• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.


This story is a sequel to All Of Me

Silverstream wants a baby. Gallus says he isn't ready. Can she change the mind of an incredibly stubborn griffon and show him that he is ready for fatherhood?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Congrats! You get a like.

And another like from me.

Nice story! Charming and sweet. Have a like!

She kissed him deeply, excited for the world they were going to make.

The Greatest showman Reference

This couple is surprisingly accurate with The Greatest Showman. I actually considered doing a Gallustream story with TGS, but eh..

So are they just sitting somewhere in a random spot in a forest close to nothing?:applejackunsure:
Out in the wilderness?:rainbowhuh:
I'm not sure if you've ever looked at the map of Equestria, but there's a LOT of dessert between Ponyville and Mount Aris!
Gallus may be self-dependant and brave, but I don't think he would be willing to set up his family's home, with Klugetown (AKA, the place where Capper tried selling the Mane 6 and Spike into slavery) as the nearest point of civilization.

(BTW, according to the map in the gameloft game, the bambooed area on the southern most point of the right continent, is the Kirin Grove)

Is this still being continued? (No pressure considering your, Ah, situation...)

I don't think so at this moment. I don't have plans to continue it further at this point in time. But I never say it's officially ended until I'm sure. So who knows? Maybe.

so glad I'm not the only one who caught that :raritystarry:

So it looks like after the wedding they find a home for them self but somewhere nearby Ponyville and gallus and silverstream are talking about having a family and gallus felt like he doesn't know if he's ready for a kid it can be very scary to take care of a kid but he knows that he is not alone that's silverstream will be there for him again sweet story I do want to see how the kid would look like right now but I guess that's another story keep up the good work anyway

So cute! "Because the love was bigger than the fear.” So deep, too!

Great ending to the series, woo!

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