• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 6,206 Views, 35 Comments

Graveyard Shift - LewdChapter

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Comments ( 33 )

Is it bad I enjoyed that more then I thought I would?

Probably. Who's to say for sure, really?

I don't know I was hoping maybe you would.

If you had questions of morality, you picked the wrong hombre to ask

Great story lewdchapter, it was very good top say the least. It was able to do its job and kept me reading without becoming bored. Loved it to bits and cannot wait to read more.

Or did I really ask the best person I could have?

WARNING: This story contains...
Okay, I'm out! :ajbemused:

Finally, a person with good judgement

This is strangely satisfying.

Eh. Considering the stuff I've been known to write, she got off easy with a botched suicide.

I'll be honest, I read this expecting her to "wake up" halfway through and him to run off into the moonrise with his new zombie girlfriend. Or maybe lich, since one of the steps towards becoming one is killing yourself.

That's pretty funny. If it were up to me, I probably would go with that.

Even funnier if she tried for lichdom to undo her horrendous luck and the botched suicide means she's stuck with her supernatural klutzyness forever.

M-my name is Josh...

Interesting. Fuck any good corpses lately?

Heh. Nice try, but I'm not going to post a confession of guilt on a public forum. :twilightsheepish:

Damn. Was worth a shot.

Damn, good work with this story, it's refreshing to have a story that isn't hyper gorey or over the top.

Don't give me too much credit for that. It was a commission, and, therefore, mostly out of my hands

Derpy corpse is best corpse. :derpyderp1:

Not sure about best, but she's at least in the top ten.

I like this, and my grandson too. He'll send Josh a corpse clone of Darpy in his bedroom, with a note about him.

Hmmm...i kinda liked this. Not strictly for the content, and Derpy being dead was traumatizing for me (BESTPONYWHY?!). But the premise is interesting. Makes you wonder...if there are some sicko morticians in real life.

Give it a 3.5/5 for good writing and intriguing premise. Content made me shudder and need a hot shower but that's to be expected with this kind of thing (i'm so bored with fics on this site these are all i have to read now)

Shouldn't this have the anthro tag?

Not a fan of anthro, but it was alright.

Oh fuck. How could I have missed that?

Thanks for mentioning it, I'll fix it right away

No problem. You're one of the few authors who hits most of my fetishes, so I'd probably have given it a go anyway.


I sense a lot of the song bullet being referenced here. Coincidence?

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