of a Dragon - The Bricklayer

Adopted by a dragon couple instead of by the Sparkle family, Spike's life was set to take a very different course indeed...

  • ...

20: Epilogue

“Spike, would you have imagined your life having turned out any other way?” Cadence asked one day over dinner, during another visit to the Crystal Empire. “Let’s, hypothetically, assume you weren’t picked up by Spyro and Cynder. Just hypothetically.”

“Hypothetically?” Spike remarked scratching his chin with a claw. “Hrm… hmm, tough question. Are we, hypothetically, going to assume my parents lived as well?”

“Possibly, in this hypothetical scenario, yes,” Cadence replied. “Let’s assume your blood parents lived here in what we’re positing.”

“Probably would have grown up fairly peaceful,” Spike said. “Might not have met Smolder, or maybe I might have, who knows?”

“Oh, that’s a horrible situation, you never meeting your wife!” Cadence shuddered. “Seriously, you two are so cute together. Eeeeeeee!

“...I’m going to pretend you didn’t just squeal like a little girl,” Spike deadpanned. “You’re a grown mare Cadence, can you at least pretend to act like it at times?”

“Oh, but that’s so boring!” Cadence moaned. “Besides, romance? Romance is my jam, brah.”

“Did you seriously just say ‘brah’?” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow before sighing. “...maybe I shouldn’t have let you hang around Smolder. You trying to be ‘hip’ is actually kinda scary to be honest.”

“He’s kinda right you know,” Shining said from nearby, not even looking up from his dinner and somewhat embarrassed by his wife’s behavior. “I… I just have this frightening mental image of you walking up into a high school dressed like a teenager, or well what you think a teenager dressed like and saying ‘hey kids!’.”

Spike shuddered. “...great, now I’ve got it too. Thanks for that.”

“Happy to oblige,” Shining smirked.

“You’re ganging up on me…” Cadence whined. “Look, all I’m trying to do here is try and be ‘hip’ for Flurry, she’s going to be a teenager soon isn’t she?”

“Yeah, but what’s hip for you is definitely not going to be hip for her,” Spike pointed out. “I’m not up to date on teenager lingo, I won’t pretend to be, it seems to change every odd year or so. Like… What the hell is ‘Snatched’ or ‘highkey’? And how can someone be ‘I’m dead’ if they’re still alive?”

Cadence was giggling to herself, before commenting: “I concede your point.”

Or at least that was what Spike hoped she was going to say. The reality, not so much. Instead, what she actually did was turn to a nearby servant and ask: “Hey Garnet, just asking. I was reading from a magazine earlier, about how to try to talk to teenagers. Something bothered me. It said at one point ‘spill the tea’ meant: “If you hear your teen asking a friend to “spill the tea,” it means that they want to hear the latest gossip or story. Your teen might say, “Spill the tea! I want to hear what happened after you left the party.” You’ve got a teenage daughter right? Is there any truth to that?”

Garnet just simply stared at Cadence like she was somewhat crazy and walked off. Cadence let out a whine and banged her head against the table.

“Let’s face it dear, the harsh reality is we are never going to be ‘cool’ to our daughter,” Shining said, patting her on the back in sympathy. “As much as we try, we’re just going to be ‘squares’.”

“...you were never cool,” Spike deadpanned at the Prince Consort. “As far as I can tell, you’re just a dork.”

Cadence burst out laughing at the blow. “Oooh, shots fired!”

“Yep, some shade has definitely been thrown,” Shining admitted. “Speaking of your kids, how are yours? They’re coming up on five aren’t they?”

Spike smiled to himself at the thought of his kids. Thorn, Torch, Smoke, Spines, and Barbara. They were the greatest gift he could have ever asked for. Yeah, they were a bit bratty and sometimes they destroyed a few things and gave him and his mate a headache but… but they were his kids. His kids.

Spyro, personally, had been over the moon to learn he was now a grandfather and doted on them every opportunity he could. Him and Uncle Hunter, although they sometimes flirted on the edge of being ‘that uncool relative’ who tried to be cool, but really wasn’t.

“Six, actually,” Spike corrected. “Just next month. Thorax is thinking of bringing his hive’s grubs over for a playdate. Said they needed to be with other kids their own age. Ones outside their own species. He doesn’t want them to grow up as xenophobic as some of his older hivemates are.”

“Breaking the cycle, aren’t we?” Cadence remarked. “Flurry’s going to be associating with changelings, changelings are going to be associating with dragonkind… Something tells me the mistakes of our generation will never be repeated, at least… not in our lifetimes.”

“I’ll make sure they won’t,” Spike said. “After all, I’ve got a long life ahead of me yet!”

Cadence smiled. “Yeah, that you do… I’m proud of you Spike, and I’m sure your parents, both sets of them are. You’ve really grown up.”

“Well, I do have you and my parents to thank,” Spike smiled. “If I hadn’t been raised right, I might have turned out to be a very different drake indeed.”

“Even if you were raised by ponies?” Cadence asked. “Because that’s another hypothetical scenario!”

“Oh, so someone like yourself,raising me?” Spike asked.

“I was thinking somepony more like my sister in law, but yeah, I might have raised you given the chance,” Cadence smiled before kissing him atop the forehead. “Take care Spike, okay?”

Spike smiled as he walked towards a portal, bound for home. “I will.”

And as he strode into his keep in the Spooky Swamps, he watched Torch run past him with Thorn in chase, laughing up a storm. Snuggling up to his wife, he wrapped his tail around hers and laughed to himself. “Yeah, I’ve got everything I ever need, and honestly? I wouldn’t ask to change a thing. Thank you for giving me this chance. My real life starts now...And something tells me everything is going to be just fine. ”

The End

Author's Note:

So, that's the end of this little tale. Honestly, I wanted to make this chapter longer, or go into depth more. But... my creative muscles have stopped flexing themselves, really. I didn't want to burn out halfway through writing this. So, I decided it best to end this as nicely as I could. Neat and tidy, maybe not with a little bow on top but as nicely as I could.

Thank you, thank you for joining me on this ride. Peace.

Comments ( 6 )

I say this was a better life for Spike then getting raised by Twilight. Sure he would have met Smolder but it looks like all they where was friends in that timeline. A nice way to end his story hopefully he enjoys every minute of it.

This was a sweet story. I especially loved the bonding between Spike and his adoptive parents. I was saddened that this Spike never crossed paths with Twilight (and there would be some kind of "I know you somehow" Moment), but you said you were exhausted and I know how that feels, so no hard feelings. Nice job!

A very sweet bookend ending for this tale, glad we got to hear about Spike/Smolder kids before this tale was over. It was a wild yet cool ride all the way! :moustache::heart:



Right, as it's easier to address all of your comments instead of in separate chains... or because I'm lazy, you take your pick.

BadNinja, you sure about that? What makes you so sure on that? Please explain.

Leon, well, I thought about it but I figured it would be a bit too meta y'know? Plus, I couldn't figure out how for it to make sense.

Now, SpikeSmolderFan, there was one scene I wanted to write, one final page that would close the book. Maybe I'll add it later. Namely, with Spike somehow meeting up with Ignitus aka the new Chronicler and talking... stuff, I forget what. As I said, maybe I'll write this someday.

going to be an arc 2 of this story?

So we have reached the end. Great job with this story. Best of luck with future ones.

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