• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 2,825 Views, 11 Comments

Into the Sunset - Rose Quill

Sunset and Twilight take a short ride to take in a beautiful sight.

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Into the Sunset

I cranked the ratchet a few more times, the last one being a tough task. A quick check with a torque wrench verified that it was within specs, and I wiped down the motor housing with a rag to clean to excess grease and oil from it. I’d give it a bit better treatment when I started to restore the housing, body, and frame. I straddled the seat, stomped down on the kick starter and grinned madly as the engine rumbled to life. I gave it a few seconds to idle, a quick rev, then shut it down.

I went inside and hopped in the shower. Twilight was helping Cadence with her fitting over at Rarity’s, so I had time. I pulled out some clothes and set them to the side, and looked over at the box that had been sitting on the side table for almost two weeks now, almost as soon as I started rebuilding the engine.

Opening it, I saw a pair of helmets inside, both with polarized visors and our cutie marks on them. I smiled and started to get dressed as I heard the car pull up in the driveway. I was toweling my hair as dry as I could when she walked in.

“Well,” she said as she slid up for a kiss. “Since you’re not still elbows deep in the crank pan and covered in grease, I assume you’re finished?”

“Yep!” I said, throwing the towel into the hamper. “And you’re just in time, Twilight.”


I pulled her helmet out and lofted it to her.

“Saddle up, Twi,” I said. “Time to give her a shake down, and I have the perfect place to head out to.”

I eased into the turn, feeling Twilight almost fight the lean before leaning herself. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me, but not in fear. Her excitement reverberated through our bond.

“WHOO-HOO!” she hooted.

I grinned and began to downshift, rolling up to stoplight. I glanced around to make sure of my directions and then rolled straight through, cruising by slowly as we passed along a neighborhood street. My destination began to hove in sight; the town Observatory.

Twilight saw it too, and I felt her straighten up and my mind’s eye painted the excited smile in my vision.

This is so AWESOME! she thought. It’s almost like flying.

I know! I thought back. I banked into another turn and started up the hill the Observatory sat on. It was late and there wasn’t a lot of traffic, which was good. I was looking forward to a little privacy.

Next to the lot was a rather large oak tree and we went and sat under it, snuggled up and watching the sun slowly sink into the horizon.

“That was fun,” Twilight said, shifting and tucking in a little tighter to me. “Though I almost wish the Observatory wasn’t down for repairs to the telescope mount.”

“Rather stare at stars than a sunset with your fiancé?” I asked.

“I did say almost,” she retorted. “This is really precious.”

I nodded, rubbing her shoulder. “I know I haven’t been really available this week, but I really wanted to do this.”

“Any reason why?” she asked.

I rubbed my side where the slowly fading scar from Acerak’s talons sat. “After everything we’ve been through, I felt like building something, creating something instead of tearing it down or burning it out.” I sighed. “I felt that maybe, just maybe, this could be something to start that change.”

She reached out and tilted my face to look at her. “I understand that,” she said. “I’ve been talking with Princess Luna and she’s helped me come to grips with most of what happened, but it’s still there, in the back of my mind.” She squeezed her eyes shut, a tear slipping free. “Knowing has helped, but it’s still a slow process.”

I leaned forward and rested my forehead against hers. “We’re both a little damaged, right now, Twi,” I said. “But at least we can hold each other up while we heal.”

I felt her nod, and we sat there for a while, the sun slowly sinking and turning into glorious shades of red and gold. “This is somewhat symbolic, you know,” she said.

“How so?”

“Well, in most senses, we’re closing the door on high school,” she said. “We’re about to start a new day just like the planet is. Also,” I felt some merriment in the bond. “You can’t have Twilight without a Sunset.”

I gave her a squeeze as the joke registered.

“You're right about that, Twilight,” I said as the sun slipped fully out of sight and stars leaped to the sky. I stood and helped her up.

The ride home was slower, the headlamp not quite bright as some of the more modern LED bulb sets. I had a kit on its way, but I had figured that we had enough light, and the rest of the lights were in perfect working order.

As we walked in, the book we shared with Princess Twilight was glowing slowly, indicating a waiting message. I went over and flipped it open as Twilight put our helmets on the counter.

Dear Sunset and Sunshine,

Upon the question that you asked about, I have compiled a few possible variations on techniques used here in Equestria and what I understand of your world. I have them jotted down and will be most happy to go over them with you on your next visit.

Now, note that I have absolutely NO idea about the other effects that an embryo consisting of Equestrian and Human DNA might have, but as near as I can hypothesize, Sunset’s DNA is sufficiently close enough to human that no serious complications should arise.

By the way, Pinkie is already plotting your pre-pre-pre-baby shower party. Just a heads up.

Your friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

I turned and looked at Twilight.

“I don’t recall mentioning anything like this to the Princess,” I said with a squint. "Earlier, when you said you could understand my sentiment..."

Twilight was tapping her fingers together. “I may have mentioned it during our lunch when I went to talk with Luna,” she said nervously. “I didn’t think she’d launch into a full-fledged research project.”

I leveled a look at her.

“Twilight,” I said. “If someone asked that to you, you’d at least Google it. It’s like waving a red flag at a bull.”

“That is a misrepresentation,” she said immediately. “Bulls charge at the motion, not the color. In fact, most cattle are colorblind to red, due to the way their retina…”

I stood and kissed her, stopping the litany of information.

“It’s ok, Sunshine,” I said, feeling the little skip of her heart through the bond. “I’m willing to listen. But, first,” I started leading her toward the kitchen.

“Your princess is feeling like something sweet to go with dinner, and I shall be most displeased if we don’t produce something soon.”

She grinned. “As Her Royal Highness decrees,” she quipped.

I grinned as she stepped into my trap perfectly.

“Technically, only Celestia and Luna are privy to the title Her Royal Highness,” I said, mimicking her lecture tone. “I would likely be equal to Princess Twilight, and we’d be addressed as Her Serene Highness in matters of state where our titles would be used.”

“Oh?" she said, laughing as she saw the trap. “And what about the Princess Cadence?”

“Technically, she’s the Empress of the Crystal Empire now,” I mused “But prior to that she was referred to as the Her Regal Highness if I remember my court decorum correctly.”

“Interesting,” she said. “So there is a political hierarchy to Equestrian royalty.”

I shook my head as I recognized her research mode firing up.

“Twi?” I asked. “Dinner first, research later.”

“Right, right,” she said.

Just another night in Castle Shimmer.

Comments ( 11 )

Castle Shimmer? :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh:

Great, great job, as usual. I really like Twilight's little info dump! It is so her, just as Sunset observed Princess Twi's immediate investigation is her nature as well. I also like how they're treating the fact that Sunset is now an official Equestrian Princess as more of a joking matter between themselves. After all, I really can't see Prince Phillip calling Queen Elizabeth "Majesty" in private. :raritywink:

Eagerly awaiting the next one! :twilightsmile:

After the experiences they had in Chaos Theory, it is very nice to see Sunset and Twilight in the process of healing and settling down again. :twilightsmile:

Excellent as always! I do so enjoy seeing these two develop, and getting a bit of worldbuilding exposition is a nice treat too. :twilightsmile:

Daw, such a sweet vignette!

Another wonderful addition to Homecoming. I love these little glimpses into our favorite heroines lives.

“You can’t have Twilight without a Sunset.”

D'awww, that's so adorable. :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::heart:

“You can’t have Twilight without a Sunset.”

That's so sweet, I think I'm going to get cavities from it.:pinkiehappy:

Oh, nice and fluffy, perfect.

On the Homecoming Timeline it says that this story is four weeks after Chaos Theory, but this description says two weeks.

I’m adjusting things. When in doubt follow the timeline.

Did I miss a story when did Sunshine talk to twilight about her and Sunset having kids.

Now, note that I have absolutely NO idea about the other effects that an embryo consisting of Equestrian and Human DNA might have, but as near as I can hypothesize, Sunset’s DNA is sufficiently close enough to human that no serious complications should arise.

That's a shocker.

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