• Member Since 15th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Friday


"The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Comments ( 64 )

I mean, I'm at least glad you waited till October to post a Halloween story. Stupid Reeses commercial.

Have you done a single Luna story where she's not the unwilling victim?

By the way you got nipple showing, your cover will get pulled.

There... better? It's kinda difficult for me to see something there if it's all just one color.

Sure I have, take a look at my stories if you're interested.

So you removed ratings because people don’t shower you with constant praise and instead vote based on their opinion of your work? 10/10 mate


I still think the cover art breaks FIMFIC's rules. It's a tad overly-sexualized.

No you're not getting the bigger picture here, I disabled ratings for multiple reasons. One; Because all people ever do is dislike, which doesn't at all help to make someone else feel better in any capacity.
two: Because i'm not out to prove who's better, I do not want my words to be taken out of context.

Maybe so, but then again i've seen pictures like these a plenty, so punishing me would be a complete double standard for them and they know it.

And furthermore, I care not to being showered with praise, I just enjoy what I do, and if people like it, Sweet. I aim to please.

Well then, it's looks like there're people who're getting really pissed at me. Such a interesting development indeed, I think it's because they're angry that i've disabled ratings. I have my reason for doing what I do.

And if they cannot accept that, that's not my fault, nor it is my problem. No offense of course.

I mean you got bare ass in this one so good look getting that past. You should probably just crop up.

Heyo, it's me again. On my own experiences with FimFiction ~5 years almost now, I do recommend at least cropping the butt. I'm not trying to piss you off, more of a suggestion. Unless there's admin approval, I can imagine that playing with fate isn't fun. Besides, the 'submit for review' thing is run by bots after your first story. Be careful out there.



Mods must consider this pic borderline. Even though we know what it implies in nature, it still doesn't show anything explicit. Still, that's a pretty risky move comrade.

I wanted to capture the overall feeling of a clopfic/ fetish fic. Again, this shouldn't even be a problem. All Knighty has to do is put in cover warnings like what Derpibooru does and bam, crisis averted. Smiles all around, everyone's happy!

Also, I try not to be too frisky with my photo selection, enough to spell out that it's a clopfic and to give the reader the general idea of what they should expect WITHOUT revealing any lewd parts. And the Warnings placed are also there for a reason.

That was certainly an interesting story.
Will the good ending version be a separate fic, or a new chapter?

Disabled ratings? Wow.... that's the first time I've ever seen that in 7 years on this site.

This must be a super-special level of dreadful!

There needs to be an anti-Pulitzer Prize... kinda like the Razzies... for literary works of such epic disaster.

Clearly you haven't read my blogs, because then you'd find out why I disabled ratings.

Isn't that what people do on sites like these, reading?

9236321 Having read it... it IS a super-disaster!

Disabling ratings doesn't hide the raw facts, dude.

Those facts being that everyone's an asshole. Nobody likes to be honest, and I don't have any tolerance for them?

Damn, this story was hot. Pushin a lot of my buttons here. :rainbowwild:

Murrrr... Sexy Nightmare Moon! ^w^ Not much a fan of stench play, but Vore and a Sexy Anthro Nightmare is a BIG plus! =3

The way you wrote your comment seems more you dislike it because of the disabled ratings than for the story itself....
You could have just expressed your opinion without theatrical comments

I'm not a fan of most of the fetishes up there, but I read it anyway and I have to admit the fic it's very enjoyable in the overall.

Talking about the picture, I've seen way worse on this site, but pictures are still there.

And yes I approve you disabling the ratings, because the only thing people do when they dislike a story is generally to insult the writer, more than being constructive towards the story

This story gets a thumbs up from me,
What do you say everyone.
Motion to approve a sequel?

9247822 Ok, the story is bad and it should feel bad. That better?

Well did you spy the many warnings littering my story? I stamped them all over you know! I repeat; It's not my fault people are stubborn!

Correction: I'm a he, not an it as you so blindly put it! Do us all a huge favor and go bother someone else!

You'll have to make a request for me and i'll get to you when i'm able!

Sexy Nightmare. Please do a sequel where Nightmare possess Luna and transforms into Moon, grows to the size of a titan like in here, then rampages around in Canterlot and Equestria, idk but we want a sequel!!!

Ok for one thing he did warn you second you don’t have to be a dick.third if you didn’t like it give him some advice to make it better instead of saying it sucked.

There're far too many dicks here bro, get used to it! I did!

9335249 Where would I even begin? If this was a troll fic, it's not even 'so bad it's good'-level. There's nothing even absurdly charming about it in a grotesque way (the way "Return of the Living Dead" was).

Hey pal, there's no reason to be like that to my friends! Didn't I already tell you to bother someone else? You really don't take basic direction too well do you?

Also dude, it's a fetish fic, not a troll fic! I feel as if my brain cells are slowly committing suicide trying to reason with you!

Bad ending done, working on the good ending soon, then that'll be the last chapter of this story!

Cool, looking forward to it. I noticed some minor errors, most consistent being the lower case solitary and apostrophed i words, the i's in these cases need to be capitalized

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