• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 4,834 Views, 18 Comments

Teatime with Chrysalis - KR Chrome

Shining Armor sits down and has tea with Chrysalis

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Awkward Tea Party

Well, this is a situation I never thought I’d ever be in,’ Shining Armor mused to himself as he sat at the table with his wife who was playing host to some guests.

It wasn’t the tea or the snacks that Shining had any problem with. He was also fine with Cadance playing host.

It was the guests that he just couldn’t deal with right now.

Seated with them were Queen Chrysalis, a strange fluffy pony known as Fluffle Puff, and Fluffle Puff’s ‘big sis’ Marksaline. They were an odd trio to say the least, and Shining Armor would much rather be elsewhere. Unfortunately, he couldn’t look like a coward even though he was sitting at a table with the mare who had brainwashed him in the past.

Fortunately, he wasn’t alone in his awkwardness. He had Twilight Sparkle, his dear LSBFF.

“So, remind me again how we got here?” Shining Armor asked his little sister.

“Cadance was curious about Chrysalis’ new love life,” Twilight answered.

“OK, I hear it, but it still doesn’t make sense.”

Meanwhile, Flurry Heart was rolling around in Fluffle Puff’s fur. The fluffy pony was just so soft that the curious baby alicorn couldn’t help but want a closer look. Shortly after landing in Fluffle Puff’s fluff, Flurry Heart decided to take a nap.

Fluffle Puff had no problem with that.

Shining Armor was still worried that this was some kind of trick, but Chrysalis was not in disguise. He was also concerned with Marskaline who would not stop grinning at him.

Just what was she anyway? She couldn’t be an alicorn too, could she? She looked like some kind of monster trying to mimic the form of an alicorn. Actually, she was more like a demon in alicorn form.

Totally freaky.

Meanwhile, Cadance was just so interested to know about Chrysalis and Fluffle Puff’s love life. It was as if she had forgotten about how the changeling queen had kidnapped her, put her underground, and took her place. It was like the invasion never happened.

“So, it was love at first sight?” Cadance asked, gushing.

“I would not call it that. She nursed me back to health and I was going to leave as soon as I got my strength back. But she just would not leave me alone. I had no choice but to bring her back to the hive,” Chrysalis huffed.

“And yet she loves you.”

“Yes, which is something I still find curious, but I’m not complaining.”

Cadance looked at Fluffle Puff and smiled.

“Maybe it’s just because she loves the real you. You don’t have to pretend to be anypony else.”

“It’s what she tells me and shows me.”

Fluffle Puff smiled and grabbed a cookie before eating it in one bite.

Shining Armor slammed his hooves on the table.

“OK, I can’t take this anymore!”

“Shining!” Cadance gasped.

Shining Armor pointed his hoof at Chrysalis.

“What is your plan, Chrysalis!? I know you are up to something!”

He was powering up his horn for an offensive spell.

Marksaline hissed at the threatening gesture but Chrysalis casually sipped her tea.

“Shining Armor, if I were up to something, I would not be out in the open like this. I would be in disguise,” Chrysalis said simply.

“So why are you here? Are you trying to uncover our weaknesses? Are you here for the Crystal Heart?”

Fluffle Puff blew a raspberry.

“Fluffy just wanted to come for a visit,” Chrysalis answered.

Shining Armor looked skeptically at the fluffy pony.

“Is she a changeling in disguise?” Shining Armor demanded.

“Shining Armor! Stop it! You’re being rude!” scolded Cadance.

“Cadance, she tried to destroy us! How can you just let her have tea with us?” Shining Armor demanded.

“Because I believe she’s changed,” Cadance answered. “You may not see it but I can sense that she does care for Fluffle Puff. Just look.”

Shining Armor looked and saw Chrysalis feeding a cupcake to Fluffle Puff. He was a bit wary since Flurry Heart was still napping in Fluffle Puff’s fluff. She was just too close to the changeling queen for his comfort.

May I interject?” Marksaline asked, speaking for the first time since they sat down for tea. Shining Armor resisted the urge to shiver when he heard her voice. It was just so eerie and chilling. “Whether you believe it or not, the feelings shared by Chryssy and the little one are genuine. There is no deception here.”

Shining Armor doubted Marskaline’s words. After all, she was just some kind of thing that looked like an alicorn. But the look in her eyes dared him to argue and make a move.

She would make him regret it if he ever fired his horn.

Shining Armor let the glow around his horn fade.

Fluffle Puff went over to Shining Armor then touched his nose with her hoof. Shining Armor cocked an eyebrow.

“That means she likes you,” Chrysalis explained. “She does it too me a lot.”

Shining Armor looked into Fluffle Puff’s innocent eyes then at Chrysalis who smiled warmly at the fluffy pony. It wasn’t a condescending smirk or an evil grin. It was a genuine warm smile.

But he had trouble associating true love with the changeling queen.

He still did not trust her.

Shining Armor picked up Flurry Heart with his magic.

“Look, Chrysalis. I don’t think I can ever forgive or forget what you did to me,” Shining Armor said.

“I see,” Chrysalis understood. “Then allow me to apologize for what I did to you. Back then, I was a different changeling.”

“You were disguised as my wife,” Shining Armor reminded.

“Well, yes. But now I mean I’ve changed. You may not believe me, but I promise that I will not attack you ponies for love. Besides, Fluffy provides me all the love I want.”

Shining Armor looked at the innocent fluffy pony who was now at Chrysalis’ side.

“How about a truce then?” Shining Armor offered.

“A truce then,” Chrysalis accepted.

Fluffle Puff released a gasp of happiness and smiled at Chrysalis. The changeling queen rolled her eyes but booped Fluffle Puff on the nose anyway.

Cadance put Flurry Heart in her crib. Chrysalis, Fluffle Puff and Marksaline had gone to explore the Crystal Empire.

Cadance went to see Shining who looked worried.

“Still worried?” Cadance asked.

“Why should I be worried? It’s not like I have the Queen of the Changelings walking around free,” Shining Armor responded sarcastically.

“Shining, just let it go. Everything is OK now.”

“I just can’t help but feel this is some kind of trap.”

“It isn’t. I can tell. And even if Chrysalis tries something, I have a feeling Fluffle Puff won’t let her take things too far.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Trust me. Love is a very powerful emotion, and the bond they share is pure. It may not seem so obvious, but Chrysalis truly loves Fluffle Puff.”

“I can’t say I trust her, but I’ll trust you, Cadance.”

Meanwhile, Fluffle Puff, Chrysalis and Marksaline were having dinner at a restaurant. All but one waiter was terrified to serve them. Actually, it was more Marksaline doing. She used some mind control magic to compel the server pony to take their order.

The restaurant was empty, save for them. The patrons had all fled in terror at the sight of them. Actually, it was more Chrysalis and Marsaline's appearance that frightened them.

Oh, well. At least this allowed them to eat in peace and quiet. Fluffle Puff was enjoying her ham as Chrysalis and Marsaline enjoyed their own meals. Marksaline was eating a slab of raw meat while Chrysalis fed off the love coming from Fluffle Puff.

It was a lovely night.

Comments ( 18 )

Yay :yay: , another Fluffle Puff chapter.

I would have find it more funny if during Shining's outburst, Marksaline would gradually turn in her monstrous for like in the last Fluffle Puff video.

Find a couple mistake.

“Fluffy just wanted to some for a visit,” Chrysalis answered.

Fluffle Puff released a gasp of happiness and smiled as at Chrysalis.

Cute! I love these little Fluffle Puff/Chrysalis side stories.


'Marsaline' - Marksaline

Pure briliant fun :3

PS: We need a Fluffle Puff smile

We go from Anon a Miss back to Fluffle Puff. What a great return

:pinkiehappy: <It's true love!)
:rainbowhuh: <But it's kind of cheesy.)
:twilightsheepish: <Still, as long as Chrysalis has Fluffle Puff, she won't need to eat our love.)
Queen Chrysalis announces, "Cheesy Fluffle Puffs! It's the snack that smiles back!"

:trollestia: <Some people from Pepperidge Farm are here to see you.)

I swear..

.. My heart is dawwwwing non stop....

*looks at the wall and saw fluffle puff*


Anyone else struck by the idea of Sunset Shimmer meeting the trio and Marksaline turns out to be her mother? Just me?

Awesome. Took a year but at least someone agreed.

Didn’t know this story existed until yesterday and just barely started watching and learning about Fluffle Puff :twilightsheepish:

Fluffle Puff is something I am surprised doesn’t show up in more stories.

Yeah she’s so adorable and hilarious. There definitely needs to be more Fluffle Puff x Chrysalis ships. Or maybe fics where we retelling of certain episodes but with Fluffle involved somehow? That would definitely be interesting like if Fluffle Puff was involved in the events of Twilight’s Kingdom or what if Fluffle was to face off against the Pony of Shadows, or if she was apart of the Main 7 in EG


I am glad you're enjoying my Fluffle Puff fics. When I first saw her tumblr blog and youtube videos, I just decided it would be cute to do some fics.

This is wonderful, I would love to see more. I hope you continue this lovely saga. :pinkiehappy::heart:

More Fluffle Puff, please? :fluttershysad:

I need MORE :flutterrage:

“Because I believe she’s changed,” Cadance answered. “You may not see it but I can sense that she does care for Fluffle Puff. Just look.”

"Oh no I haven't changed. It's just you no longer concern us."

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