• Published 14th Dec 2017
  • 10,381 Views, 126 Comments

Dazzling Sunset: Past Scars - Snowflake Dissonance

With their newfound second chance, the Sirens keep tabs on their savior. What they find out, shocks the entire school.

  • ...


The soft sound of Sonata’s voice filled the air around them. The Elements of Harmony stared at her in barely concealed fear during the first few seconds of the note. However, as the music continued, they felt an odd warmth spread through them and drew closer together, Pinkie bringing Fluttershy and Applejack into a hug. Purple mist flowed from them and into all three Sirens’ pendants. Adagio and Aria watched it curiously and gasped when it made contact with their gems.

Sunset Shimmer watched in utter puzzlement as the two of them breathed a deep sigh of bliss. Without warning, Adagio scooted closer to the redhead, snaking an arm around her back and pulling her closer. Aria flapped over, snuggling beside Sunset's other side, leaning her head on the amber-skinned teen's shoulder. Once she allowed the note to taper off, Sonata swayed over to Sunset and settled on her lap, nuzzling her head into the taller woman’s chest. Sunset stared at the Sirens in confusion, keeping perfectly still as her eyes flicked between each one nervously.

The group still near the door blinked to clear their minds before turning to the quartet on the bed. “What the heck was that?” Rainbow Dash demanded, rubbing her eyes. “And what are you doing?”

“That was certainly… new,” Adagio purred, burying her face in Sunset’s neck. “The mist has never been purple before. And it certainly never felt like that.”

“It feels like I could bench twenty of Bulk Biceps,” Aria whispered in a husky tone. She gave a slight shudder. “With one hand.”

Sonata remained where she was, head just below Sunset’s chin. “It made me feel so warm,” she mumbled cutely, eyes half closed. “And really safe. What did I even do?”

“That is what we would like to know as well,” Rarity spoke up. “It felt to me like our bond as friends strengthened considerably when Sonata was singing and then went back to normal once her note finished.”

“Maybe they can sing for friendship now?” Applejack suggested.

Adagio tapped her cheek thoughtfully and nodded slowly. “That would make sense. Our song range has probably widened to encompass the new emotions we can now ingest.”

“But now it can affect us,” Fluttershy piped up timidly. “So, if they want us to fight…” The group turned to the three Sirens apprehensively.

“I doubt it works that way,” Aria muttered, lifting her head from Sunset's shoulder self-consciously. “The magic came from an element of harmony.”

Adagio nodded and added, “More likely, it only affects you positively, as a sense of bond strengthening so that your power increases. Fortunately for you, we have no intention of returning to our former source of nourishment to test that theory.”

“Really?” Pinkie Pie gasped excitedly.

“Sunset wouldn’t approve of it,” Sonata yawned. She burrowed further against Sunset and the girls at the door cleared their throats awkwardly.

Rarity took a calming breath and queried, “We know what happened to us, but if you will excuse my frankness, what on earth are you three doing?”

“When Sonata sang, you five released a strange purple mist,” Adagio explained. “Our pendants absorbed it and… the feelings it evoked within us were… sublime.”

“It’s kinda like Sunset was calling us to her.” Aria gave a gravelly purr as her hand slid along a bandaged arm. “There was a force practically pulling us in her direction, similar to how our thralls used to respond to us.”

“That probably has to do with your magic now being connected to her,” Pinkie pointed out. “Whenever you absorb energy you directly cause, it provides a direct link or want to be with Sunset!”

Adagio blinked at her. “You’re not an idiot,” she murmured in mild surprise.

“I get that sometimes,” Pinkie grinned.

“But what does this mean?” Rarity did not like not knowing about this situation, especially since the Sirens weren’t on the same path of redemption that Sunset Shimmer had put down for herself. “Are they sub-elements or something now?”

“Is that even a thing?” Rainbow Dash muttered, scratching her head in befuddlement.

The Sirens looked to one another for a moment and Adagio leaned up, though she kept one arm around Sunset’s shoulder. “I think it may be a possibility,” the lead siren mused. “The Elements of Harmony are the main elements that comprise the bond. Within those, there would be subcategories grouped together. If our magic is linked to Sunset Shimmer, then it is because she displayed a form of her own element in saving us.”

Rainbow Dash held a hand to her head in pain as she grit out, “If her element is forgiveness like you said it was, then how could she have shown it to you just by giving you a pendant?”

“Probably by some of the things grouped under forgiveness, moron,” Aria grunted, glaring over at the rainbow athlete.

Before another argument could break out between the two, Adagio broke in. “Sonata is clearly compassion, similar to your friend’s ‘kindness’,” she explained, fighting to keep her voice level. “While I must be comfort or something similar.”

“What about your sister over there?” Applejack asked as she pointed to Aria.

“The closest I can come up with is… compurgation,” Adagio shrugged. The group frowned at her and the fiery-haired siren rephrased it. “Defense on behalf of another, similar to Rainbow Dash’s ‘loyalty’.” They all nodded in understanding.

Rarity stepped up beside Applejack and inquired, “So, all of you are subsets of Sunset Shimmer’s element because she gave you those neckpieces?”

“Sounds about right!” Sonata affirmed.

The room remained silent for a few moments before Rarity breathed a soft sigh. “Well, if that doesn’t prove that the three of you are on some path of reformation, I don’t know what would. Thank you for taking care of Sunset for us. I suppose we were so caught up in our bond with the five of us that we didn’t take her pain into account at all.”

“Yeah, Sunset, sorry about that,” Applejack agreed. “We’ll be better about payin’ attention from now on. And please don’t be afraid to speak up from now on. You’re our friend, so we don’t wantcha hurtin’.”

Fluttershy turned her gaze to the window. “We’ve been here long enough that school will be over by the time we return. We should probably get going if we want to get back in time to head home.”

“I should be getting home, too,” Sunset murmured, standing and scratching behind her head. “It’s a long hike…”

“Where do you stay?” Sonata asked in puzzlement. At the question, it occurred to Sunset’s friends that they had no idea where Sunset lived. Surely she couldn’t be somewhere conspicuous because her counterpart was still in this world, but it had to be close by, right? Turning to the orange woman, everyone waited for the answer.

Sunset took in the looks from her friends and chuckled nervously. “Ah, I live in an abandoned cottage in the forest just outside of town. There’s a lake nearby for me to bathe in and I know how to make a fire for cooking food, so…”

Both groups stared at her in abject shock. “You camp in the woods?” Aria exclaimed incredulously.

“No wonder you’ve got such nice legs,” Sonata murmured, making Sunset blush. “You’ve gotta hike a long way to get to school every day.”

“Not anymore,” Adagio stated, standing and brushing imaginary dust from her jumper. “You’re staying with us from now on.”

Now, the band turned to the Sirens in confusion. “What?” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“Well, she certainly can’t continue living in an abandoned building outside of town,” the yellow siren sniffed and flipped a hair from her face. “That won’t do at all. We’ve enough spare rooms in the manor for her to choose one of ours.”

“You really don’t have to do that-,” Sunset mumbled lowly, but was cut off by Aria.

“Isn’t that what ‘good’ people do?” the purple siren sister queried with a raised eyebrow. “We’re supposed to offer help to those who need it. Besides, it’ll be better driving than running all the way to school from the woods. If you wanna run every morning, just join me on my workout.”

This made Rainbow Dash perk up. “You work out?” Aria rolled her eyes and didn’t even deem to answer the question with more than a jerky nod.

Sunset made to rub her arm before remembering the bandages. “Well, if you’re sure…”

“Oh, Sunset,” Adagio teased, placing a hand under Sunset’s chin and gazing at her with a decidedly seductive smile. “We insist.

A blush colored Sunset’s cheeks and she nodded dumbly. Rarity and Applejack shared knowing looks at the orange-skinned woman’s reluctance to argue, but said nothing. Rainbow Dash and Aria simply glared at one another while Pinkie Pie tried one of Sonata’s smoothies. Fluttershy watched the others around her with a small smile, happy they were all getting along, relatively.

“Welp,” Applejack called, grabbing Rainbow Dash. “Guess we better be headin’ out. See ya tomorrow, Sunset! If ya need help moving any of your possessions from that cottage, just lemme know.”

“I demand a rematch!” Rainbow Dash shouted to Aria. “We will arm wrestle tomorrow at three!”

“Count on it, Rainbow Head,” the purple siren smirked, waving sarcastically. “Not that you’ll win, either way.” Rainbow Dash growled back as she disappeared.

Rarity looked to the Sirens and turned to Adagio. "I suppose I must apologize for not giving you a proper chance until now," she said calmly. "Given how you have looked out for the well-being of a dear friend, I will do my best to support the three of you going forward." Her eyes narrowed just slightly. "So long as Sunset does not come into harm?

Adagio smirked at her. "Of course, we'll do our best to take care of Sunset."

Rarity smiled and nodded. "Then I look forward to seeing you all at school tomorrow. And please don't be shy. I would love to have someone new to design a wardrobe for. I'm certain we can come to an agreement."

The siren leader merely waved as the fashionista dragged Pinkie Pie away from accepting another smoothie. Fluttershy thanked Sonata for the smoothie and promised to stay in touch. Once the door finally closed, the three Sirens converged back in Adagio’s room. Aria shut the door as Sonata leaned against the dresser and Adagio moved closer to Sunset Shimmer.

“Now then, Shimmer,” Adagio purred, her hand on Sunset’s cheek. “About asking you out…”

Author's Note:

Alright! I actually went through and rewrote this a little before posting it because it just didn't flow correctly when I read over it. Hopefully, that problem has been fixed a little.

Hope you enjoyed it and I'll try to get the next one ready as soon as I can!

Comments ( 59 )

how are they gonna handle the whole Anon-a miss thing or your going to 'fuck that' cause its been overdone? cause

Excellent chapter.

Awesome Story! :raritystarry:

And some amazing ideas on how the whole 'magic-in-the-human-world'- thing could work. It's the magic of friendship, so I get that their magic would have some influence on each other. I really like the idea of sub-elements, especially since they seem to be connected to more than one, um base-element? Like compassion is connected to forgiveness and kindness. Makes me wonder if there could be potentially more sub-elements.

Anyway, amazing read and I can't wait to see more of it!

I thought compurgation was a legal oath of some sorts. Either way I like the direction you have taken this.

You're absolutely right. I loved how you explained that, thank you

Holy balls, I think you're right... whoops...
I think there could be more sub-elements, definitely. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm working on the next installment, so hopefully it'll be up for consumption soon!
*deep breath*
Fuck. That. I just need to stay away from Anon-a-Miss for a while. It's not even touching this. Nope.

It's no problem! I had to think about it myself, to be honest. AJ is usually associated with strength, so I can totally understand the confusion. XD I'm really glad you enjoyed the story!

I do love it, a lot my friend

.....I'm interested.

Update soon please


This was great cant wait for more!

Working on getting a new laptop. Mine, uh... exploded... :twilightblush: Then I can type up the next story in the series.:twilightsmile:

Sounds like my first laptop.

It was on my bed when it happened. It caught fire while I was doing some assignments. I have to get a new one now. Next installment has to do with dating, and I don't want to screw that up by typing on a mobile keyboard.

Ah mine just fried the drives and quit working after day 1.

Wish mine had done that. I have everything backed up, but I hate mobile keyboards...

It wasn't backed up.

*cringe* Ooh... oh, I am sorry... That must've sucked.

Meh I only had it for a day.

8712989 *chuckles* While that does suck about the laptop, I just find it amusing how nonchalant you are about it.

I got a better one in exchange.

Ok, this story is really cute and it's really good! I hope you get a chance to update soon!

also, I like how you gave her the element of forgiveness and the sirens the right sub-catigories.

Very interesting story. I particularily love the Sirens' roles and actions here. Can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy: :yay:

Very fun story and I'm interested in more!

I'm working on the next part now, actually! It should be done by the time my new charger comes in.

Thanks! I wanted to try something different with their amulets. I'm glad you enjoy it. (love the profile pic, by the way)

More coming as soon as my new charger arrives. Should only be a week!

Comment posted by Graglithan The Greater deleted Mar 14th, 2018


Second, if Sunset asked them not to say anything, why so it now?

I agree with point one, but I've also seen it happen. I told myself I'd never let it happen to any of my friends again.
As for point two, people know now. No point in keeping quiet if they already know.

You know someone who is actually named 'Captain Planet'?

Comment posted by Snowflake Dissonance deleted Mar 14th, 2018

No. Don't know anyone named Captain Planet (would be kinda killer if I did though). I thought you were referring to the fact Pinkie and Flutts kept quiet instead of dragging Sunset to a therapist.

Personally, I’ve always been partial to Sunset’s element being empathy over forgiveness. Forgiveness implies that there must first be some wrong-doing of some sort before it may be applied to a situation, whereas empathy fulfills all of the same functions as Forgiveness without the need of someone being at fault in any given situation. Empathy also works as a better element of friendship and serves as a much story-device, allowing for more flexibility of function.

Any news?

Pc still broke or something?


I’m still waiting for this too.

Is this one dead?

What happened to the previous pic?

Nvm I thought this had art before.

Yeah, they're not having any of that.
As is often the case, the school didn't know. :trixieshiftleft: Perhaps they would have went about it differently if they did, perhaps not.
That is a good point that I don't have a response to. :twilightblush: Though AJ has a tendency to be busy, so maybe that's why.
Thank you for the lovely comments!

Ps please make the "Strength" from "Adagio's aversion" a part of the sequel.

Strength? If you're talking about Sunset and the Sirens being stronger than average humans, I tend to add that to all of my fics. I'll probably mention it in Aria's chapter of Compatibility. If you're talking about Adagio's... affliction, I don't think that'll be included.

No I meant the strength and weight thing and thx

this was kinda exposition heavy wiht little plot but still good

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