• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.



This story is a sequel to Nightingale

Four years have gone by since Gallus and Silverstream began dating, and he thinks he's ready to pop the question.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Wow, these stories are coming out quick! I’ll be sure to read them all.

Man you sure are diligent 3 stories in 1 day? That's impressive. Thank you for your hard work I look forward for your new fics


Equestrian Defender
Status: Deceased
Date of Death: 3/28/2019
Cause: Heart Attack brought on by Feels Overdose

Seems like a very "tell" kind of fic. It's sort of like hearing somebody else describe the story rather than experiencing it with the characters. Not knocking the story, it's still cute and has an emotional core, just some advice on how to improve in the future.

That paragraph about where to put the ring has made me glad that in my headcanon, ponies use necklaces/amulets to propose marriage, because no fingers means no rings to put on the fingers.

Time was an incredibly fickle thing.

Daniel Bryan is an incredibly fickle thing.

Black suit jackets? Like these?

I wonder if Rarity made those too.

More like a Tuxedo type thing. But those are nice too.

Oh my goodness my heart man so it looks like gallus really fell in love with silverstream that he knows that he wants to be with her forever so he decided to proposed to her and he planned pretty well asking the relatives to come over his friends his old teachers and taking her to the places that they were on a date on and they first met and then once they got to the lake he finally popped the question and a very romantic way to ask her to marry him and of course she said yes and good timing with the Sonic Rainboom and everybody was there to congratulate them you did good gallus this was another Amazing Story keep up the good work

Awwwwww! So cute!

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